Tiger ? Prematurely released?

in macOS edited January 2014
Can't find the poll feature, so we'll just have do this the old fashioned way...

There are certain aspects to reading some of the posts here, and every now and then I wonder when using Tiger whether or not its release was a shade early.



  • Reply 1 of 16
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member
    it was fine. there are always bugs right off the bat. at least tiger isn't corrupting tons of data like panther did.
  • Reply 2 of 16
    a@rona@ron Posts: 201member
    I do not consider Tiger to be released prematurely. There comes a time when some bugs become acceptable. I, however, do think Apple could have avoided some of the mess with iSync, Address book and some other small networking things (like SMB) if they would have seeded the GM to developers prior to the actual launch of Tiger. I understand Apples main reason they chose this path is to avoid a premature leak of Tiger (which happened anyhow). In my opinion, leaks will happen regardless but you need to fully seed builds to developers prior to launch if you want to get a jump on bug squashing.
  • Reply 3 of 16
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    it was fine. there are always bugs right off the bat. at least tiger isn't corrupting tons of data like panther did.

    Talk about damning with faint praise.
  • Reply 4 of 16
    bwhalerbwhaler Posts: 260member
    There is absolutely zero doubt that Tiger was shipped to meet a deadline.

    It's not that the expectation is ever zero bugs. 10.3.9 still has bugs.

    It's just that Tiger has so many serious issues it's not even funny. This is clearly not Apple quality.

    I hope 10.4.1 makes Tiger usable.
  • Reply 5 of 16
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    It's just that Tiger has so many serious issues it's not even funny.

    Such as?
  • Reply 6 of 16
    hdcoolhdcool Posts: 48member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Such as?

    indeed, i'm using it since the day it was released and i still have too find one (except for the mail importing thing )
  • Reply 7 of 16
    kalikali Posts: 634member
    I found several aesthetical bugs in Tiger just in 1 hour, while playing with a dual G5 in a computer store yesterday. So I believe too that Tiger was released a bit prematurely.
  • Reply 8 of 16
    kwsanderskwsanders Posts: 327member

    Originally posted by hdcool

    indeed, i'm using it since the day it was released and i still have too find one (except for the mail importing thing )

    Don't you guys just love it when someone throws out something like the original where the guy mentioned several major issues in Tiger, but then they do not back it up with any meat?
  • Reply 9 of 16
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    well, i have found the loss of airport when asleep bug, and the incompatibility with the adaptec 2906 scsi card bug. before you start screaming "legacy!" please not ethat there is a workaround on the macifixit and apple discussion pages. but it LOOKS like apple just included some .kext's in the initial install that do more harm than good with scsi support. so apple needs to either a.) resolve the conflict (and yes, apple has too, as they have taken the reigns of any scsi support for a while now, according to adaptec) or b.) fix the installer to only install .kext for the cards you actually need. then there's just the utter strangeness of the dashboard, um, interface that needs some kinks worked out... kinda liek the dock took, what 3 significant revisions until it got to its current state?

    it'll all get worked out. i may just keep it off my critical machines until 10.4.1 or the eventual 10.4.2. i mostly just want tiger for spotlight, but i cn fork over some cash to obdev for launchbar in the meantime.
  • Reply 10 of 16
    kukukuku Posts: 254member
    I still don't get it...

    scsi problems happen everywhere, not just 10.4. It's really is legacy. I won't say it's minor or unimportant since there is still life in high end scsi but really, it's not something apple would stop a release for.


    I have some bugs in my tiger too, like the phantom column bar in my documents folder i can't get rid of.

    Doesn't do any harm, and maybe a side effect of upgrade, so I won't be handing my box back to apple.

    Please don't be like John Siracusa and do "bug -> mail is ugly" thing. At least he's joking. Since when does a guy more in love with Metadata then moving a mouse have the right to be a leader in astethics.
  • Reply 11 of 16
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    it was fine. there are always bugs right off the bat. at least tiger isn't corrupting tons of data like panther did.

    I agree eccept on one point, the recent discovery that widgets can install themselves via Safari WITHOUT WARNING and there is no clean way (a way that doesnt involve digging arround in the library folder) to remove them.

    This hole is about as bad as the activex controls in IE on windows, haveing seen that, Apple should have known better - whomever signed off on the security aspects of Safari and Dashboard should be fired. This kind of hole in a public release is simply unacceptable...something like this should have been caught at the flowcharting stage...or at least in ADC beta.
  • Reply 12 of 16
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    I agree with a_greer.
  • Reply 13 of 16
    catman4d2catman4d2 Posts: 174member
    what does these holes mean? that malware writers could use this to their advantage......???

    I too am dissapointed at apple a new os should be faster and more secure with each new version,and provide things which people will utilize to make their work,and their play faster and easier and more fun.

    I think core image is awesome! I think automater is awesome "soon we will see "hot sites" devoted to automating things with this feature that we couldnt even dream possible until now" spotlight is cool, especially for hacks and people who dont want to take the time to keep the ultra simplistic mac filing system clean and organized "rimshot....." lol but seriously folks...

    Widgets are cute and in some cases very useful but it stinks of a bloatware movement on the part of apple,they even said they stand to make billions if everyone upgraded to tiger and that they know their "fanbase" will do so"

    if there is going to be an update in the future it should be a major major leap in speed ease of use security not unneeded things.

    Dont Even get me started on a quicktime 7 sucks rant Like the ones that are becoming famous on forums now........

    p.s. its still the best os from the best computer company out there and i trust they will bring about security and stability for all eventually. as a matter of fact my panther os runs like mad with no hang ups they can do it again with this one......
  • Reply 14 of 16
    lungarettalungaretta Posts: 194member
    I just find the whole OS a little unstable to be comfortable. Two weeks after a clean install, I've had so many apps just randomly decide to crash for no particular reason and Safari is so slow it's painful (that's Safari itself, not WebCore's page rendering) opening, closing windows etc.

    The whole thing feels like I'm running on a G3 iBook not the PM1.8DP with 2GB ram that I am.

    I REALLY hope the next update cures the stability issue.

    May 12 21:09 Dock.crash.log

    May 3 22:50 Finder.crash.log

    May 9 16:43 Konfabulator.crash.log

    May 11 19:25 Mail.crash.log

    May 10 20:29 Safari.crash.log

    May 6 17:13 firefox-bin.crash.log

    May 12 14:01 iCal Helper.crash.log

    May 3 17:43 iPhoto.crash.log

    May 11 21:29 iTerm.crash.log
  • Reply 15 of 16
    awillawill Posts: 43member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by rok

    well, i have found the loss of airport when asleep bug,

    I wonder if that is a bug with Tiger or not. When I updated to 10.3.9 I noticed the same problem on both my PB and my G5.
  • Reply 16 of 16
    catman4d2catman4d2 Posts: 174member
    Tiger = premature Evacuation!
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