Last Minute Predictions



  • Reply 81 of 131

    Originally posted by Placebo

    I'd personally like to see the Geforce 6800 to be confirmed as shipping by the end of September.

    Announcing Doom3 for Mac in partnership with Id would be nice, but no shit it's not going to happen.

    It really isn't worth the wait. Its a pretty game but pretty dull.

    Value announcing HL2 for Mac would be a nice.
  • Reply 82 of 131
    geobegeobe Posts: 235member
    My Predictions:

    1) G5 iMac

    2) 60 Gig Video iPod - Allow importing of iMovies onto iPod and plays on TV through Tv inputs.

    3) iSight 2

    4) Tiger updates and hopefully a new CONSUMER application making it worth buying. iChat Conference features aren't enough in my opinion.

    5) 250+ Wireless Network Hard Drive

    6) 2 New .Mac features - they will need something new and compelling for the upcoming renewal season.

    7) Xsan demonstration

    8) iMovie update with some low level Motion features.

    9) Phone/Answering Machine Software - This is a candidate for 1 of the new .Mac features/integration.
  • Reply 83 of 131

    Originally posted by Bancho

    I'm not a big fan of making videos on vacation. It gets in the way of actually enjoying the vacation .

    I know! Or taking pictures at DisneyWorld. You end up more concerned about not getting the camera wet on Splash Mountain than enjoying the trip. hehe

    I'm done trying to document vacations.
  • Reply 84 of 131
    rnskrnsk Posts: 35member
    I'd like people to post what they have NOW (computer/iPod/PDA/Whatever) when they post some of this crap.

    I'm willing to be that the folks pining for all of this Pie-In-The-Sky UooberKrap (Supersized iPods/Video Thingess/MagicFantasic Tablet-o-matic) have some of the *oldest*/low spec Apple products available

    Can you really take seriously the unrealistic stuff that gets posted/predicted(wished for, more like it) from someone thats pimpin' an iMacDV400, 1G iPod and a 1Megapixel HP camera?

    There is GOOD STUFF out there now just have to part with the ducats.

    My prediction is for:

    1. iMac G5 that no one here will like, but Apple will sell a lot of.

    2. A boring rehash of a non-existant version of MacOS X 10.4, made for keynote showoff...(unlike the crap Apple foisted on us dev's....grrr)

    3. some damned gadgety thing that I will buy and enjoy, and YOU will bellyache about cost/size/phase of the moon

    My crap:

    2x2Ghz G5 .5 Gig Ram 2 160GB drives 20" Cinema Display iPod 3G (ugh! stupid buttons) 20GB Silver iPod Mini and assorted other crap
  • Reply 85 of 131
    jpnjpn Posts: 1member
    I'm still waiting for some sort of useful implementation on the Inkwell technology that came out so many years ago. It'd be nice to see some sort of uber-portable computer with a touch sensitive screen; more than a palm or pocketpc, but not necessarily as much power as an iBook.
  • Reply 86 of 131
    spykerspyker Posts: 17member
    i think apple will unvail triple monitor support for professinals using dual graphics card technolgy. This would be useful for health care pros, as suggested that something around this area would be unvailed.

    check here
  • Reply 87 of 131

    Originally posted by RnSK

    I'd like people to post what they have NOW (computer/iPod/PDA/Whatever) when they post some of this crap.

    My crap:

    2x2Ghz G5 .5 Gig Ram 2 160GB drives 20" Cinema Display iPod 3G (ugh! stupid buttons) 20GB Silver iPod Mini and assorted other crap

    PowerBook G4, 1GHz, 512 RAM, 60 GB. iPod 3G (15 GB), 4.1 Megapixel canon camera

    I WANT A DAMN TABLET, DAMNIT. hehehe Hope you heard, me Steve-o.
  • Reply 88 of 131
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    I honestly didn't understand a word of this.

    OK , here a new version. I hope it will be more clear.

    There will be an annoucement at Apple Paris, and Apple already announced that a new Imac is on the way.

    Generally SJ is presenting the keynote, in case of big announcements. This year it's not the case, because of his pancreatic surgery, but it's not a reason why the presentation of the new Imac will be delayed. The new Imac was scheduled to be announced and shipped two months ago. Unluckily the lack of some componements (certainly the PPC 970 fx) did not allow it. Now it's urgent for Apple to announce it. Some others big guy of Apple like Phil Schiller will do the keynote. Afterall phil is the dolphin of Steve Jobs (dolphin was the name given to the prince who will take the throne after the king death) and it's time for him to be under the spotlights.

    When you discover that you have a cancer (and even if you have the best chances to be cured), you are becoming aware, that you will not be here forever, and that you have to prepare the future.

    edit : replace the word dolphin by Dauphin. In french dauphin is the word dolphin. The dauphin use to live in the dauphine (Grenoble aera, and a small town namend Crolles), and was represented by a dolphin.

    Sorry for this confusion : sometimes there is no need to translate words
  • Reply 89 of 131
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    My guess:

    The iMac will have a optional detachable 17" & 20" LCD displays.

