Apple testing Mac OS X 10.4.3, OS X Security, and Safari updates



  • Reply 21 of 36
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by coldfusion1970

    Dayum, am i just lucky or do you guys have broken systems?

    I never said that mine was from Safari; it could have been a result of me doing desktop tasks while running Doom 3 in a window.
  • Reply 22 of 36
    henrikmkhenrikmk Posts: 17member
    I experience graphical trashing in full screen in 1600x1200 whenever I do a couple of slideshows using Finder or Preview. After a couple of tries, the screen always completely trashes, when viewing images that way, but returns to normal, if I zoom out to view the image list. Zoom in on an image and it trashes again.

    It also happens sometimes if I get a growl notification when viewing a VLC movie in fullscreen.

    Testing it under 1024x768 seems that nothing is wrong. Could it be a problem related to running out of texture memory in high resolutions?

    10.4.2 on a Mac Mini 1.25 Ghz with 1 GB RAM.
  • Reply 23 of 36
    By the way, you with Safari problems: Did you check up on CPU usage during lockups? How about swapping? If I have a lot of tabs open and start to move around, it will take long breaks with the beach ball where it needs to swap or do other work. Restarting it solves the problem.

    I strongly suspect flash animations have something to do with it, because after installing Privoxy (ad-blocker), I didn't experience this problem anymore. Also the breaks seem to be synced somehow with the animation in flash ads.
  • Reply 24 of 36
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by henrikmk

    By the way, you with Safari problems: Did you check up on CPU usage during lockups? How about swapping? If I have a lot of tabs open and start to move around, it will take long breaks with the beach ball where it needs to swap or do other work. Restarting it solves the problem.

    I strongly suspect flash animations have something to do with it, because after installing Privoxy (ad-blocker), I didn't experience this problem anymore. Also the breaks seem to be synced somehow with the animation in flash ads.

    Yes, I'll go and open up CPU monitor with my screen locked up.
  • Reply 25 of 36

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Yes, I'll go and open up CPU monitor with my screen locked up.

    Try using MenuMeters to catch it in the act. Much easier and handier for catching runaway programs.
  • Reply 26 of 36
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Same here. Full Windows-style "you can move the cursor, but nothing's moving or clickable."

    This is worse! Can't even move the cursor.
  • Reply 27 of 36
    I've seen two bugs that emerged in recent versions of Safari (starting somewhere from version 10.3.8 - 10.3.9 / 10.4-10.4.2) that are presentation related.

    Placing an animated gif in the background of a div and then nesting another div inside of it causes the gif to stop animating. Works fine on both platforms and in all other browsers, except Safari.

    Another deals with absolute and relative positioning of divs. Sometime a div is pushed further down the page than it should be, but refreshing the page snaps the div back in its proper place. Resizing the window sometimes knocks the div back out. Again it works fine in all other browsers/platforms and used to work in prior versions of Safari.

    Hopefully Apple will be ironing out some of these bugs.
  • Reply 28 of 36
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by melgross

    This is worse! Can't even move the cursor.

    But that's not going to say anything when the computer's locked up!
  • Reply 29 of 36
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,903member
    I just crashed Safari trying to build a car on the Scion website.

    In my experience it does crash quite alot, both in Panther and now in Tiger which I just installed a few days ago using erase and install. i don't use any third party add-ons or stuff like that.

    I'm looking forward to 10.4.3
  • Reply 30 of 36
    targontargon Posts: 103member

    Originally posted by melgross

    Not only did Safari start crashing in 10.4 - 10.4.2, but the whole machine locks up as well. I can't find a problem.

    I have Safari clock up on me all the time when i load a large page. Seems as tho the browser chokes with too much data, it then locks up beachballs, become un-responsive then finally the page is displayed , the CPU meter drops then the bowser becomes operational. Camino does not have this problem.

    Safari is poorly threaded if at all. You cannot load a large page an click on another preloaded tab to commence reading while the other page loads in the background or even create a new tab and click the bookmarks menu an expect Safari to continually load the other page in the background. Camino, Omniweb ect wont lock up. Safari operates like Mac OS 8x applications that is 1 function at a time, eg load a page click the bookmarks menu then the browser comes to a screeching halt an will not continue loading until you let go of the mouse button.

