RAM in Canada

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Well my iBook finally shipped (first Mac ), but I get the general consensus around here that 256MB RAM just won't cut it. Originally I planned to live with 256 and upgrade a couple months down the road, but I'm beginning to believe I won't be able to handle only 256.

So, having said that, I'm looking for a good place to buy RAM in Canada that has fair prices. Ideally I'd like a 1GB stick, but that might be out of my price range. Any advice?

Also, forgive my ignorance, but if I look around for RAM I don't really know what requirements I need to be looking for for an iBook. Any help is much appreciated


  • Reply 1 of 3
    Try Crucial.com I bought 2gigs for my G5 around 10 months ago. After having a few problems with what I thought to be kernal panics I took the computer back to the Apple Store. They found 1 bad stick of ram, so they removed the pair. I waited approx 3 months and had no similar problems so I contacted Crucial customer service. They gave me an RMA, and I returned the pair of sticks. Within 10 days Crucial recieved it, tested it, and sent me out a new pair 2nd day air. All in all a great experiance being able to talk with someone after waiting less than 5 minutes, and no hassles getting an RMA. I wish that there would be more companies like Apple, and Crucial. Happy hunting!
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Crucial prices seem.. expensive. Although I heard if you don't go through their RAM selection interface you can get RAM that will work in an iBook for cheaper.

    I think I'd prefer a Canadian place; I don't have experience getting stuff shipped over the border but I would think there would be taxes and duty put on top of the price there. Maybe someone could clarify exactly how that works?
  • Reply 3 of 3
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Crucial don't actually manufacture SDRAM, they are in fact the retail operation of Micron, the largest manufacturer of SDRAM in the US.

    Apple use Micron parts themselves, which means that if you crack open a current Mac there's a good chance you'll find Micron memory in there. Apple also use Hynix and Samsung parts. If Apple use their stuff, then that's good enough for me!

    I don't know what the pricing is like in the US & Canada, but in the UK you'd be hard pushed to find RAM of that quality for less. I used to be an advocate of cheap RAM ? a lot of premium brand companies (like Kingston) simply rebrand memory and then mark-up the prices ? but lately I've been buying the branded stuff. I've had too many problems buying RAM from dodgy little high street shops. Mac OS X, and the G5s in particular seem really picky about RAM.

    Micron memory is about the best you can get, and because it's coming straight from the manufacturer there's no middle man marking it up. I've bought tons of their stuff and I've been really impressed by their service!
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