TS reports on new imac specs



  • Reply 541 of 697

    Originally posted by bborofka

    Why are we comparing Macs to Gamecubes?

    I don't even know anymore.

    Wait, to show that the Mac is not a downtrodden and dead-end platform.
  • Reply 542 of 697

    Originally posted by NittanyLionTosh

    Apple has a loyal user base, but you know that already. Apple's market share is not growing very much..

    The problem is that Apple's marketshare isn't growing, at best it's stagnating.

    They do look at those numbers if they wish to sell additional copies down the road. They will look at the fact that a few years ago Apple had 5% marketshare and that now they have 3% and then what ignore it?

    No, they might develop software for Macs if they can make a profit in the short term. However unless they themselves are Macheads they will deduce that what is now 3% will be 1-2% a few more years down the road, and therefore not worth a longterm investment. (ie if it's going to take a while to recoup development costs and make a profit.)

    This isn't about developers that have already spent the time and money to develop software for us, although at what point will they feel the need to pull out? At 2%? Maybe 1% or less. Choice is what I'm talking about here though and I'm seeing less and less even though OSX (on the software side) and LCD iMacs (on the hardware side) were supposed to give us more choice.

    Where do you get this mythical 30 mil? Apple is only claiming at best 25 mil and do you know what? That's the same as it was 3 years ago. Marketshare is declining and installed base doesn't seem to be growing, so why should Apple put out another lemon iMac? No offense meant to Lemon Bon Bon btw.

    I merely want to see Apple grow not rot on the tree slowly, and therefore will not defend what is (assuming those specs are real) an obvious mistake on their part.
  • Reply 543 of 697
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member

    That's kinda how I'm looking at it. Sure, Apple may be selling 3-4Million computers a year, but how many of those sales are not to pre-existing Apple owners?

    Supposedly this is happening in the Apple stores. Apple says 40-50% of purchasers didn't own a Mac beforehand. This sounds good until you realize what a small sliver of overall Mac sales happen at the Apple stores. Heck, almost 1/2 of sales are from outside the US, so the Apple stores only have a sliver of 60% of Apple hardware sales.

    What's it going to take to get new users to the Apple platform? This is the question Apple needs to answer, and they need to do it quickly, before more software developers bail on OS X.
  • Reply 544 of 697
    rolandgrolandg Posts: 632member

    Originally posted by PBG4 Dude

    What's it going to take to get new users to the Apple platform? This is the question Apple needs to answer, and they need to do it quickly, before more software developers bail on OS X.

    And what do you think Apple can/should do to attract more people to the Mac-platform?
  • Reply 545 of 697
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member

    Originally posted by RolandG

    And what do you think Apple can/should do to attract more people to the Mac-platform?

    Personally I think they should put out $1200 headless upgradeable single-processor G5 systems. Doesn't have to be super fancy, but allow a PCI slot (for the odd person who wants to stick an M-Audio or some other audio card into the box) and give us an AGP/PCI-e slot for video upgradeability.

    The point here isn't so much whether or not the user will upgrade over the life of the box. but whether or not the user CAN upgrade if they feel like it. People I've talked to have rejected Apple on this premise alone. Now, granted I'm a CS graduate so I'm talking to other CS people. But, these people are interested in Apple computers, they dig OS X from both user and hacker (in the good sense) perspectives. The main thing holding them back is that they can't get into the box if they want to add new parts.

    Everyone can argue 'til they're blue in the face over whether or not users need to upgrade or what have you. The point is, many users want the option to expand in the future. There have been too many instances in the computing world where new technologies or technological advancements happened in a very short timeframe.

    Remember when nVidia and 3dfx were new companies? When accelerated 3d burst onto the scene? PC users had no problem sticking a video card into a PCI slot and moving into the 3d accelerated world. How would you do that with a Mac?

    What if you want to add an audio I/O card? You know that new program Apple put out this year called GarageBand? What if people like me try this program out. We dig it, it's cool, we can record ourselves. Now we want to get 4 or 5 people in one room and record. With GarageBand we have a couple options:

    1. Everyone play into one microphone.

    2. Get a mixer, run everyone into the mixer, then record into GarageBand.

    I say to myself, this isn't good enough. I want to record all 5 of us as separate tracks so we can edit each track individually. This will take some upgrades, such as:

    1. Logic Express. Cost $299 but at this price level it's probably the best idea.

    2. PCI Audio I/O card. If I want 4 or 5 discrete inputs, the cheapest solution will be a PCI card + breakout box setup. Costs can be anywhere from $300 and up.

