REALISTIC suggestions for new iMac 2004



  • Reply 241 of 287
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by MacsRGood4U

    Word on the grapevine (red flame seedless are my favorites) is that the new iMac is very "simple" looking and takes cues from the PowerMac. Seems to be a given that it will. I think the G5 chip will not be 2 GHZ however. Maybe two offerings... 1.6 and 1.8. 17" and 20" wide-screen LCDs. Price will not be $999. $1099 and $1299. $999 would come in second generation perhaps in the middle of next year. As stated no elements from the current iMac will be used, just as the G5 took no elements from the design of the G4 PowerMac. But, hell, I don't really know... just guessing based on some articles and Apple's previous inclination to have higher prices at the start and not to repeat design cues. A leak will certainly appear the night before the unveiling as it always has...... except for the original Bondi Blue iMac which was the best-kept secret Apple ever had (other then possibly SJ's cancer operation).

    as i 1.6. not when a big problem with the iMac is MHz...that is...the lack of it. 1.8 minimum but expect 2.

    if Apple can do 1099 they can get to 999.....and they have said several time they want 999 and that is the pricepoint people want. expect something at 999.

    i also wouldnt be surprised to see colors....the iPod mini proves colors sell.

    also, design.....the imac does have some good'd be stupid to ignore em just to make a completely new design. Apple is known for evolving but keeping the best elements (with the exception of the swinging side door of the B/W G3 and G4 towers.
  • Reply 242 of 287
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by applenut

    actually....we know

    1.) A G5 processor based on 90nm. Hence the delay. Expect 2GHz since that's the lowest 90nm G5 Apple has been using. Possibly 1.8GHz but rule out anything lower

    2.) Pricepoint of $999. Several times they have stated this is where they need to be to be competitive. Don't expect them to miss that.

    3.) Possible inclusion of LCD....I don't think it'd be an imac without an integrated display.

    So.....2GHz G5, probably 17 inch LCD, $999.

    Looking at the iMac of today I'd predict this

    2GHz G5

    17 inch LCD

    80GB HD

    256 MB RAM

    4X Superdrive

    Geforce FX 5200 with 64MB VRAM


    20 inch available for $1299

    Won't even come close to happening at 999 with a 17". Think about what you just said...

    17" display... 500 or more with apple's displays

    2ghz g5 at least 300-400... I would hope more unless apple is making more

    5200 about 50

    256mb about 50

    4x superdrive about 70

    motherboard... who knows until we see a design

    80gb hd... 50

    Where is the profit?

    If this was a g4 I could see a 999 price point with a 17"... I expect 1299 at least for a 17"...

    They would be cutting down 700 dollars going from g4->g5... on the 17" model... no way you can convince me it is the metal arm, case, and mobo that cost the extra 700 dollars.

    Btw I agree with your color statement. Also i agree that apple won't have anything less than 1.8ghz on the iMac... for a while I was thinking 1.6ghz with the 130nm chips... but if it is going to be in a compact case 130nm won't cut it.
  • Reply 243 of 287
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    As I said the G5 is completely different in form factor from the G4. The LCD iMac was a completely different form factor then the CRT, even though there was speculation that the only basic change would be an LCD screen... heck SJ even went over that speculation when he introduced it. No, the new model will be completely different I believe. No incremental changes when the previous model didn't have the appeal of the original. Although it should be mentioned that the original Bondi Blue iMac was not a big seller. It wasn't until the color models (and slightly revamped shape) came out that the iMac took off. And we know the rest of the story.... everything from pens to irons came in those colors. In regards to MHZ, that is highly overrated these days. Intel and AMD downplay that part of the equation. Only Mac fans seem to really care... some still have MHZ envy I'm afraid. For desktop use by Joe and Jane Sixpack, getting on the internet, making movies and downloading music and making CDs, word processing and budgeting daily life is the prime concern. For hardcore techies games are important I'd say. I don't play computer games. I rather get out into the real world after a day of working on my computer -- business, mostly and listen to my iPod while strolling down the street. $999 would be nice but if Apple couldn't do it with the current iMac, even a few years after the intro, what makes it possible to do it with a completely new computer. There are tremendous costs involved in designing new casings, new internals, new manufacturing techniques that Apple always seems to introduce. There's R&D expenses, shipping manufacturing, advertising, warehousing (well maybe not that since Apple doesn't seem to have anything on hand at any particular moment!), etc. The cost of computer is not just the cost of the individual parts. If it was, the iMac would sell for $700. Anywho, 3 weeks and everybody will be either amazed or start whining and complaining. The more things change the more they stay the same when it comes to the Apple "faithful". \
  • Reply 244 of 287
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Good points MacsRGood4U,

