I found God



  • Reply 21 of 38
    aquamacaquamac Posts: 585member
    Silly me, I thought 42 was the answer to life the universe and everything.

  • Reply 22 of 38
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Hehe - well you asked for it - starting a thread like this. the curse of 666 and all that.....

    Ok, you need two books. The King James Bible (only the King James) and an original folio Shakespeare - facsimile obviously or original text. Some texts are different.

    Right, that points you in the right direction, here is your clue (you should take this very seriously but we can pretend it's a joke if it helps) - it is a clue to the method:

    The KJV was revised in 1610 by team of 46 people.

    The revision followed the translation and was purely poetic - ie to make it sound better.

    This year (1610) Shakespeare was 46.

    In Psalm 46, the 46th word from the top is 'shake'

    The 46th word from the bottom is 'spear' (note: there is a word which needs disgarding in this one selah - do not count this word, it is used throughout the KJV as a punctuation mark).

    That should keep you busy - it is a puzzle, but you have to find the puzzle first. A double-puzzle hahah

    From Wiki:

    Most scholars dismiss claims of Shakespeare's involvement in translating the King James Version, and in particular reject such purported evidence as this example. Notably, the Geneva Bible and several other earlier translations contained the same coincidence, despite several of them being published before or just shortly after Shakespeare's birth.
  • Reply 23 of 38
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by dmz

    MarcUk it is past your bedtime.

    7 is God, a number used to show completeness.

    6 is man (not quite as compete)

    666 is the number of man at his most complete, a la 'let us come down and confuse his languages, otherwise NOTHING will be impossible for them'.

    no shit, now perhaps you'd like to ask the question why 6 and 7 are represented as God and Man.

    After you've told me, I'll tell you the correct answer. Fire away bad boy.
  • Reply 24 of 38
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by LudwigVan

    The single tome of the complete works of Shakespeare was published in 1623. Because of its size and the paper folding technique (folio), it's referred as the Folio. Here's a sample.

    thanks a great help, incidently, I asked a wise friend what a folio shakespeare meant, and he suggested it would be a critique of the style of writing and forms in the text. which makes sense, cool, now I have 2 folios to work at.
  • Reply 25 of 38
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Is Shakespeare Dead?

    from your link...

    "For the instruction of the ignorant....."

    classic , for when I become a teacher.

    edit : read link, a bit of a shocker
  • Reply 26 of 38
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Yes, it's a good one...

    Do you need some more clues about the Folio ?

    are we talking folio as in 'the big folio i was given a link to' or folio as in structure and use of language?
  • Reply 27 of 38
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Big folio. First one.

    Maybe you don't need to focus on the structure stuff.

    greeeaaat, thats 944 pages.

    can I take shortcuts on this? next clue required
  • Reply 28 of 38
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    I have a hunch.

    Suppose the works of Shakespeare are the stories of the bible rewritten for modern times?

    BTW. If that's completely stupid, it's because I've never read a word of shakespeare apart from Macbeth which was forced upon me when i was 14 and really, really not interesred.

    luckily for dmz, I am going to bed now, it's only 7pm, but I'm completely knocked out.
  • Reply 29 of 38
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    ^^^^last post, completely wrong.

    Woke up early - had a coffee, had an inspired thought.

    ok segovius, I've solved your problem , thanks.
  • Reply 30 of 38
    Reminds me of that bumper sticker.


    He was behind the sofa cushions with the remote the whole time!
  • Reply 31 of 38
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    looks like the world is waking up...


    warning 18MB

    and then on 06/06/06

    this is coming out

  • Reply 32 of 38
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    thats what I think the answer will be. Infact I almost know it.

    Maybe it's like Jason's golden fleece. It's not the fleece thats important, infact it was completely irrelavent, but the wisdom he gained by searching for it.

  • Reply 33 of 38
    I found Christ here.
  • Reply 34 of 38
    liquidrliquidr Posts: 884member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Once upon a time people came to the conclusion that 'everything is permitted' and that there were no rules.

    One of the effects of this was that people just ate whenever they felt like it. Of course they got fat - some even got obese - but as they were in some ways an advanced society and they knew the truth that there is no right or wrong there seemed no problem with being fat. Things were compounded because various companies and business had a vested interest in keeping people eating (and spending) but on the whole people were happy - unfit and ill a lot, but as happy as they could be under the circumstances.