    3. Get an Edirol Firewire I/O box. Great idea, but, these things start at $795.

    For the price of Apple providing a PCI slot, I've just saved hundreds of dollars. If I wanted a mobile recording solution, I'd get a Firewire interface, but the lack of a PCI slot in Apple's "consumer" iMac prohibits me from buying a cost effective solution for "consumer" use.

    On the PC side, I'd be downloading free multi-track software, and buying a PCI slot solution because it's the most cost effective.

    I don't think I'm asking for too much from Apple by requesting an upgradeable single G5 computer. I'm ready to buy one and if Apple released one, I'd be one of the first people in line to get one. I think I could bring it to work, show it off to my co-workers and convince some of them to buy one. But, if Apple releases the iMac3 with soldered on monitor and closed box, I'm not going to be able to convice anyone I work with that they are a good deal. It's that simple. Give me a headless single processor G5 Apple!
  • Reply 546 of 697
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member
    Apples consumer line is not about the consumer, its about ego's and Apples art Dept making what they want. This is why consumers have fled from apples lame consumer offerings. They are not making what we want. sales prove this.
  • Reply 547 of 697
    How hard is it to make a cheaper single G5 box for the consumer?

    Offer a single 2 gig G5 PowerMac for £995.

    That would be a huge start.

    Offer a 1.6 and 1.8 gig G5 white boxes for £695-895.

    That would do.

    Allow a commodity and graphic card market to develop.

    Yeesh. It's already there. Apple only needs to provide a framework.

    Apple could sell a white box with motherboard and cpu barebones and let the user configure the rest of the system themselves.

    I'm sure there are plenty of PC unix, linux and windows users on the dark site who'd give the Mac Os X a roll of the dice if said affordable option was open to them.

    It's about choice. ie can we have some please..?

    It doesn't rule out the iMac g5 all in one. It is another option for those who do not want a soldered on monitor.

    I think that said market is much bigger than 100,000K units the iMac 2 was selling at give or take the odd 20 K.

    It's bemusing.

    Surely Apple could sell even more towers to education and pros if they offered PowerMacs that were cheaper.

    What's that? Single cpu versions? Hundred or so less for lack of dual cpu.

    So you have £895 for a 1.8 gig G5

    £995 for a 2 gig.

    £1195 for 2.5 gig.

    How hard is that? How expensive is that enclosure anyhow? Use white plastic for a consumer tower if they must...

    Apple's 1,2,3 approach is nice and simple but far too limiting at times.

    Witness the lack of 17 inch alu LCD display which would be really nice. Apple? Offers the dated acrylic version for the same whopping over price.

    Look at Samsung. Offering better design on 17 inch and over with better specs than Apple's 17 inch acrylic.

    Yeesh. Looking at some of the things in Apple's locker in a wider context leave you shaking your head in disbelief.

    Apple doesn't have to be the wallmart price target.

    But offer a goddamn choice of two or three graphic cards for your top end consumer machine when it's near to £2000 in price.

    Offer a few single G5 tower versions close to the grand mark.

    Put a box out that a consumer can configure. Apple can still sell it at the store.

    How risky would it be to have a stylish, cheap white plastic ibook style box case with choice of cpu shipped, gpu...ram...hard drive...Apple can be their 'own PC mart'. Apple would still pass on the cost to the consumer.

    Yeesh. They're making X-Serves and mp3 players. There's no reason to suggest Apple couldn't turn their hand to offer consumers a little more choice.

    I'm confident that the gaming and enthusiast and linux and unix PC market is much bigger than the eMac/iMac 2 market.

    I can't believe Apple isn't offering something to those 95%.

    And they wonder why iMac 2 sales were crap.


    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 548 of 697

    Apples consumer line is not about the consumer, its about ego's and Apples art Dept making what they want. This is why consumers have fled from apples lame consumer offerings. They are not making what we want. sales prove this.


    The 'ego' approach might work with iPod and iTunes.

