Transfering files from one hard drive to another. Help!!!

in macOS edited January 2014
I recently asked how to transfer info from one hard drive to another. I have followed how to connect the two computers together but getting confused into how to physically copy the files without messing everything up.

Once i connected the 2 computers, on the host computer, i get two HD icons. One from the iMac and the other from G5 (yellow simbol icon)( to which i want to copy into). When i open them up they give me the same information. and this is where i get confused as i am not sure where to copy my files into.

Also how do i copy my desktop files onto the G5 tesktop????

I am also not very logical with the computer, Which i am sure you have understood from this message, But i need to do this.

Step by step info would be appreciated.

can you help me????


  • Reply 1 of 4

    Originally posted by sandrine

    I recently asked how to transfer info from one hard drive to another. I have followed how to connect the two computers together but getting confused into how to physically copy the files without messing everything up.

    Once i connected the 2 computers, on the host computer, i get two HD icons. One from the iMac and the other from G5 (yellow simbol icon)( to which i want to copy into). When i open them up they give me the same information. and this is where i get confused as i am not sure where to copy my files into.

    Also how do i copy my desktop files onto the G5 tesktop????

    I am also not very logical with the computer, Which i am sure you have understood from this message, But i need to do this.

    Step by step info would be appreciated.

    can you help me????

    Copy all of the files from


    on one computer to the same location on the other.
  • Reply 2 of 4

    Originally posted by rogue27

    Copy all of the files from Code:


    on one computer to the same location on the other.

    I am unable to find this location ie. /users/yourname.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Open Terminal


    sudo cp -r /volumes/<iMac HD name>/Users/<your username>/Desktop/* /volumes/<G5 HD name>/Users/<your username>/Desktop/

    Example (My Machine)

    sudo cp -r /volumes/HD1/Users/relic/Desktop/* /volumes/HD2/Users/relic/Desktop/
  • Reply 4 of 4
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member

    Originally posted by sandrine

    I am unable to find this location ie. /users/yourname.

    This is kind of like the "any" key joke. In your case it might be /users/sandrine for instance. If you open a window in Finder and set the view to columns, on the very far left you have your hard drive (and whatever other connected drives you might have). click on it and you'll see in the 2nd column a bunch of folders. One of those should be Users. Click on users and in the 3rd column you'll see the users of your machine. The one with your name, or the name you use to log in, is the folder Rogue27 was talking about /users/<your name>.

    Once you see the other computer on your desktop, you can open it in another window to the folder you want (the same process as above, but instead of selecting the Users folder you'd select Desktop) and dragging the folder you want to copy over to the destination folder as if it were any other file on your own machine.

    Hope that works out for you.

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