    This behavior aggravates me to no end.

    I browser with plugins an Java disabled. I notice Safari uses way too much CPU loading pages with JavaScript enabled, at least far more CPU than any other browser. I tend now to disable JavaScript and Images as well, now finally my pages load very fast like they should do on my fast connection. I vaguely recall the first version of Safari loading really fast like this with JavaScript an Images enabled, i wonder what happened over time. Now we have browser using far too much CPU and loads pages 10X slower than it should do.

    Damn if Camino had URL Auto Complete on History id have that as my default browser !!!!
  • Reply 31 of 36
    targontargon Posts: 103member
    tomvos posted a list of links

    in real world usage here are some details of page loading times with Plugins Disabled and Java Disabled as default in ALL tests. What i tested was aimed at JavaScript an images.

    I used for example the second link from the top of tomvos's list[email protected]

    Now this just one example, my real world experience on nearly every page is roughly the same as my findings below of course times will always be different, the important thing is the each variable will consistently be in the same order.

    Images + Javascript enabled = 11 seconds

    Javascript enabled - Images disabled = 8 seconds

    Images enabled - Javascript disabled = 5 seconds

    images disabled - Javascript disabled = 3 seconds

    Would be nice if Apple can do something about JavaScript performance this is really unacceptable.
  • Reply 32 of 36
    myrdmyrd Posts: 6member
    It's not Apple's fault if a website is coded poorly with Javascript. Even if Javascript would be made to run 100x faster than currently, one could still make a website that will load so slowly - just like someone can make a program to be extremely slow - cuz the very fact that it's a programming language gives that ability.
  • Reply 33 of 36
    targontargon Posts: 103member

    Originally posted by Myrd

    It's not Apple's fault if a website is coded poorly with Javascript. Even if Javascript would be made to run 100x faster than currently, one could still make a website that will load so slowly - just like someone can make a program to be extremely slow - cuz the very fact that it's a programming language gives that ability.

    Ironic, eh, the web page i linked too is Apple own page, haha, they better hire some better web page coders if that is the case, or do away with JavaScripts entirely. I remember the days where i could browse all day without the need for any Javascript an indeed i always had it disabled.

    It really annoys me how the www has evolved. Too much useless and slow JavaScript, excessive use of images even in this forum.

    I don't want to see a page full of logos, pop up menus who direct me to the selection as some JavaScripts do, and a bunch of overly sized avatar images and ridiculous signatures. What happened to providing buttons for simple things on pages like search or add reply etc why do they insist on using images, slowing our browsing down an costing us money in data downloaded. If i really wanted to look at a picture id prefer to click a link rather than a page spewing a dump load of images in front of me. ack Whatever happened to 'Text Only' versions of websites.

    sheesh, loading websites on a 200mhz machine with 96 meg of ram on a 33.6k modem back in 97 loaded faster than a page today on a 10Mb cable line on the fastest powerbook.
  • Reply 34 of 36
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    But that's not going to say anything when the computer's locked up!

    Excuse me for being dense, but I don't understand what you are trying to say.

    "Not going to say anything"?

    There are several kinds of faults. If she leaves the machine for a while, she might find that Safari "unexpectedly quit". Or it might as soon as she gets to a page. Or the machine will lock up with the mouse working - or not.

    I've been in this business for quite a while, and am used to clients calling me for answers.

    This doesn't bode well. I hope that the Safari problems they are working on fixes this. I'm not the only one affected, apparently thousands (at least) of others are as well.
  • Reply 35 of 36
    Safari is also completely unusable with Yahoo chat.
  • Reply 36 of 36
    Can't wait till Safari acts normal again.

    Not a day goes by or I have to crash it when it's "not responding" at over >100%CPU cycles (dual G5) and taking the whole system hostage.

    Boot your system, it's fine. browse some, leave it on, browse some more, don't shut down at night ... next day you're in for slow browsing & some serious CPU activity where pages load slow, tabs are unusable for several minutes till every single one entirely loaded, ...

    Maybe they can squeeze resources back on widgets too, and allow you to quit dashboard.
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