    But it didn't work with the Mac. It cost the Mac and Apple big time.

    I'd have kept the Power Computing brand and offering 'configure to order'. White Apple box. Apple certified. Job done.

    Choice. For the markets Apple is not covering.

    Apple just aren't creative enough with the options a 5 billion company has.

    An AIO from 545 to £2000 but non-AIO from £1400-£2200 is madness.

    It's this disparity that is punishing consumer sales...and overall desktop Apple sales.

    How Apple don't see this I don't know. Who wants to buy an iMac 2 that is crippled by a superior value for money but ugly eMac? Ugly or not? The eMac won...and won...and won...and won...yet price doesn't matter, does it?

    No...wink, wink...it doesn't...does it...drones voice...choice doesn't matter, doesn't it...? Drone...drone...drone...AIO...lack of choice...lame graphics cards on £2000 computers....a-wooomm....a-woom...

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 549 of 697
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by Aurora

    Apples consumer line is not about the consumer, its about ego's and Apples art Dept making what they want. This is why consumers have fled from apples lame consumer offerings. They are not making what we want. sales prove this.

    Gasp! You're right! What ever am I to do, oh, swami? Save me from this pergatory I so wallow in!

    Some of us have been around the block enough to find only humor in these kinds of posts. I hope it's fun for you too.

    There are actually three reasons someone posts this sort of thing:

    1. It makes the person feel better about him or herself... somehow. Don't ask me how.

    2. The person is earnestly trying to convince people of their point of view, although he or she lacks talents of persuasion.

    3. It's an elaborate experiment for an undergrad psychology course and involves posting under various alter-egos, this being one of them. (Ihis last one is more commonly known as Da TrUth TRaiN.)

  • Reply 550 of 697
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member
    I thought that was Mad_TOOl doing the thesis. I did like his TRuTh TrAIn drawings though!
  • Reply 551 of 697
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    Check out the USA today story today, about how the iPod is really helping to open college-bound students up to Apple's laptop offerings. A college student is important to get to use the platform, because once they graduate and get a job, they will buy a computer, and probably the same kind as the one they used in college.
  • Reply 552 of 697
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    Check out the USA today story today, about how the iPod is really helping to open college-bound students up to Apple's laptop offerings. A college student is important to get to use the platform, because once they graduate and get a job, they will buy a computer, and probably the same kind as the one they used in college.

    Give me a break, a poor spec computer is a poor spec computer. Any student with half a mind will look and see that the othersides laptops are offering-video cards not soldered on stuff. The same student will research and find that while apple is using a 5 year old G3+altivec the otherside is using all kinds of stuff the fastest G5 would have a hard time matching. I wont even mention the gaming aspect and how sad it is on the Mac platform. So lets see i have a nice new ipod and iam going to run out and buy a G4 based laptop or lame imac? a few might but thats all.
  • Reply 553 of 697
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by Aurora

    Give me a break, a poor spec computer is a poor spec computer. Any student with half a mind will look and see that the othersides laptops are offering-video cards not soldered on stuff. The same student will research and find that while apple is using a 5 year old G3+altivec the otherside is using all kinds of stuff the fastest G5 would have a hard time matching. I wont even mention the gaming aspect and how sad it is on the Mac platform. So lets see i have a nice new ipod and iam going to run out and buy a G4 based laptop or lame imac? a few might but thats all.

    Any student with half a mind would realize that hardware specs aren't everything.
  • Reply 554 of 697
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by Aurora

    Give me a break, a poor spec computer is a poor spec computer. Any student with half a mind will look and see that the othersides laptops are offering-video cards not soldered on stuff. The same student will research and find that while apple is using a 5 year old G3+altivec the otherside is using all kinds of stuff the fastest G5 would have a hard time matching. I wont even mention the gaming aspect and how sad it is on the Mac platform. So lets see i have a nice new ipod and iam going to run out and buy a G4 based laptop or lame imac? a few might but thats all.

    No offense but isn't that the same as the Pentium II, III, III+HT theory. And what about Win95+NTFS+{lackof}security=WinXP?

    Sorry, I just can't find any hard differences between the two.

