Raspberry or Strawberry jelly?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I had a heated argument yesterday with a co-worker about the merits of said jam flavors. I'm on the raspberry side, arguing that it has a richer flavor, and making a point that fruits with sharper tastes make better jelly/jam/preserves. Example: Currants.

His main argument was that "more people like strawberry jelly."

I accused him of being a epicurean dullard from backwater Indiana, which provoked him to accuse me of liking raspberry more because of an ulterior desire to be elitist. My response was that in matters of taste, art, scholarship, or anything hinting of luxury, the elite minority is defined by the group of people that have the time and inclination to perform detailed studies, and that despite their minority, they will have a better understanding of the matter at hand, and thus be "correct."

He didn't buy that. Anyway, this is an extremely subjective matter, but please don't circle "a" for Christopher Columbus because you only know one explorer, even if Champlain is the correct answer.


  • Reply 1 of 19
    I really like blackberry jam.
  • Reply 2 of 19
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    All jam sucks ass.

    The only decent jam I can think of is Pearl Jam.

    But I guess if I had to choose, I'd say both.
  • Reply 3 of 19
    Pearl Jam is alright, but Eddie Vedder is a dumbass, and that puts them out of the running for good jams.

    On another note, why did you have to mention "Pearl Jam" knowing damn well that that "applenut" guy is posting again? If this generates into one of his if-you're-cool-you-must-worship-Pearl-Jam threads, I'm going to hit you upside the head with a cold jar of orange marmalade, which is the crooked-toothed stepchild of the jam world.
  • Reply 4 of 19
    timotimo Posts: 353member
    In that match-up, raspberry has it. No question.
  • Reply 5 of 19
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    Taking a stroll down memory lane...

    I made a vile batch of cactus pear jelly, nasty as sin on a hot summer day. I don't make jelly anymore.

    I vote for raspberry because I like picking seeds out of my teeth. Gives me something to do. Most of the flavor is enhanced though, and I'm not a fan of preservatives.
  • Reply 6 of 19
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Raspberry or currant jam.
  • Reply 7 of 19
    Fruits of the forest. Raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, blueberry combo. I think Balfour's is the name of the brand I like. Lots of fruit chunks.

    Jelly is for losers.
  • Reply 8 of 19

    Originally posted by crazychester

    Fruits of the forest. Raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, blueberry combo. I think Balfour's is the name of the brand I like. Lots of fruit chunks.

    Jelly is for losers.

    Are you thinking jelly, as in wobbly dessert jelly, or jam, as on the bread?

    I like marmalade
  • Reply 9 of 19

    Originally posted by crazychester

    Jelly is for losers.

    I don't even know the difference between the lot. As far as I can tell, "Jam" is the pommie word for "Jelly." Jello would be the trade name for gelatin desert stuff, which has been Xeroxed into common parlance.

    At least that's how we talk in 'murca. Our water also drains the correct way, you backwards weirdos. And Since I just watched "Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome." I will be happy to entertain any questions you need answered about the finer points of Australian culture.
  • Reply 10 of 19

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    I don't even know the difference between the lot. As far as I can tell, "Jam" is the pommie word for "Jelly." Jello would be the trade name for gelatin desert stuff, which has been Xeroxed into common parlance.

    At least that's how we talk in 'murca. Our water also drains the correct way, you backwards weirdos.

    jam and preserves are generally more of a paste, thicker consistency, more designed for spreading. Jams are generally more varied in flavors, and the flavors are generally more intense. Jelly is just that, it's got almost the same consistency as jello, and it mostly only comes in one flavor, grape.
  • Reply 11 of 19

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    I will be happy to entertain any questions you need answered about the finer points of Australian culture.

    Good. I can have the day off.

    From Project Gutenburg

    JELLY MAKING consists in cooking fruit juice with sugar until, upon cooling, it will solidify, or jell.

    PRESERVING consists in preparing fruits in perfect condition to resist decomposition or change by cooking them in heavy sirup. The cooking is done so slightly that the original form, flavor, and color of the fruit are retained as far as possible.

    CONSERVES do not differ materially from preserves in their preparation, but they usually consist of a mixture of two or more fruits, whereas preserves are made from a single fruit.

    MARMALADES are a form of preserves that differ from the other varieties more in the nature of the fruit used than in any other respect. For marmalades, large fruits are generally used, and, as a rule, the fruits are left in sections or in comparatively large pieces. (I thought it was specifically citrus fruits but anyway.)

    JAM is similar to preserves, except that the fruit used is made into a pulp before it is cooked with the sugar or after a part of the cooking is done. As a rule, only whole small fruits are used for jams, but the larger fruits can be utilized for this purpose by being cut fine and made into a pulp.

    FRUIT BUTTERS made from fruits differ from jams in that both the skins and seeds are always removed. The completed mixture is smooth and thick, having been made thick by long boiling and evaporation, rather than by the addition of large quantities of sugar. In fact, less sugar is used for butters proportionately than for any other preserved fruit. Spices are generally used in butters, so that the mixture is very highly flavored.

    We call the gelatin dessert stuff jelly as well but never Jello. Aeroplane Jelly? is the national jelly (as in dessert). It is regarded with the same awe and reverence we reserve for food stuffs like Vegemite?. Indeed, The Aeroplane Jelly song is as famous as the Happy Little Vegemites song, and as with the latter, we are prone to break into rousing renditions of The Aeroplane Jelly song when others would prefer we didn't.

    This is part of the chorus:

    I like Aeroplane Jelly

    Aeroplane Jelly for me

    I like it for dinner, I like it for tea

    A little each day is a good recipe

    You can listen to the whole thing here.

    It's a waltz. So if you have a partner handy, for added enjoyment, grab them and trip the light fantastic round the room while you listen.

    Edit: Oh yeah and I mean the jelly you put on bread is for losers.

  • Reply 12 of 19

    Originally posted by crazychester

    It is regarded with the same awe and reverence we reserve for food stuffs like Vegemite?.

    I'm the type who will go to Louisiana and choke back the hot cajun food out of pride. I remember getting served some Vegemite on toast a few years ago, while a bunch of your countrymen giggled and looked on. After the first bite I knew what I had to do: finish the toast and then start spooning the crude straight from the jar. That got some good laughs.

    I can't sleep. All this Vegemite talk has got me on the wrong Melbourne time.
  • Reply 13 of 19
    raspberry clearly kicks strawberry's ass here. i mean, is it really a contest?
  • Reply 14 of 19
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    my roomie works for some mobile phone company. he was in some conference, and after drinking etc all night, had a largely philosophical discussion with the vice CEO. about him being more corn flakes than cereal type of person ...

    i wonder if he should put that in his resume.
  • Reply 15 of 19
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Orange Marmalade is really the best thing to put on your toast. Tons of vitamin C, tastes great.
  • Reply 16 of 19
    Ever tried the Scots marmalade with whisky added?

    Wakes you up first thing in the morning!
  • Reply 17 of 19
    strawberry of course.
  • Reply 18 of 19

    Originally posted by murbot

    The only decent jam I can think of is Pearl Jam.

    So, is that what you like on your toast? Your own, or somebody else's?
  • Reply 19 of 19
    What a bunch of wimps!

    Jalapeno/Habanero Jelly is the ONLY way to go. And the best way to eat it is on a wheat cracker, spread with a glob of cream cheese and nice thick glaze of jelly.

    Yum! Yum! Yum!

    Best if watching back to back to back episodes of Farscape on DVD.
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