when the Ti15" PB moves to the Ai15" PB will it get....



  • Reply 21 of 34
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    I am gonna say the only reason a 15" didn't bow as because of the recent speed bumps.

    Expect the 15 to get a rev when the iBooks get one mid-Spring. The 15 will be almost identical to the 17 featurewise. We may see a speed bump option at that time as well.

    The line may look something like this:

    PB 12 - 867 or 933

    PB 15 - 933 / 1.2

    PB 17 - 1.0/1.2

    Don't doubt for a second that AL15's exist. There is no reason at all why there wouldn't be. Watch for AL15 models to be sparse starting in 6 weeks.

    Following a spring update will be a traditional Fall update. To what scope, who can say?
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  • Reply 22 of 34
    i was just at a retailer in Tokyo (BIC-camera) and was surprised to see the Ti-G4 1Ghz discounted...wtf, I have never in my life (in japan) has ever seen an apple/mac product discounted unless an update was coming within a month.

    So I asked the Mac-expert (they wear black-shirts with a white apple-logo here) and all I got was a *wink*

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  • Reply 23 of 34
    krassykrassy Posts: 595member
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:

    <strong>Why are there a few threads with people calling the AL powerbook, the Ai powerbook? Where's this 'i' coming from? It is AL or Al right, for ALuminum?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The Ai PowerBook is the "i-want"-PowerBook of Ai (AppleInsider) !!!
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  • Reply 24 of 34
    [quote]Originally posted by zaz:

    <strong>I am gonna say the only reason a 15" didn't bow as because of the recent speed bumps.

    Expect the 15 to get a rev when the iBooks get one mid-Spring.The line may look something like this:

    PB 12 - 867 or 933

    PB 15 - 933 / 1.2

    PB 17 - 1.0/1.2

    make that:

    1GHz Al 12"

    1GHZ Al 15.2"

    1.2GHz Al 15.2"

    1.2GHz Al 17"

    release date sometime in early summer.



    I wouldn't be too surprised if the PowerBooks and iBooks all received speed bumps at the same time.

    I think G-News' predictions are on-target, but I think they'll happen sooner. Apple may want to prove that it's taking a new, unorthodox schedule for upgrading its computers. So instead of early summer,I say late April/May.

    That way the PB 15" will catch up cosmetically along with a speed bump, the 12" and 17" will receive equivalent speed bumps, and even the iBooks will maybe top out at 1Ghz G3.

    But no lit keyboard for the 12".

    [ 01-11-2003: Message edited by: arnette ]</p>
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  • Reply 25 of 34
    I recently got mine on Dec 30 man I wish I would have waited, but I had no clue they were coming out with new ones since they just updated them. If they updated the 15 with airport extreme and bluetooth, and all the xtra's I'd be really pO'd but I'm still upset and outta 200$ But this is my first mac thats truly all mine. So I'm happy
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  • Reply 26 of 34
    I'm still going for

    [Al]uminum [Po]wer[Book]


    though I admit, it doesn't really have the marketing ring to it that "LapZilla" or "Fat AlBook", I like AlPoBook better.

    and AlPoPuppyBook for the 12"
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  • Reply 27 of 34
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Lemme break it down for you update wise.

    The 15 is gonna get the case enhancements of the 17, but it won't get the CPU updates.

    Shortly after the powermacs get a PPC970, the 17" PB is going to become the "only superthin 6.8lb, 17" widescreen 64 bit supercomputer, you're gonna so want one" (or something like that) The 15 and 12 will make do with nice cool (and petty fast, 1.4-2Ghz) FSB liberated G4's for a little while, they won't see a 970 untill it moves to .09u. at least a year later.
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  • Reply 28 of 34
    Im thinking the 15inch might make a good convertible tablet
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  • Reply 29 of 34
    With respect to the name, I vote for the Big Al Book and the Little Al Book.
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  • Reply 30 of 34
    arnearne Posts: 29member
    can anyone remember the update-dates

    of the tibook?

    400/500 - januar 2001

    550/667 -

    550/667 combo -

    667/800 dvi -

    887/1000 superdrive -

    maybe a hint with that?
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  • Reply 31 of 34
    shawkshawk Posts: 116member
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  • Reply 32 of 34
    You're mad: why wait for the 15" Ai book? Titanium has more tensile strength than aluminium and is a hell of a lot more expensive for a variety of reasons. The whole aluminium ethos is NOT an upgrade - it's a cost cutting measure. Aluminium is prone to fissures, sudden fatigue, discolouration and all kinds of other nasty things which Ti is immune to. Don't believe the hype. The only good reasons to buy an Ai book are already available in the 12" and 17" versions" : size, bluetooth (if you think you really need it...) and airport extreme, but massive overhauls these ain't.
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  • Reply 33 of 34
    franckfranck Posts: 135member
    [quote]Originally posted by rogue68:

    <strong> The only good reasons to buy an Ai book are already available in the 12" and 17" versions" : size, bluetooth (if you think you really need it...) and airport extreme, but massive overhauls these ain't.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You forgot airport range.
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  • Reply 34 of 34
    icruiseicruise Posts: 127member
    [quote]Originally posted by rogue68:

    <strong>You're mad: why wait for the 15" Ai book? Titanium has more tensile strength than aluminium and is a hell of a lot more expensive for a variety of reasons. The whole aluminium ethos is NOT an upgrade - it's a cost cutting measure. Aluminium is prone to fissures, sudden fatigue, discolouration and all kinds of other nasty things which Ti is immune to. Don't believe the hype. The only good reasons to buy an Ai book are already available in the 12" and 17" versions" : size, bluetooth (if you think you really need it...) and airport extreme, but massive overhauls these ain't.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Funny then that there are all these problems with the Titanium cases. I guess the people with flexing, dented cases and flaking or bubbling paint haven't heard how superior Titanium is.

    For what it's worth, everything I have read about the Aluminum in the new powerbooks points to it being much superior to the Titanium. Take this entry from Macintouch:

    [quote]As an architect who specifies finishes for building components that are designed to last through millions of cycles of use over decades of time, I am familiar with an array of finishes. Based on my experience, the clear hard anodized aluminum finish that Apple is using on the exterior of the new PowerBooks is by far the toughest of the various finishes Apple has used on its portable computers. Compared to hard grey or black plastic, rubberized plastic, back painted clear polycarbonate, or pure titanium, the clear hard anodized aluminum will resist very well deterioration and scratching from normal use. As a finish it is superior in its resistance to wear than any painted finish. The anodizing process produces a thin but very hard coat of aluminum oxide on the outside surface. The aluminum oxide is extremely hard and bonds very strongly to the underlying aluminum. Indeed, aluminum oxide is extensively used as an industrial and consumer abrasive.

    The "clear" designation indicates that trace elements were not added to the process that would color the aluminum oxide coating. As such, the result is a natural aluminum color. A fairly broad array of colors can be created, including golds, blues, greens, reds, darker greys, and blacks. A prominent example of a product with an anodized finish is the Palm V series PDA. After 2 1/2 years of daily use and transport without a case, my anodized blue Palm Vx finish shows no wear whatsoever. What this means is that two or three years out the exterior finish on the 12 and 17" PowerBooks will look like new. <hr></blockquote>
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