    Specs, shmecks, which one works for you? Go with that. Apple just has to impress upon people that Windows sucks for security, patching, robustness and application integrity. Really, they just have to show people Mac OS X and 95% of the argument goes away, now doesn't it. \
  • Reply 555 of 697
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by Aurora

    Give me a break, a poor spec computer is a poor spec computer. Any student with half a mind will look and see that the othersides laptops are offering-video cards not soldered on stuff. The same student will research and find that while apple is using a 5 year old G3+altivec the otherside is using all kinds of stuff the fastest G5 would have a hard time matching. I wont even mention the gaming aspect and how sad it is on the Mac platform. So lets see i have a nice new ipod and iam going to run out and buy a G4 based laptop or lame imac? a few might but thats all.

    you are absolutely right: walking with a Dell Precision on campus will increase your changes to get laid before you're graduated...

    those fashion victimised long legged good looking girls don't give a shit about looks and elegance all they care about is raw firepower.
  • Reply 556 of 697
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member

    Originally posted by Aurora

    Give me a break, a poor spec computer is a poor spec computer. Any student with half a mind will look and see that the othersides laptops are offering-video cards not soldered on stuff. The same student will research and find that while apple is using a 5 year old G3+altivec the otherside is using all kinds of stuff the fastest G5 would have a hard time matching. I wont even mention the gaming aspect and how sad it is on the Mac platform. So lets see i have a nice new ipod and iam going to run out and buy a G4 based laptop or lame imac? a few might but thats all.


    This is happening already. School computer stores are reporting as much as a 20% uptick in sales of iBooks and it's the iPod that's pulling kids in. 20% is not a small number.

    I looked at both laptops and I decided on a TiBook in 2001. I was a switcher before Apple started the switcher ads. Apple's laptop is much sleeker, has good battery life (the Pentium M has mitigated this factor on the PC sides), and has solidly reliable USB, Firewire, Ethernet & Wireless functionality. I'm so happy I had an Apple laptop when my campus turned on their wireless network. PC people have about 7 pages of instructions to crunch through while Apple users have 1/2 a page.

    I could go on and on, but it boils down to this, Apple's laptops are more than the sum of their parts. PCs aren't, and for the most part this boils down to the OS in use.
  • Reply 557 of 697
    auroraaurora Posts: 1,142member
    Mac OS rules, thats a given. Mac hardware until the G5 powermac has been iffy at best when talking performance. There are actually some people that think about performance when purchasing a new machine. Since this is a imac thread lets talk imacs not powerbooks. ipods have been out for awhile now and they didnt do much to increase imac sales did they? why? Price vs performance&lack of expansion is why.
  • Reply 558 of 697
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member
    The new iMac is not going to be last year's computer at $999, it's going to be next year's computer at $1299. I'll take that 1.6 or 1.8 GHz G5 and run, you guys can whine about BS expansion and graphics card speed, frames per second and photoshop mili-seconds, all while I'm using my computer and doing real work.

    Video editing will be a dream on a G5 with a 17'' high res LCD display.
  • Reply 559 of 697
    ibook911ibook911 Posts: 607member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    The new iMac is not going to be last year's computer at $999, it's going to be next year's computer at $1299. I'll take that 1.6 or 1.8 GHz G5 and run, you guys can whine about BS expansion and graphics card speed, frames per second and photoshop mili-seconds, all while I'm using my computer and doing real work.

    Video editing will be a dream on a G5 with a 17'' high res LCD display.

    I agree. I'd love the new imac.
  • Reply 560 of 697
    zapchudzapchud Posts: 844member

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    The new iMac is not going to be last year's computer at $999, it's going to be next year's computer at $1299. I'll take that 1.6 or 1.8 GHz G5 and run, you guys can whine about BS expansion and graphics card speed, frames per second and photoshop mili-seconds, all while I'm using my computer and doing real work.

    What about us that's both doing real work, unpleasantly on underperforming Apple hardware, and "whine about BS expansion and graphics card speed, frames per second and photoshop mili-seconds", at the same time?

    Are we superior, or something else?

    The "I'm doing real work, while you're just bitching cluelessly" kind of "argument" is a nice way of showing that you're running out of gas. Not to specifically kick you in the ass, Messiahtosh, but I'm just fucking tired of that way of bitching, which IMO is much worse than the actual bitching about specs and stuff is in the first place.
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