    I didn't think about all the other things.... I just thought about the immediate items...
  • Reply 245 of 287
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by emig647

    Won't even come close to happening at 999 with a 17". Think about what you just said...

    17" display... 500 or more with apple's displays

    2ghz g5 at least 300-400... I would hope more unless apple is making more

    5200 about 50

    256mb about 50

    4x superdrive about 70

    motherboard... who knows until we see a design

    80gb hd... 50

    Where is the profit?

    If this was a g4 I could see a 999 price point with a 17"... I expect 1299 at least for a 17"...

    They would be cutting down 700 dollars going from g4->g5... on the 17" model... no way you can convince me it is the metal arm, case, and mobo that cost the extra 700 dollars.

    Btw I agree with your color statement. Also i agree that apple won't have anything less than 1.8ghz on the iMac... for a while I was thinking 1.6ghz with the 130nm chips... but if it is going to be in a compact case 130nm won't cut it.

    2 most expensive components are the processor and the screen. the processor is the LOWEND of the G5 product line (90nm version at least). the 1.25Ghz G4 was the HIGH END of the G4 product line. I expect the cost of the G5 to either be equal or less at this point in time.

    the screen....the 17 inch is still based off a price from over a year ago. ive seen 17 inch LCDs retail for less than 500. Of course being widescreen and of a higher quality it might be a bit tighter but I don't think its impossible. And of course, I'm assuming the design of the machine itself is cheaper (either no arm or cheaper to produce version).

    of course it's all speculation and I admit that we very well may see a 15 inch again on the low end but I'm sticking to my prediction that a product at $999 will be released with specs close to what I said.
  • Reply 246 of 287
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    I can't be convinced that a 2ghz 90nm g5 is cheaper or the same price that a 1.25ghz g4 was a year ago. First off... 18 months ago the 1.42 g4 was top end... 1.25ghz g4 was over 2 years ago. Second... IBM is having major problems getting 90nm procs out the door in large quantities. That drives price up. I also can't be convinced that todays products are the same price as the g4 a year ago....

    Ram is more expensive...

    The motherboard will be WAY more expensive for the components on it vs. the components that were on it over a year ago. Perhaps they can shave some $$$ signs off by having a better designed mobo and not a round one... obviously that costs more. One thing they do have going for them is no l3 cache.

    Before when I asked if anyone had any info on the rumor of apple not purchasing any more 15" screens.... I meant standalone lcds.... not the 15.4's that go in the powerbooks. I could be wrong but I think the 17" will be bottom line in the iMacs... if rumors from earlier this year are true.

    Either way we will all see in 3 weeks :P
  • Reply 247 of 287
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Originally posted by emig647

    I can't be convinced that a 2ghz 90nm g5 is cheaper or the same price that a 1.25ghz g4 was a year ago. First off... 18 months ago the 1.42 g4 was top end... 1.25ghz g4 was over 2 years ago. Second... IBM is having major problems getting 90nm procs out the door in large quantities. That drives price up. I also can't be convinced that todays products are the same price as the g4 a year ago....

    1.25 is near the top end for the 7447, which is much lower wattage than the XPC7455A that got cranked all the way up to 1.42GHz. So applenut is right here. Motorola just came back up to the ~1.5GHz range with a CPU that could run at that speed without sucking down power.

