Radiohead back on iTMS(uk)

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014


  • Reply 1 of 4
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by tadunne

    Not much but it's a start..

    Radiohead said they did not want to sell songs individually because it would ruin album sales. As I only buy albums from Radiohead it doesn't bother me that there not there. But I know lots of people who would like to buy Creep! Maybe we'll get The Beatles soon!!
  • Reply 2 of 4
    keshkesh Posts: 621member
    That's what annoys me... iTMS has had "album only" purchases for a long, long time. They could just designate the whole album as "album only" and sell it that way.

    I can't imagine that they never thought of this, so I have to wonder what their real objections are.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member
    I can't open it. It says "Change Store", and when I do, it says it could not be completed, or something to that extent. Oh well, 'no surprises...'
  • Reply 4 of 4
    tadunnetadunne Posts: 175member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    I can't open it. It says "Change Store", and when I do, it says it could not be completed, or something to that extent. Oh well, 'no surprises...'

    Yeah it seems it's no longer on there! someone must have made a mistake and I guess Radiohead are still up their own arses!

    oh well..
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