I've tasted the darkside (windoze xp2) and i like it



  • Reply 21 of 83
    I think Linux has a huge future in the home computing market. It will take quite a few years, but it is inevitable. Google is already building great applications (google maps, GMAIL) which work great on any OS, and I think 5-7 years from now, Linux will start to move into homes.

    Conquering business will have to happen first though.
  • Reply 22 of 83

    Originally posted by kcmac

    Will be interesting to hear what you think after a few months. My machine at work just keeps getting buggier and buggier. And that's with an IT staff. XP ain't so bad at first (well, I still hate the dialog windows, etc.) but it seems to go downward after awhile.


    Usually, the IT staff IS the problem. Every time they "fix" something, it only gets worse.
  • Reply 23 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    i got a 17" 1280x1024 sony lcd monitor ( sony sdm-HS75P/B ). one of those clearbright deals. the wet look is not that bad on this particular model. all i will say that the image is BLOODY AWESOME.

    so much so is that it is brand new, and i was able to find 3 dead pixels (covered under the 1 year warranty, so i'll get it fixed sometime down the line...)

    but get this: the resolution, colors, and display on VGA from iBook, and also from DVI from my 6600GT, is so amazing that i don't have any brain space to even register or remember that there are those 3 dead pixels

    after my experience with stuck pixels on apple cinema hd (plastic) i made sure i got something with 0-dead-pixel warranty, which sony offers for Malaysistan.

    anyway there's 3 tiny black pixels in fairly separate locations so at this stage i'm fairly confident they'll honour the warranty.

    it helps that those dead pixels are just black not some distracting color...

    windows media HD 720p and QuickTime H.264 720p is gorgeous.

    if i were to nitpick, is that black is not pure pure deep black because of the slight reflection of the wet look and the lcd backlight.
  • Reply 24 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by mynamehere

    Usually, the IT staff IS the problem. Every time they "fix" something, it only gets worse.

    totally well since this windoze xp2 "is not so bad" thread got threadjacked into a heated linux debate,

    what are thoughts on SUSE linux and is there a 64-bit goodness to that? what 64-bit distros would you all recommended? let it all out....

    i would say that Apple Mac OS X as a whole has a 5 year jumpstart on all the other operating systems from a consumer ease-of-use point of view, and potentially, as an enterprise desktop workstation/terminal.

    you know, btw, i would have to say is that in my 7 years of working since i finished college, nothing beats getting your own hardware together, rather than jumping through the bullshit ass hoops at work to get crappy Dulls. fuck that shit.

    umm... yeah, i'll need this 6800-ultra-powermac-dualie-2.7ghz-g5 for umm... doing TPS reports twice as fast
  • Reply 25 of 83
    Suse would be good for you if you have never ever ever used a linux.

    Ubuntu is also debian good but not sure if they do a 64 bit flavour yet.

    But if you know your way around linux, thats the terminal/console side of linux go with gentoo, takes a while to get going but it aint bad.

    I will give you say 4 months on your journey through PC land then you'll just want your mac back full time
  • Reply 26 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    ........I will give you say 4 months on your journey through PC land then you'll just want your mac back full time

    appreciate the distros advice. heh... problem is, the mac is my dad's
  • Reply 27 of 83
    wingnutwingnut Posts: 197member

    my venice core is 1.8ghz stock, so it hits almost up to 2ghz quite well but i think the motherboard (asus a8n sli - not deluxe) holds it back a bit and i'm operating with just a big fan in 90deg ambient temperatures (near the equator, remember? )

    You should be okay to go much higher. The trick with overclocking K8s is that you can't just increase the bus speed, because it's not really a bus. Essentially, there is just a "host clock" of 200mhz, and everything else runs at a multiple or divider of that. To increase your core speed, you must usually decrease the memory divider as well as the HT link. Here's a link that might describe it better:


    Todda's spelling is terrible, but he does know what he's doing.
  • Reply 28 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by Wingnut

    You should be okay to go much higher. The trick with overclocking K8s is that you can't just increase the bus speed, because it's not really a bus. Essentially, there is just a "host clock" of 200mhz, and everything else runs at a multiple or divider of that. To increase your core speed, you must usually decrease the memory divider as well as the HT link. Here's a link that might describe it better:


    Todda's spelling is terrible, but he does know what he's doing.

    heh cool... will report OC results here soon...

    edit:okay... figured this thing out and some other weird stuff

    htt to 3x and mem to 266 on the asus a8n-sli

    2.1+ ghz and counting . i like free mhz.. mm tasty

    2.39 GHZ

    795 mhz fsb

    398 mhz dram

    110 mhz pciexpress bus

    dynamic overclocking on the 500mhzcore/1000mhz 6600gt

    cool. i think i understand the HT multiplier thing and how that affects the dram.

    i can probably push it a bit higher now but mainly i think the dram wont like to go past 420mhz. it's kingston value ram with no heatspreaders or anything.

    thanks for the helps.