    IBM's had some yield issues, true. Motorola's yield issues are the stuff of legend, and they won't go away until the CPUs are coming out of Crolles 2... which is a 90nm fab.

    The G4 in the current Macs is not a year old; the 7447 is Motorola's latest and greatest, released this spring. It's a physically larger processor (fewer chips per wafer) fabbed on a smaller wafer (200mmm vs. IBM's 300mm, so fewer chips per wafer) and a larger process (130nm vs. 90nm, so... fewer chips per wafer). The odds that it's cheaper than the 970fx are slim indeed. Motorola would have to be enjoying tremendously higher yields than IBM, and it's very hard to even speculate on that possibility with a straight face, even given IBM's difficulties. Motorola spent years longer than anyone else did trying to get anything out of 130nm. The 7447 was delayed by nearly an entire year. It wasn't pretty.

    Last I heard, the kind of 7447A Apple uses was available for $150 or so apiece in lots of 10,000. You can believe that Apple gets a better price than that.


    The motherboard will be WAY more expensive for the components on it vs. the components that were on it over a year ago. Perhaps they can shave some $$$ signs off by having a better designed mobo and not a round one... obviously that costs more. One thing they do have going for them is no l3 cache.

    There's no guarantee of this. HyperTransport is cheap to implement; that's a design goal. If the board is highly integrated and rectangular, it should be cheaper. If it's large enough to not have to be double-sided, it'll be significantly cheaper. If Apple can avoid using SO-DIMMs at all, again that lowers the price (Apple isn't paying anything like retail prices for their stock RAM, BTW). One advantage of the limited BTO options that the iMac usually represents: Apple can lock in tremendous, long-term supplies of parts, and reap considerable savings and price protection in the process. By price protection I mean that they can negotiate a price for, say, RAM, and then that's what they pay for six months or a year or so regardless of where the market goes. Integration lowers cost. Consistency lowers cost.


    Before when I asked if anyone had any info on the rumor of apple not purchasing any more 15" screens.... I meant standalone lcds.... not the 15.4's that go in the powerbooks. I could be wrong but I think the 17" will be bottom line in the iMacs... if rumors from earlier this year are true.

    While I wouldn't be shocked to see an iMac start with the PowerBook's 15" LCD, I would fully expect Apple to meet or beat the $999 price out of the gate in that case. That LCD is a nonstandard size, and therefore it's probably exempt from the inflated pricing of commodity 15" LCDs. I'm quietly hoping that Apple goes with a 17" at the low end, and still hits $999. If they simplify, simplify, simplify they can do it.
  • Reply 248 of 287
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Thank you Amorph.

    Just remember all that in a year or so when you argue that the iMac can't be any cheaper, or when some fool argues that being an AIO makes the iMac more costly than the average PC.

    Let's stick to the now, or soon to be.

    999 -- 17" LCD iMac, entirely doable

    I would expect a 15.2/15.4" iMac to be on offer for 799 and totally remove the eMac from the consumer line-up. It could survive for edu -- because it is offered at nice prices to large edu buyers.

    I would be interested in the I/O of the new iMac.

    The USB2 and FW400 will be standard, of course. Will wireless -- BT and AE -- be standard or options? And, will FW800 make an appearance? I ask because my feeling is that we'll be getting a preview of the Powerbook G5 (the curreny G4 already features FW800); inclusion in the iMac ought to cost no more than the price of a connector, it'll probably be on the chipset which is likely to be shared.
  • Reply 249 of 287
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    when I said ram is expensive I meant, ddr 2700 or ddr 3200 is more expensive than pc133 or pc2100.

    I didn't mean apple pays retail for ram.. Of course they don't.

    When I mentioned the motherboard on current designs being round.... I meant that to be a disadvantage for the g4 costs... and an advantage towards the new iMac of being cheaper.

