Im new to DVD Burning what Type of blanks?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Sorry for the newbness of my question,

I had a g3 that served me for so long,when it finally died "In Feb" i bought a totally awesome Ibook g4 fully loaded with a Superdrive.... so now i can burn all my Imovies to dvd i was wondering what brands work with the Superdrive and what do i need in the way of + r - and all of these little things which i dont know much about....... again sorry for the newbness. thanlks for all the help


  • Reply 1 of 5
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member
    I've had much better luck with -R than +R, and I order Verbatim printable discs through
  • Reply 2 of 5
    catman4d2catman4d2 Posts: 174member
    Im definatley looking into printable discs when some current things are finished... I`m a Natural at cutting video into art but i know nothing of blanks DVDs thanks for the response!!!
  • Reply 3 of 5
    exhibit_13exhibit_13 Posts: 110member
    i dunno about printables, but for any disc, i would definitely go for sony or imation, they make the best. a little more pricey, but i think its overall worth ur trouble.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member

    Originally posted by exhibit_13

    i dunno about printables, but for any disc, i would definitely go for sony or imation, they make the best. a little more pricey, but i think its overall worth ur trouble.

    i used to only buy memorex because i was very skeptical of other brands, but i've been very happy with verbatim.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    catman4d2catman4d2 Posts: 174member
    thanks so much for the responses i really didnt know in the ways of - + was the thing........ i know my brands alright, i went to see the tech specs of the ibook on the apple site once again.... and it said what speed and type works with them "DUH I SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT BEFORE" lol Silly me.

    bought a pack of 30 maxells for $14 dollars at the local wal mart have made 4 dvd movies so far NO hitch except with a buggy clip i had which would rear its ugly head in IDvD thanks again.
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