Merrill Lynch speculates on potential Sony-Apple partnership



  • Reply 21 of 24
    You can always buy some short term protective puts
  • Reply 22 of 24

    Originally posted by sammick

    You can always buy some short term protective puts

    yeah you mean stop-loss strategies? 8)

    problem is, i don't got no apple stock \ just speculating, like this merril lynch guy that's trying to drive up the stock price he's been reading too much appleinsider
  • Reply 23 of 24
    Merrill Lynch Analyst was wrong.

    Japan's Sony to take on iPod

    Thu Feb 17,10:43 AM ET

    Technology - AFP

    TOKYO (AFP) - Sony, which 25 years ago changed the way

    the world listened to music with the Walkman, said it

    would release a product by the end of the year in

    hopes of dethroning Apple's hot-selling iPod.

    "We are confident of being able to offer by the end of

    the year a product that is much more competitive than

    the iPod," Sony president Kunitake Ando said.

    Ando said Apple's success was in developing a product

    that is simple to use.

    "We have to develop software that makes use of our

    products more intuitive and simple," he told


    Apple jumped back into profit through the iPod, which

    allows users to carry a song library in their pocket

    and which hit the stores in October 2001.

    It was a continuation of the revolution launched in

    1979 by Sony, which created a new culture of portable

    music with the Walkman.

    Ando dismissed rumors of Sony buying Apple, saying it

    "has become too expensive because of the success of


    "We have put in place a very aggressive plan to become

    number one again" in portable music, said Nobuyuki

    Idei, Sony chairman and chief executive officer.

  • Reply 24 of 24
    and realising the merril lynch guy was talking out his a** the stock price eases off $90 but since this so called Sony iPod-killer is at this stage, well, vaporware, stock holds above $85

    even more vaporware (at this stage): easy-to-use Sony software it'll take them a bit to catch up to OS X and iTunes-level of ease-of-use
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