Auto Convert to ACC in iTunes?
Is there a way to auto convert every song to AAC that I import, when I don't use a CD? Like if my friend sends me a song, then I double click, it copies it into my iTunes folder. Can I make it so it automatically converts to 128 AAC? Or would there be a way to convert every song in your library to AAC without duplicating every song? Maybe to tell iTunes that if it was already encoded using iTunes to the certain format, then don't duplicate it again.
Just leave the files as they are.
Originally posted by nd32k3
They take up to much space. Im talking about things from my friends band that he sends me a bunch of. I like the music so I put it on my iPod but the files are absolutly huge. I don't care about the sound quality to much, I think 128 AAC is good enough for me.
You don't say what format the files are in.
I would guess mp3 - except that doesn't make sense with them being "huge".
Anyway, drag all of them into the iTunes window, sort by Kind, select them all by clicking the first one and then shift-clicking on the last one, right click and choose "Convert Selection To AAC", and then when it is done hit the Delete key (as all of the original mp3 or AIFF files will still be selected).