    This is the only possible way for Apple to hit the sweet spot of $1000. This would be a bare bones 1.6 GHZ G5 without a display. Even this is a stretch.

    $700 and $1000 extra for a 17" and 20" LCD displays respectively. Perhaps they will have a special connector which will make it work only with the iMac. Apple has a history of doing stuff like that. Or, it may just have no "legs" so it's either iMac or wall mountable only.

    I feel it in my bones...this is the future direction of the iMac.
  • Reply 90 of 131
    I think that Schiller may not be such a shoe-in for the passing of the torch, from Jobs to him. We'll see, but I just think by the time Jobs leaves, there ought to be a younger, experienced, and more charismatic and genuine candidate for Apple's top job.
  • Reply 91 of 131
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    When I returned home earlier today my new copy of MacUser (UK) was waiting for me. They have details of the new iMac, and the unusual thing is that their coverage of Paris is all written in the past tense.

    Either they know something we don't, or they're (uncharacteristically) sticking their necks out on this one...

  • Reply 92 of 131
    Hi guys,

    My prediction is about the same as I posted a few weeks ago.

    Purely based on Steve's hint at a half dome during the Spotlight demo during WWDC I think the iMac will feature a 17 and 20 inch LCD attached to a half-dome by a hinge similar to the one on the new displays. It will be aluminium and will be available in the same colours as the iPod mini.

    Using the latest in rendering technology I made the following illustrations:







    / \\

    / | <---- Cables go here



    | <---- hmmm adjustable display :-)




    / \\

    / |



    | |

    | |

    | |


    / ____ \\ <--- yep a slot loading optical drive

    |________| <---- with kind of hard to see speakers

    on each side.

    So there you go...

    If I'm right maybe I should go out and buy some better render software...



  • Reply 93 of 131
    So if you really have the details from MacUser, SPILL 'EM!


    Originally posted by Messiah

    When I returned home earlier today my new copy of MacUser (UK) was waiting for me. They have details of the new iMac, and the unusual thing is that their coverage of Paris is all written in the past tense.

    Either they know something we don't, or they're (uncharacteristically) sticking their necks out on this one...


  • Reply 94 of 131
    cougarcougar Posts: 55member
    I have a feeling all they are going to announce is 1.8 Ghz iMacs. Perhaps a new device that uses the new 60 GB hard drive, but I doubt it.
  • Reply 95 of 131

    Originally posted by Cougar

    I have a feeling all they are going to announce is 1.8 Ghz iMacs. Perhaps a new device that uses the new 60 GB hard drive, but I doubt it.

    Hmmm ... I hope you're wrong here. I've been reading about a 1.6 (education only), a 1.8 and a 2.0. Some of the reasoning given for the 2.0 is pretty persuasive as well; it has to do with the late release of the machine.

    Ah well, only 12 hours or so until we all know for sure!
  • Reply 96 of 131
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    There's nothing new on the MacUser UK site today. On Friday they posted the story abolut the iMac in the Paris lift and said "it has the air of authenticity"!!!!!! Tsk, tsk.
  • Reply 97 of 131
    Where is junkyard dawg when you need him?
  • Reply 98 of 131
    cougarcougar Posts: 55member

    Originally posted by bangstudios

    Hmmm ... I hope you're wrong here. I've been reading about a 1.6 (education only), a 1.8 and a 2.0. Some of the reasoning given for the 2.0 is pretty persuasive as well; it has to do with the late release of the machine.

    Ah well, only 12 hours or so until we all know for sure!

    I hope I am wrong, too. But ThinkSecret's specs seem very realistic, and when they do post specs they are just about always right. 1.8 will be an expected dissappointment, 2.0 will be a happy suprise!
  • Reply 99 of 131

    Originally posted by Cougar

    I hope I am wrong, too. But ThinkSecret's specs seem very realistic, and when they do post specs they are just about always right. 1.8 will be an expected dissappointment, 2.0 will be a happy suprise!

    Here's the specs posted on Applebuzz:

    Single G5 processors across the board, from 1.6 to 2.0 GHz

    17" or 20" integrated LCD displays

    80 or 160 GB hard drives. Only one internal HD

    Combo or SuperDrive (also only one internal optical drive)

    256 or 512MB RAM standard. Two RAM slots.

    geForce 5200 or ATI 9600XT graphics hardware

    A true all-in-one form factor. No more "sunflower"

    I also saw mention of a 2.0 GHz iMac on MOSR, so look at all of this with strong skepticism!
  • Reply 100 of 131
    rnskrnsk Posts: 35member

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    PowerBook G4, 1GHz, 512 RAM, 60 GB. iPod 3G (15 GB), 4.1 Megapixel canon camera

    I WANT A DAMN TABLET, DAMNIT. hehehe Hope you heard, me Steve-o.

    ENOUGH with the TABLET crap people. Tablet computers offer *nothing* greater than a !" or so thick laptop does, and LACK the one thing that would make a them useful: a freakin' keyboard.

    What's more, Apple, knowing this, knows also that they can bring *nothing* to the table to "improve" tablet "computing" but OS X...and even that won't help because...

    Tablet computing sucks. Its not MS's fault...its just...


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