Two more Apple hardware projects in the pipeline



  • Reply 21 of 38
    afalknerafalkner Posts: 74member
    So what do we want to see in iTunes 5.0?

    I'd like to see playlists inside playlists and folders inside folders so that I can make a rock folder and a techno folder and a wife folder all in the main library and then have specific playlists in each of those folders like you can with the new iPhoto.
  • Reply 22 of 38
    Guys... sorry to burst some bubbles...

    Q87 is a wireless update

    M18 is a Safari update, an iPod update, and a X.X.X OS update combined.

    No comment on the other two because they aren't covered the same way Q87 and M18 are.

  • Reply 23 of 38
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member

    Originally posted by T'hain Esh Kelch

    That was an aprils fool.

    Doh! Should have known better too.

    *Holds head in shame*
  • Reply 24 of 38
    kenaustuskenaustus Posts: 924member
    Since Apple spends almost a half a billion dollars on R&D each year it could be anything, form upgrades of products we know about to something new.

    Personally I would like to see eMacs get a nice upgrade for the educational buying season as well as for consumers who need to stay in that price point.

    iMacs might a bump and iBooks might have had some major attention. Both would be good to see, but 2004 was my year for upgrading everything so all I can do is sit back, relax and watch. Tiger (Family Pack) is my only projected Apple expense this year. Since I'm not waiting for a new computer to buy I tend to look at Macs from the lowest to the top of the line and want to see ALL of them continue to advance at a nice, orderly pace. the only thing that would excite me would be for the PMs to go dual core and my 25¢ bet is WWDC for that.
  • Reply 25 of 38
    19841984 Posts: 955member

    Originally posted by RockyClark

    Now that I think about it, Q78 and M31 aren't so bad.. why is Apple using the names of NYC bus lines for codenames?

    Faster bus speeds? Maybe not.
  • Reply 26 of 38
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by Xool

    I was surprised at the fact that Apple didn't readdress the situation, aside from hiring DVD Jon. Makes me think that a new version is almost ready, and why waste time plugging holes when the master plug (iTunes 5) is already lined up at the gate.

    Well, the 'hack' that befalls the iTMS has to do with the security certificates and all used by iTunes to talk to Apple's servers. Basically what they did was figure out the key used by iTunes to talk to the servers (I believe this would've been the 'public' key for this purpose, like the one they got to talk to the Airport Express basestations to stream music to those from non-iTunes clients). When it was first 'hacked', they most likely were using the key from 4.7, which caused it to stop working when Apple killed 4.7 support to the store. So they just went in and got the 4.7.1 key.

    In order for Apple to fix it, its more than 'fixing' a hole, they have to completely rethink their DRM model. Do they leave it to the clients to do the DRM, or move it to the server side. The problem with the server-side DRM is that it prevents Apple from using their Akamai servers to offload their server loads, so they have to really re-work the whole store concept at the back-end. Not something you just want to push out in a week.
  • Reply 27 of 38
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by Xool

    At this point, waiting for Tiger feels like pre-MacWorld XMas-eve.

    Screw tiger. Waiting for the never-to-appear PowerMac updates feels like pre-Macworld eve, with the added ATI PR blunder causing Apple to hold them off to who knows when. Tiger will be out in the next couple of months, at the latest, and the announcement is sort of anti-climatic (I mean, unless they slap in some whiz-bang new feature no one has heard of, we all know what Tiger is and what it has). The only buzz will be about what it WON'T contain (is quicktime 7 missing, what features/optimazations are missing that the rumors say will be added in a maintenance update, etc).

    The mythical PowerMac updates, on the other hand, are just a mystery. When will they come (I'm betting on never, as Apple will dump the whole line so they can use the form factor to make a iPod Extreme!), what features will they hold (after 10+ months, you'd hope its not "Hey, its the same as the one you got, but we've upped the chips to 2.57 GHz!"), how many days from the announcement will the low, mid, and high-end models be available (usually, respectively, today, next week, sometime in the future that we're going to call '2 months', but we're not going to define '2' or 'months' for you, you'll have to figure out what calendar and numbering system we're using and map it to your own systems), what unannounced features that didn't make the cut will garner the most complaints ("WTF? Where the hell's the PCI Express video cards?").

    Now that's what I call anticipation!
  • Reply 28 of 38

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    Yeah I've found iPhoto finds photos which only partially match the word typed.

    Here's the problem with iPhoto 5's searching:

    * Keyword and search box searches cannot be combined. Thus, you can't filter your pics using keywords, and then search within those pics using the search box.

    * Keyword combinations are OR, not AND. So, if you select the keyword "Family" and the keyword "Vacation," you'll get any pics that have the keyword(s) "Family" or "Vacation," not the pics that have both.

    * Search box searches are the same way. Put more than one word/term into the search box, and the search is OR, not AND (like it is in iTunes, for example).
  • Reply 29 of 38
    shidoshi ...this is why they built spotlight. They update *all* the apps with it upon Tiger release...
  • Reply 30 of 38
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by Not Unlike Myself

    shidoshi ...this is why they built spotlight. They update *all* the apps with it upon Tiger release...

    yeah but all of those problems are fixable now. Unless Apple want to make Tiger more desirable and did it on purpose?
  • Reply 31 of 38

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    ...Unless Apple want to make Tiger more desirable and did it on purpose?

    They wouldn't *dare* do that would they?
  • Reply 32 of 38
    bengt77bengt77 Posts: 47member

    Originally posted by 1984

    Faster bus speeds? Maybe not.

    Hahaha! Not that's funny!
  • Reply 33 of 38

    Originally posted by Not Unlike Myself

    shidoshi ...this is why they built spotlight. They update *all* the apps with it upon Tiger release...

    Uhm, not really. Even if Apple went with Spotlight for searching inside of iPhoto, that still doesn't fix the Keyword problem.
  • Reply 34 of 38
    brijq84brijq84 Posts: 14member
    Anyone think that one of these projects could be "Asteroid" with a different code-name?

    Forgive me if I'm way off base on this I'm new to being an active member on these forums.
  • Reply 35 of 38
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by BriJQ84

    Anyone think that one of these projects could be "Asteroid" with a different code-name?

    Forgive me if I'm way off base on this I'm new to being an active member on these forums.

    It relates to the product itself so it is unlikely to be a mouse or asteroid because they're for all products; it's supposedly designed specially for this computer. I think it's a dock for the iPod but I've already argued on other threads why this would be stupid!
  • Reply 36 of 38
    I think that Q87's update to mac mini should include a cheaper monitor and reduced keybord+mouse options. An included keybord+mouse would also be nice. Might also mean updated emacs to G5.

    The first thing that comes to mind regarding Omega+Bazooka is a 3.0GHZ processor updrade from apple, but since it is regarding softwave it is probably an upgrade to some pro apps like motion or final cut pro, or a new audio app. I don't think that the codename refer to updates it keynote or pages.

  • Reply 37 of 38

    Originally posted by joltguy

    Maybe M18 is the new multi-button mouse Apple is supposedly working on. It would make sense to be releasing it "alongside" the new desktop product.

    I hope it's the new mouse. My Apple Pro mouse just died. I've been desperately trying to find a new mouse that matches the "feel" of the pro mouse. My hand gets cramped using all kinds of mice (from Logitech, Kensington, or Microsoft, from mini size to Shrek size, from single button to gazillion buttons... all crap). Please Apple, get this mouse on the market.
  • Reply 38 of 38
    aquamacaquamac Posts: 585member
    Of course a Mac mini G5 would be nice too.

    -Aqua Mac-
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