    Apple would have to do some serious corner cutting to get a 17" down to the 999 price ranger... I just don't see it happening. I know apple doesn't have the balls to pull a microsoft and make the price lower than what it is costing them... and I mean all expenses.

    Personally I'll be completely shocked if it makes it lower than 1199... I'm actually expecting a 1299 with a 17"... but we'll see. Apple could do anything at this point... even put in a 130nm 1.6ghz g5 in the low end if they can get the heat low enough.

    At this point its all speculation... we will have to wait and see what happens.
  • Reply 250 of 287
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member

    Could this be? Nah. Would be too expensive to manufacture... or would it?
  • Reply 251 of 287
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    Originally posted by MacsRGood4U

    Could this be? Nah. Would be too expensive to manufacture... or would it?

    That looks interesting, but not simple.
  • Reply 252 of 287
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member
    I think a big point people are missing is that Emac and iMac need replacing and Apple has no consumer/business towers to sell folks with those xserves. iam expecting 2 new products from Apple but am not expecting to see a $999 imac. anyone who does will be dissapointed but iam expecting a new imac at the same price except this time iMac will have performance thanks to a G5 and better video system. Apple has never made cheap anything so why should they now? no way are you going to see a G5 and 17" screen from apple for $999 it just isnt going to happen.
  • Reply 253 of 287
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member

    Originally posted by Aurora

    I think a big point people are missing is that Emac and iMac need replacing and Apple has no consumer/business towers to sell folks with those xserves. iam expecting 2 new products from Apple but am not expecting to see a $999 imac. anyone who does will be dissapointed but iam expecting a new imac at the same price except this time iMac will have performance thanks to a G5 and better video system. Apple has never made cheap anything so why should they now? no way are you going to see a G5 and 17" screen from apple for $999 it just isnt going to happen.

    I'm not so sure every business really needs towers. When IT does a refresh at my work they replace the entire system every time. It is done on a 2 year cycle. AIOs would be excellent here and, judging from the size of this Dell piece of furniture on my desk, would be most welcome. This assumes that my work would even consider an Apple solution (which the sad pricks would never do ).
  • Reply 254 of 287
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Reality Check.

    1000 US Dollars is no longer considered a "cheap" home/business computer.

    It's a nice price point, 999. A psychological barrier, not "4" digits, just low enough that people considering cheaper stuff will want to buy it, just pricey enough that a company putting together a product can make a reasonable profit.

    HDD's are dirt cheap, so is RAM. LCD's, GPU, and CPU are all falling, all the time. If Apple follows the mantra of simplify, simplify, simplify then we will all be able to sit in front of a 17" iMac for 999.

    Personally, I hate the eMac, for no other reason than that awful CRT -- and they are all awful. I wouldn't ever buy one, not for me, not for my kids, not for my schools. Just because we seared our retinas in front of CRT's for most of our lives does not mean that we should continue to do so or that our children should suffer the same fate. A Dell with an LCD bests any Mac with a CRT from a health an safety perspective.

    I rather see a 15.2" LCD iMac for 799 and banish the eMac fromthe consumer space altogether.
  • Reply 255 of 287
    cubistcubist Posts: 954member
    The current iMac is $1299 at 15" and $1799 for 17". They are not going to drop these prices by $500 and $800 respectively when they bring out the G5 model. Come on, this thread is supposed to be "REALISTIC suggestions".

    Let's face it, they have a lot of R&D costs to recoup. My guess is that the prices will stay the same, but there will be a 15" model. Down the road (say, after the first of the year) they will drop both models $200.

    As for the eMac... it'll get a 1.5GHz G4 and better graphics, and remain in the lineup for another year.
  • Reply 256 of 287
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member

    Originally posted by cubist

    The current iMac is $1299 at 15" and $1799 for 17". They are not going to drop these prices by $500 and $800 respectively when they bring out the G5 model. Come on, this thread is supposed to be "REALISTIC suggestions"......

