UI Question...

in macOS edited January 2014
I'm using os 10.3.9 and my iBook's icon (next to the computer name in the sidebar, "My iBook") is an old swivel iMac. I have an icon I'd love to replace this with, exept that I can't find any actual file to replace or get info. does anyone know how to replace this icon, or the file that is refrenced for an icon? Thanks.


  • Reply 1 of 3

    Originally posted by maverick18x

    I'm using os 10.3.9 and my iBook's icon (next to the computer name in the sidebar, "Matt Volenec's iBook") is an old swivel iMac. I have an icon I'd love to replace this with, exept that I can't find any actual file to replace or get info. does anyone know how to replace this icon, or the file that is refrenced for an icon? Thanks.

    On, macupdate.com, there's a shareware called CandyBar, it let's you change stuff like that, I think.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    there's also a icon file buried in the coreservices that you can replace.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    Thanks. I used candybar and it works perfectly.
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