IBM announces the 970 MP=New Macs?



  • Reply 21 of 34
    wingnutwingnut Posts: 197member

    Actually, I think people have said that upgrading a G4 to a G5 is close to impossible. People have upgraded single 1.6 G5's to 1.8 by replacing the CPU module, so it is possible... It would be interesting to see if an upgrade to the 970MP is possible. Was the 970MP supposed to be pin-compatible with the 970FX? Going from dual 1.8's to dual dual 1.8's on my machine would be interesting.

    This is what I meant. I pretty much knew that you couldn't upgrade a G4 system with a G5. The architectures are way too different. I figured the G5's plugged into the mainboard, so if you can remove them, then maybe you can upgrade them. The only snag is that there's nothing to upgrade them to, yet.
  • Reply 22 of 34
    beigeuserbeigeuser Posts: 371member

    Originally posted by Wingnut

    This is what I meant. I pretty much knew that you couldn't upgrade a G4 system with a G5. The architectures are way too different. I figured the G5's plugged into the mainboard, so if you can remove them, then maybe you can upgrade them. The only snag is that there's nothing to upgrade them to, yet.

    From what I remember (from old threads). You can't simply swap the G5 processor and play around with voltages & jumper settings.

    Because the G5 is such a hot chip, the cooling system is custom tuned for each system. You would need to modify the cooling system when changing CPUs. It could be just the sensors or maybe you may have to replace the fans. A firmware update may be necessary. Remember that Apple had to use liquid-cooling to get faster G5s to run safely.

    Also, I vaguely remember something about the bus speed and RAM speed problems after changing CPUs.

    The conclusion was something like: It is technically possible to create a G5 upgrade but the engineering costs involved will make the upgrade extremely expensive and upgrade makers don't think that there is a market for it.
  • Reply 23 of 34
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by BeigeUser

    Remember that Apple had to use liquid-cooling to get faster G5s to run safely.

    No... they used liquid cooling so the fans wouldn't be running more than 50% of the time. They can run 2.7's and 2.5's off of air cooling.... it just wouldn't be a pleasant work environtment.


    The conclusion was something like: It is technically possible to create a G5 upgrade but the engineering costs involved will make the upgrade extremely expensive and upgrade makers don't think that there is a market for it.

    I can see that. I mean there would be a HUGE cost for an upgrade... and I can only see dual 1.8 users doing it. Dual 2.0 and higher are fast enough as it is.
  • Reply 24 of 34
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Gamblor

    I suspect that the 970MP is too hot for the iMac, given the reports of heat problems with the current iMacs...

    I too believe that the 970MP is too hot for the current iMac, but perhaps not for a high end 23" model.


    I think the only machine the 970MP might get used is in the Powermac...

    Might? What do you think Apple will use in the Power Macs until they move them to Intel processors in two years from now?
  • Reply 25 of 34
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    I'm sure the powermac will get the 970mp. I'm actually thinking January is the most probable... but I hope sooner. It is a drop in replacement right?
  • Reply 26 of 34
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by emig647

    I'm sure the powermac will get the 970mp. I'm actually thinking January is the most probable... but I hope sooner.

    Although IBM did not clarify when the new chips will be available, I believe it is a safe bet to say that this will happen some time this winter. So yes, probably MWSF 2006.


    It is a drop in replacement right?

    I think at least close to that.
  • Reply 27 of 34
    dvd_junkiedvd_junkie Posts: 113member

    Originally posted by PB

    [B]Although IBM did not clarify when the new chips will be available, I believe it is a safe bet to say that this will happen some time this winter. So yes, probably MWSF 2006.

    I think at least close to that.

    Pretty much pointless to release PMs with dual-core G5s just months before the Intel-based products hit the stores. Jobs created a problem with the Intel migration story, so unless he & Apple don't care that computer sales virtually dry up overnight while people wait for the Intel stuff, they'd better release this dual-core G5 ASAP. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Wonder if IBM's announcement today was just to piss off Jobs one day before Apple's earnings announcement.
  • Reply 28 of 34
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by DVD_Junkie

    Pretty much pointless to release PMs with dual-core G5s just months before the Intel-based products hit the stores. Jobs created a problem with the Intel migration story, so unless he & Apple don't care that computer sales virtually dry up overnight while people wait for the Intel stuff, they'd better release this dual-core G5 ASAP.

    Why pointless? If the Power Mac needs an update, Apple should give it. The situation is different in the Powerbook land, where introducing a G5 now is really pointless, given that the Powerbooks are still on G4 and the transition is very likely to start with them. But yes, the 970MP needs to find its way into the Power Mac presto.


    We'll see what tomorrow brings.

    What is tomorrow?
  • Reply 29 of 34
    dvd_junkiedvd_junkie Posts: 113member

    Originally posted by PB

    What is tomorrow?

    Earnings day for Apple today. If they have anything new to announce, it'll be today otherwise several more months with nothing new on the shelves.
  • Reply 30 of 34

    Originally posted by DVD_Junkie

    Earnings day for Apple today. If they have anything new to announce, it'll be today otherwise several more months with nothing new on the shelves.

    I don't remember Apple announcing anything on any previous earning report days. They might if they think stock prices will tank with the report but it doesn't seem likely. Updates can happen when ever then want.
  • Reply 31 of 34
    fieldorfieldor Posts: 213member
    New macs will arrive within 3 months for sure. I just listened to conference call and someone asked about future products and Peter or tim answered "we don't discuss about future products, but we have still great PPC products coming this quarter ( corrects himself quickly) the following quarters. " It sounded like this, but are not the exact words .

    Interesting quarter ahead.
  • Reply 32 of 34
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by fieldor

    New macs will arrive within 3 months for sure. I just listened to conference call and someone asked about future products and Peter or tim answered "we don't discuss about future products, but we have still great PPC products coming this quarter ( corrects himself quickly) the following quarters. " It sounded like this, but are not the exact words .

    Interesting quarter ahead.

    Actually, you don't need to hear them telling that, one way or another, because the iBook and Mac mini are already in line for an update. And the last iBook update being from October 2004, I doubt Apple could leave them for more than three months from now without a refresh.
  • Reply 33 of 34
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Honestly I don't know how in the hell they have gone this long without an iBook update. The iBook is one of their top sellers.... beats me sometimes. I just don't understand the way companies run sometimes.
  • Reply 34 of 34
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by emig647

    Honestly I don't know how in the hell they have gone this long without an iBook update.

    I believe it has to do with the availability of components (mostly CPU) for a Powerbook update. As things are now, there is too little room left between the Powerbook and iBook. The advent of 7448 may change that. We will see.
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