Can 10.2 and 10.3 coexist?

in macOS edited January 2014
My main purpose is to test the different versions of Safari.

I have snow white iMac w/10.2 Safari 1.0. I just get a 10.3, but not install yet.

As my understanding, Safari 1.2 can only works with 10.3. Since I only have one Mac at this moment, I would like to keep both Safari 1.0 and Safari 1.2. I suppose if 10.2 and 10.3 are coexist, I can keep two different versions of safari. Is this posibile?


  • Reply 1 of 6
    mactechmactech Posts: 31member

    Originally posted by ccapeng

    My main purpose is to test the different versions of Safari.

    I have snow white iMac w/10.2 Safari 1.0. I just get a 10.3, but not install yet.

    As my understanding, Safari 1.2 can only works with 10.3. Since I only have one Mac at this moment, I would like to keep both Safari 1.0 and Safari 1.2. I suppose if 10.2 and 10.3 are coexist, I can keep two different versions of safari. Is this posibile?

    The only way you can properly test this is to use another drive to install 10.3 on to. If you only have one drive with one partition, you cannot test Safari correctly. Safari 1.0 will run on Panther, but 1.2 will not run on 10.2.

    If you plan on updating 10.2 to 10.3, rename Safari, otherwise it will be replaced with the newer one designed for 10.3
  • Reply 2 of 6
    dfryerdfryer Posts: 140member
    10.2 and 10.3 need to be installed on separate partitions in order to operate correctly; as long as this is done I don't see how you would have too many problems. (Assuming separate locations for user folders etc.)
  • Reply 3 of 6
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    That last bit about user folders is important.

    Your address book, email, etc, will be update by 10.3's version of the apps so that they very well may not work with the 10.2 versions anymore. It's a one-way trip.

    So keep that data separate, install 10.3 on another drive, and make all new user folders for testing purposes only.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by ccapeng

    ... I would like to keep both Safari 1.0 and Safari 1.2. I suppose if 10.2 and 10.3 are coexist, I can keep two different versions of safari. Is this posibile?

    I do not have any clue why this is an issue for you?

    Since panther works so smooth on this particular snow box, get rid of 10.2.

    my 2c
  • Reply 5 of 6
    mactechmactech Posts: 31member

    Originally posted by Vox Barbara

    I do not have any clue why this is an issue for you?

    Since panther works so smooth on this particular snow box, get rid of 10.2.

    my 2c

    Maybe they are a web designer or something requiring interoperability with both versions of Safari.

    As a software developer, I have 10.1, 10.2 & 10.3 as testing platforms. Fortunately so far my app works in 10.4, so I don't need to do some of the work that 10.2 required.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    kirklandkirkland Posts: 594member
    My suggestion would be to intall 10.3, and download OmniWeb 5 from It's core rendering engine is WebCore v85, the same as Safari 1.0.x. That's what I use to confirm functionality in both versions of Safari.

    However, I find that there are rarely major differences. And Safari is a neglible amount of the Web's traffic. In general, if you check to Mozilla Firefox and MS IE 6, you're covered for about 99% of web users.
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