First copies of Mac OS X Tiger ship



  • Reply 41 of 78
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member

    The penny drops...

  • Reply 42 of 78

    Originally posted by snipe

    yup me too. Misread the order status page

    Look on the left-hand side, it should list the method of shipping as 2 day.
  • Reply 43 of 78
    Does anyone know if you HAVE to buy a copy of Tiger to get into the release party at the Apple Retail Store? I pre-ordered mine from the online store but I still want to go to the release party...
  • Reply 44 of 78

    Originally posted by digitalboi

    Does anyone know if you HAVE to buy a copy of Tiger to get into the release party at the Apple Retail Store? I pre-ordered mine from the online store but I still want to go to the release party...

    i highly doubt that is so...mainly because theyd lose so much profit from other products that you might buy while in no...if you hafta buy tiger to get in, tell the clerk ur looking to buy a brand new powermac...make sure ur face and personality will not be easily remembered...then make a dash for it! but the main concept of this covert operation is to get in dont want ur mission to fail and hafta listen to some neurotic apple store guy who thinks ur some idiotic PC user who will be filled with shock and awe after he describes "dashboard" to u... sry a lil off topic...
  • Reply 45 of 78

    Originally posted by ineedag5pbnow

    i highly doubt that is so...mainly because theyd lose so much profit from other products that you might buy while in no...if you hafta buy tiger to get in, tell the clerk ur looking to buy a brand new powermac...make sure ur face and personality will not be easily remembered...then make a dash for it! but the main concept of this covert operation is to get in dont want ur mission to fail and hafta listen to some neurotic apple store guy who thinks ur some idiotic PC user who will be filled with shock and awe after he describes "dashboard" to u... sry a lil off topic...

    Giggles, yes...i know what you mean...i just want all the free stuff!
  • Reply 46 of 78
    ibook911ibook911 Posts: 607member
    My order is now "preparing shipment" from, and it says 2-day. I wonder, if it will be "preparing shipment," until wednesday, or if it might actually ship today or tomorrow? Here's hoping...
  • Reply 47 of 78

    Originally posted by ibook911

    My order is now "preparing shipment" from, and it says 2-day. I wonder, if it will be "preparing shipment," until wednesday, or if it might actually ship today or tomorrow? Here's hoping...

    Mine as well. Let's hope it ships tomorrow. Thankfully I have this Friday off work.

  • Reply 48 of 78
    i just got back from the local apple store...and the guy who sold me my powerbook two months ago immediately came up to me...i asked him about friday, and the convo went a lil like this...

    me: so what time will the store close for tiger preparations on fri?

    guy: we dont know that info at this time.

    me: do u anticipate a large crowd?

    guy: (eyes widen) YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

    me: i see... (in my head a picture an enormous crowd rushing into the apple store from the quiet and usually uncrowded outdoor mall...)

    my mom: my son told me there might be 10% discounts, is that true?

    guy: we dont know that info at this time.

    my mom and the guy engage in some odd convo and i move over and pick up a box of iWork...

    my mom: alright, lets go...

    (dropping the iwork box next to the powerbooks, which i NEVER do)

    guy: see you friday.

    and then the fantasy begins...

    i turn around...

    me: NEVER! TIEEGGGGGGGGGERRRRRRRRRRRR! (making mad dash to the very end of the store towards the sign that says employees only)

    (the store goes dark and all of the innocent people rush to a security exit that appears in the wall... the guy who helped me gets on a loudspeaker...)

    guy: sir, we have the place surrounded...u will not leave this store alive with a copy of tiger in your hands...please step away from the door...(sweat begins to drip down my forehead)...

    i peer outside and see anodized aluminum blackhawk helicopters and white plastic dune buggies heading towards the store...steve jobs appears with a high powered "reality distortion rifle" that shoots waves of reality distortion that look similar to the dashboard ripple effect...elite imac G5 robot soldiers begin to spray the area with ipod halo effect automatic weapons...meanwhile, i reach behind the door and pull out a tiger box...steve jobs comes close and aims his reality distortion rifle at me...he grabs the retail box and the imac G5 robot seals it in a plastic bag for evidence...he turns around with a oddly shaped black plastic item...)


    (gunshots, screams)

    (fade to black)

  • Reply 49 of 78
    Users in the MacRumors forum are posting that their shipment statuses have changed to prepairing shipment...any on in here getting that? I placed my order at 6:39am PST and mine is sill listed as processing order
  • Reply 50 of 78

    Originally posted by digitalboi

    Users in the MacRumors forum are posting that their shipment statuses have changed to prepairing shipment...any on in here getting that? I placed my order at 6:39am PST and mine is sill listed as processing order

    I suspect they are based on the order they were received. I placed mine on 4/22/05 and just today went to preparing shipment. They have until Wed to ship by 2nd day air to meet the Friday deadline. I am sure yours will change by then.
  • Reply 51 of 78

    Originally posted by papplegate

    I suspect they are based on the order they were received. I placed mine on 4/22/05 and just today went to preparing shipment. They have until Wed to ship by 2nd day air to meet the Friday deadline. I am sure yours will change by then.

    Sorry, I mean... 4/12/05 6:39am PST I just checked it again and it still says Processing Order ::grumbles::
  • Reply 52 of 78

    Originally posted by digitalboi

    Sorry, I mean... 4/12/05 6:39am PST I just checked it again and it still says Processing Order ::grumbles::

    Not sure then. They have until Wed, but I know the wait is killing most people.
  • Reply 53 of 78

    Originally posted by papplegate

    Not sure then. They have until Wed, but I know the wait is killing most people.

    I just called the store and they informed me that because of all the traffic to the site that it is taking longer than usual for it to update and my order was infact prepairing for shipment with a delivery date of 4/28.
  • Reply 54 of 78

    Originally posted by digitalboi

    I just called the store and they informed me that because of all the traffic to the site that it is taking longer than usual for it to update and my order was infact prepairing for shipment with a delivery date of 4/28.

    Good news then indeed.
  • Reply 55 of 78
    zenatekzenatek Posts: 203member
    My american order says preparing shipment and my canadian still says processing.
  • Reply 56 of 78
    My past experience with direct Apple orders has been that their order status page rarely if ever actually reflects the current status.

    Many times it has said preparing shipment right up until the moment of delivery. Don't know why this is, but their tracking seems way behind what other places offer. Probably not an issue for most consumers, but I suspect we're all similarly obsessive.
  • Reply 57 of 78
    So I ordered yesterday morning and I am in the Preparing Shipment phase, with the upgrade to 2 day shipping (free of course). Not too bad. I am very happy with Apple right now.
  • Reply 58 of 78
    Went to check the order status of Tiger, but all I get is the online store and phone order status are temporarily down for a service upgrade. Wonder if this means everyone's tiger status is getting updated....
  • Reply 59 of 78

    Originally posted by IshallcallhimMacMini-Me

    Went to check the order status of Tiger, but all I get is the online store and phone order status are temporarily down for a service upgrade. Wonder if this means everyone's tiger status is getting updated....

    I was thinking the same thing. I guess we will see soon enough.
  • Reply 60 of 78
    phutylephutyle Posts: 19member
    I got a mail from the Apple Store saying my copy of Tiger had been shipped, and "The expected delivery time for your order is 2 - 3 days".

    Strangely, the email was sent at 11.25 Tuesday night (I'm in Ireland).

    Online tracking at the Irish Apple Store is down for "a scheduled upgrade to our systems." (the rest of the store is up).

    The shipping reference number that came with the email does nothing on TNT's website, but I've found that tracking orders from the Apple store over here is always flakey.
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