  • Reply 29 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    2.4 Ghz

    800 Mhz FSB

    402 Mhz ram

    110 Mhz PCIexpress

    i have been consumed by the darkside now

    i can't believe i just got 600 Mhz for free
  • Reply 30 of 83

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    2.4 Ghz

    800 Mhz FSB

    402 Mhz ram

    110 Mhz PCIexpress

    i have been consumed by the darkside now

    i can't believe i just got 600 Mhz for free

    Now let it run for 20 mins,

    Take 1 frying pan

    Place on top untill heated

    Add 2 eggs and 5 rashers of bacon untill done

    Lets see that baby with say, quake3 running in a window, a dvd playing in a window, Itunes ripping a CD, IE open on a site with lots of java/flash, and some macromedia apps opening up. ctrl-alt-del will help you out

    you should also try out MS attemp at expose If i remember it's alt-shift-tab, Looks like Bad boy Bill himself designed it
  • Reply 31 of 83
    zoranszorans Posts: 187member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    This is not blah blah blah. Linux has no UI, it's a kernel. You know this, yet you act as if what I said was factually wrong, instead of what you said (which is, technically, even if a lot of people refer to it as 'Linux').

    It's like me refering to OS X as XNU, or something. Not entirely valid, although XNU is a part of it, or it's core kernel, or Darwin, whatever.

    Being accurate is always important.

    Ohh-noes! The sky is falling.

    Other than GNU/Linux geeks the rest of the world calls it Linux, and they call the Mac Operating system OS X. You may call a tissue a 'Absorbent Paper sheet mainly used for blowing one's nose' to be accurate, the rest of us call it a tissue.

    Deal with it and live with it!
  • Reply 32 of 83
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member

    Originally posted by ZoranS

    the rest of us call it a tissue.

    That would be Kleenex ®.

  • Reply 33 of 83

    Originally posted by bergz

    That would be Kleenex ®.


    Kleenex ® for men

    back on topic......Hows the radiator doing
  • Reply 34 of 83
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    This is not blah blah blah.

    You're really testy. I have an installation of SuSE 9.3, does that make me special?

    Anyway, I would venture a guess that he's "scared of linux" because linux is a pain in the ass. (perhaps I should say Linux/GNU, since not including that GNU part surely means I don't know what I'm talking about.) I used to use Linux/GNU more frequently, but the GNU part of the bargain just plain sucks when you compare it to something like OS X. As someone who works for a living, I value it when I don't have to spend a day setting up my tools. Of course, if GNU is the only option, then I can incidentally run it on OS X as well. The only use I have for linux/gnu has to do with the fact that embedded hardware usually requires DB-9 serial ports for configuring the boot ROM. So I'm glad it exists, but to think for a second that SuSE is better in every way than Windows XP is to think like Caesar, and Caesar thought wrong. I think the mere fact that Adobe apps don't run on SuSE is enough justification. e
  • Reply 35 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    You're really testy. I have an installation of SuSE 9.3, does that make me special?

    Anyway, I would venture a guess that he's "scared of linux" because linux is a pain in the ass. (perhaps I should say Linux/GNU, since not including that GNU part surely means I don't know what I'm talking about.) I used to use Linux/GNU more frequently, but the GNU part of the bargain just plain sucks when you compare it to something like OS X. As someone who works for a living, I value it when I don't have to spend a day setting up my tools. Of course, if GNU is the only option, then I can incidentally run it on OS X as well. The only use I have for linux/gnu has to do with the fact that embedded hardware usually requires DB-9 serial ports for configuring the boot ROM. So I'm glad it exists, but to think for a second that SuSE is better in every way than Windows XP is to think like Caesar, and Caesar thought wrong. I think the mere fact that Adobe apps don't run on SuSE is enough justification. e

    essentially. within a few hours i was killing evil Sith assasins and shit and downloading bittorrent through wireless router thingymajig. i don't think that would have happened on linux for me, so quickly anyway............

    like you said, none of the 'essential' adobe/macromedia apps really run on linux at this stage AFAIK.
  • Reply 36 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    ............s Kcmac has pointed out, It may seem all nice and cuddlely at first, maybe because it's kind of new for you, but after a while it does go tits up and system slow down is inevitable. Nice gaming platform though but then so is the ps2 at a fraction of the price

    i really really hope it doesn't go tits up

    it is snappyTastic at the moment
  • Reply 37 of 83

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    i really really hope it doesn't go tits up

    it is snappyTastic at the moment

    Then you shall be needing this
  • Reply 38 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    Then you shall be needing this

    heh... i think cleaning up the oil spill after exxon valdez is easier than delving into the windows registry
  • Reply 39 of 83
    wingnutwingnut Posts: 197member
    cool, looks like you got the hang of it, and it's OCing like all the other Venice cores out there! 8)
  • Reply 40 of 83
    sport73sport73 Posts: 438member
    Often overlooked, and incredibly difficult to quantify, is the "BEAUTY" factor of OS X. Everytime I slide over to my Windows XP box at work, I get depressed and sick...It's SO UGLY. The fonts, the folders, the messy icons, the 1,500 variants in UI look and feel, the lack of drop shadows and other aides...Just aweful...

    Then I slide back to my G5 and all is right in the world.

    Aside from viruses, spyware, crashes etc., the biggest reason to move to OSX is the beauty. Pure and simple.
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