    After a few generations these people accepted things as normal, everything was 'the way it's always been' though of course, they lived shorter lives and were less healthy than they could have been but they had nothing to compare it to so they just called it 'the human condition'.

    About this time, a certain person started thinking about this 'human condition' and pondered in particular about their own personal obsession with cream cakes. They wondered what would happen if they stopped eating the five or six cakes a day they were addicted to so they tried to give it up. Strangely they found they couldn't and again, they wondered why this might be and it made them all the more determined to knock these cakes on the head.

    After much thought (something that was not exactly fashionable in that time) they concluded that if they convinced themselves that cream cakes were 'evil' then they might be able to give them up and so see what life was like without them. So our thinker went to a doctor and asked him to hypnotise him into believing that cream cakes were noxious, wrong and generally to be avoided.

    It didn't work at first so the patient went back to the doctor for a stronger dose - this time the suggestion was implanted that if one eat these cakes then 'something terrible would happen' and lo, this did actually work. The patient was cured of addiction to cream cakes ! Of course he knew that they were not really 'evil' and that there would be no 'punishment' but he allowed himself to believe this to achieve his aim.

    He went back to thinking and minus the cakes he found he could think clearer. He also realised that he was getting thinner and thinner and one day he saw he was no longer fat.

    He thought a lot about this and soon found he had other capacities - he could run, jump, looked and felt better etc. He started to tell other people about his 'method' - of course they laughed at him. Most viewed him as a freak who was ill and of course, as they were happy enough, they denied his method worked - in fact they denied the existence of the capacities of jumping and running full stop. They claimed that he was 'anti cream cakes' and anti fun. That he made up lies that if you ate a cake terrible things would happen and that his 'system' was just a construct to stop people enjoying themselves everyone knew cream cakes weren't evil - and as this was in fact true, then it seemed to prove itself.

    Some people however did listen and did believe you could become thin, fit and healthy. These he taught his method in secret so that the fatties couldn't interfere with the process - they were protesting more and more as his system had implications for the whole food industry.

    Some of his students didn't have a problem with cream cakes and he allowed them to eat them - of course they could not eat hamburgers or whatever their particular problem was: sweets, biscuits, pasta, whatever. Some of these students did in fact become thin and athletic but the vast majority couldn't do it and started eating their forbidden foods in secret while preaching the opposite.

    After our original thinker died, these students - still massive fatties - taught the system and it became very popular. The only problem was it didn't work. This gave more ammo to the original critics who could point to it and say 'look, it's complete rubbish' and of course in a way it was. The students were just getting fatter and claiming they weren't.

    Soon even these students fell out. Each claimed they had the original teaching and that 'God would punish you for eating cream cakes'. Others disagreed and fought them tooth and nail - 'no, no, no God will punish you for eating hamburgers and punish the anti-cream cake crowd the most'.

    Of course, ordinary capacities such as jumping and running were claimed to be 'divine' and 'superhuman' gifts which you were bestowed if you were 'holy' enough.

    And everyone got fatter still.

    Other thinkers occasionally arose - but after such a long time they tended to focus on finding links and antecedents between this type of cake in that culture and how cream was opposed once by the ancient Sumerians so that must be the root. They also seemed very attracted by the 'secret knowledge' idea but in the end these people weren't losing too much weight either.

    And the critics looked at all the madness and rightly saw a load of confused, hypocritical and lying fatties who were obviously insane. So they dismissed the whole idea of fitness and weight-loss as a ridiculous fantasy.

    Hmm, diet craze vs religion. Interesting and funny analogy. But it doesn't address the afterlife, that is where most religions promise the real reward for a virtuous life, not the here and now.
  • Reply 35 of 38
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member

    Originally posted by MarcUK

    damn you are scary!,

    just before I started this thread I was just staring at an image, but had no idea what it was, when I googled Kabbalistic tree of life - up it popped again, and I was just this very minute trying to find a connection between tarot cards/numbers of letters in an ancient alphabet and the number 36.

    Two great sites for ancient writing/scripts/alphabets...


  • Reply 36 of 38
    hey every 1 im new to dis site and i was reading the bible this morning and went to revelations 13 vs 17- 18 which talks about 666 which then lead me to go and get understanding so as i did i found this web site which helped me understand what the writer was letting us know in that part of the bible i can tell u how u can find it go too google.co uk den type in what does 666 mean den scroll down to the 7th one and it should say 666, what does it mean? and i hope dat helps u as it helped me please let me know wot u thought thanks
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