    Touche'. This logic is hard to dispute. I don't expect it to happen, but my personal opinion is,"to reach the $999 price point, or below, Apple would have to sell a monitorless mini tower." But then again what the heck do I know.
  • Reply 257 of 287
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Originally posted by emig647

    when I said ram is expensive I meant, ddr 2700 or ddr 3200 is more expensive than pc133 or pc2100.

    Not inevitably, and not significantly. SDR RAM has cost more than DDR RAM at points. I'd consider this a wash.


    When I mentioned the motherboard on current designs being round.... I meant that to be a disadvantage for the g4 costs... and an advantage towards the new iMac of being cheaper.

    Yes, and your meaning got across. I just clarified how it would be cheaper.


    Apple would have to do some serious corner cutting to get a 17" down to the 999 price ranger... I just don't see it happening. I know apple doesn't have the balls to pull a microsoft and make the price lower than what it is costing them... and I mean all expenses.

    They won't make the iMac a loss leader. They'd lose their shirts. I think they can get there, though. They might try a $100 premium out of the gate, lowering to $999 in six months, but since that backfired on them last time, maybe they won't.

    The iMac 2 is an expensive beast to make. I'll bet that a minimalist iMac with a simple, rectangular, one-sided board and a stamped aluminum case could shave a lot off the cost of the machine.

    As for the price of the 17" iMac currently, I'm not concerned. I'll bet that a lot of that is profit margin. At any rate, Apple is fond of repurposing the top of the line as the new bottom of the line (with a few features shaved off, granted), so clearly larges changes in price are possible for them.


    Personally I'll be completely shocked if it makes it lower than 1199... I'm actually expecting a 1299 with a 17"... but we'll see. Apple could do anything at this point... even put in a 130nm 1.6ghz g5 in the low end if they can get the heat low enough.

    There are a lot of variables that we aren't considering (because they're hard to consider in the abstract), like whether the design is as engaging as the jellybean iMac's was. Things like that can matter more in the consumer sector than whether the CPU is a 130nm 1.6GHz G5 or a 90nm 1.8GHz G5.


    At this point its all speculation... we will have to wait and see what happens.

    In the mean time, speculation is fun.
  • Reply 258 of 287
    you think it would more cost affective to release a dual core G4/G5 imac
  • Reply 259 of 287
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    MacsRGood4U: That AIO would only be expensive if the boards inside were that funky shape. If everything was rectangular and similar to the future G5 Powerbook, then it might not be expensive. I like that armature, btw.

    cubist's "reality check" is pretty sobering, but only if Apple feels no need to change its consumer end business model. I'm hoping that the iPod phenom has gotten Apple to think more outside the box than just shapes and sizes and concentrate on real form/functions. The lcd iMac has grown on me and I see the elegance of its design - simple function "forcing" simple design. However as I've speculated, if the consumer Mac is going to be a digital hub, it won't really be effective to be so simple independent of periferals. It will continue to evolve into a base station for iPods and cameras and video (TV or whatever). So IF that is its function, then its form will have to be something like an elegant accessory for these devices, that also happens to be a great, enjoyable computer when needed - a giant docking station that looks cool! The internet, music and photos are not really computational activities to most people - at least Apple doesn't want them to think so .... so the consumer iMac shouldn't look like a computational device. The sunflower lcd iMac did some of that, but it didn't function that much different than any other computer, except for the great ergonomics of the display arm. So it couldn't get over the price point and "strange, lamp stand" impression to sell well.

    So I hope this new iMac really looks like a hub device, like the Swiss Army knife for the digital lifestyle, but keeps the armature. That unfortunately would not be necessarily cheap though. Thus I also hope for the elusive consumer/business minitower....Apple has done it before.

    Yeah, it is fantasy, but I like speculation of what SHOULD happen alot more than mere speculation of what WILL happen.

    And the debate continues, which does Matsu hate more, the eMac crt or kormac threads?
  • Reply 260 of 287
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I know for a fact that Kormac is in fact a robotic head made out of an eMac CRT.
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