What's the story on 15"PB updates?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Hi all,

Been away for a while (honeymoon) and missed all the pre show rumor mongering before Macworld.

So a couple of quick questions...

1. Did anybody guess or have leaked info about the new PB models - or were the new models a complete surprise?

2. Has there been any talk or speculation on an Aluminium update to the 15" model with ports to the side (hopefully) and other bells and whistles from the 17" model (namely illuminated keyboard, Airport extreme, built in bluetooth, Firewire 800 and DDR video memory and ATA/100 drives - whatever that stands for <img src="embarrassed.gif" border="0"> )?

Thanks (and apologies if there has been talk about the 15" update - just point me in the right direction.)


  • Reply 1 of 5
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    The story is this:

    The 12" and 17" PowerBook G4s caught everyone by surprise. After all, the 15" TiBooks were just updated in November to 1 GHz and no one was really expecting anything to happen to the line so quickly.

    At some point, Apple will have to update the 15" TiBooks to include the same 'bells and whistles' as the 17" TiBooks which means a Firewire 800 port, Airport Extreme, Internal Bluetooth, DDR RAM, lit keyboard, etc. You will not be able to boot into Mac OS 9, though.

    Based purely on how long the machines have been 'out', it's still kind of early to see them updated. If they do get updated, don't look to see any difference in terms of processor speed or HD space. I still think it's early but I'd love to be proven wrong (considering I should have the top of the line 15" TiBook shipping out to me this week).
  • Reply 2 of 5
    mac+mac+ Posts: 580member
    Thanks Fran,

    I'm curious as I have a Ti550(DVD) which I'd like to upgrade. I personally like the size of the 15" model, but would like to see the industrial design on a par with the other models. I'm not expecting a processor speed increase, though (as they were updated in November as you said) - but if that happens, then it will be a bonus.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    There's no story until Apple tells it. Just rumors and guesses.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    I recall one site getting it right the night before and I know murbot knew before they were announced as well, but only let on (publicly at least) until moments before in the AI chat...
  • Reply 5 of 5
    MacRumors had the story about the new Powerbooks the night before the unveiling. They were the only one.
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