What about iTunes 5.0?



  • Reply 21 of 30
    I suspect iTunes 5 is partly dependent on the final version of QuickTime 7 being available for Windows.
  • Reply 22 of 30
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member

    Originally posted by Endymion

    I suspect iTunes 5 is partly dependent on the final version of QuickTime 7 being available for Windows.

    I agree, espessialy if the iTunes Movie Store becomes a reality.
  • Reply 23 of 30
    reidreid Posts: 190member

    Originally posted by danielctull

    I'd like a separate Audiobooks section in the Source. If podcasts can get separated from the main "music" library, then so should Audiobooks. iTunes will thus hold several different libraries: Music, Podcasts, Audiobooks and, of course, Movies. Why should my music videos get mixed up with my normal music?

    As an aside, movies stored in the Movies library should have there space under Movies/iTunes/iTunes Movies in my Home folder. Podcasts should be stored under Music/iTunes/Podcasts and Audiobooks under, you guessed it, Music/iTunes/Audiobooks. Again, why store Podcast, Audiobook and movie files under iTunes Music?

    I guess it would make sense to store Music, Movies, Podcasts, Audiobooks in the main iTunes folder. As such the iTunes folder would probably be best to out of Music altogether and sit directly in my home folder. For example, danielctull/iTunes/Podcasts.

    Well that's how I feel it should be organised, but I bet I'll get complaints about how it doesn't matter about the structure of folders and hierarchy what with Spotlight now... Well I happen to like things in their own place and know where they are and what's happening.

    You can store your files anywhere you want to. There's a whole preference pane for that under "Advanced." Lets you choose where files are stored, and whether or not iTunes should automatically arrange the files for you. So, if you want to make an iTunes folder in your Home directory, you should feel free to do so. Heck, it doesn't even have to be on a local drive, if you don't want it to be (though I've never tried syncing an iPod to a remote library).
  • Reply 24 of 30

    Originally posted by Reid

    You can store your files anywhere you want to. There's a whole preference pane for that under "Advanced." Lets you choose where files are stored, and whether or not iTunes should automatically arrange the files for you. So, if you want to make an iTunes folder in your Home directory, you should feel free to do so. Heck, it doesn't even have to be on a local drive, if you don't want it to be (though I've never tried syncing an iPod to a remote library).

    Yes, but you still can't set different folders for each type of file, audiobook, podcast, movie or music for example. I know I could arrange it all myself, but using iTunes to keep it all arranged is a better option for tidyness.
  • Reply 25 of 30
    ejpejpejpejp Posts: 17member
    How about selling songs in 160kbps AAC? I know Apple probably has reasons for keeping it at 128, but 160 sounds so much better than 128 for only a modest increase in file size.

    Oh ya, and maybe if you join CD tracks when you import, make it so that it doesn't treat it as one track, but just give gapless playback going from one song to the next.
  • Reply 26 of 30
    Heck why not bump it up to 128-192k range VBR AAC files (like QT7 can do) for a really nice jump in quality, and then also Apple Lossless Format for somewhat more. Whatever a CD costs I suppose. If the CD costs $20 (new even if the album is old, because well that's how labels think) then sell the CD in Apple Lossless for $20 and if you want to buy the songs separately charge the CD price divided by number of songs. 10 songs, $2 for the Apple Lossless version with say a $1.25 floor and $2.50 ceiling. Or something along those lines.

    That gives you a nice sounding copy in lossy format for .99 cents/Album 9.99 as usual, or somewhat more for Apple Lossless. This way the labels get the same price for the old lossy files, and their full CD price of the non-lossy files.

    Apple's reasons for 128k AAC is probably the labels not wanting the songs to sound really good so as to impact their CD sales as little as possible. However Real sells 160k AAC files right now, so Apple can probably re-negotiate.
  • Reply 27 of 30
    sopphodesopphode Posts: 135member
    I suspect they'll release it at the Paris expo as well, together with QT7 for Windows and new iPods.

    My wishlist:

    Secure ripping

    VBR AAC w/ gapless

    Internet sharing

    Lossless->AAC for all iPods, not just the shuffle

    A modernized UI and more OSX features built in (4.9 doesn't even do spell-checking in text fields)

    Well, that's what I can think of right now
  • Reply 28 of 30
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member

    Originally posted by Sopphode

    My wishlist:

    Speaking of wishlists, I would like a Music Store wishlist feature where one can add their songs to a "wishlist" playlist and then purchase them at a later date. I know you can drag songs from iTunes now, but, it would be nice to have a streamlined feature. They can even have promotions where if you buy x songs you get one random song from your wishlist...and as you buy a song, they automaticly disapear from your wishlist. Another possible promotion is a wishlist sweepstakes where people can get their entire wishlist of songs for free up to x songs, and that x songs would be determined by the place in the sweepstakes you got. E.G., grand prize, 1,000 songs, and 1st place, 250 songs, etc.

    Just an idea.

    A few other nice features would be:

    Party Shuffle Kiosk Mode with full requests features for partys.

    An iPod song que so that instead of syncing your entire iPod, your iPod just adds songs that are in the iPod song que playlist.
  • Reply 29 of 30
    ejpejpejpejp Posts: 17member
    Also, maybe instead of just getting the album art when you buy an album, maybe they should give you the choice to buy the booklet too. I know for some albums (Like Quadrophenia by The Who), the inside booklet is very cool and helps you understand the story.
  • Reply 30 of 30

    Originally posted by Sopphode

    I suspect they'll release it at the Paris expo as well, together with QT7 for Windows and new iPods.

    My wishlist:

    Secure ripping

    VBR AAC w/ gapless

    Internet sharing

    Lossless->AAC for all iPods, not just the shuffle

    A modernized UI and more OSX features built in (4.9 doesn't even do spell-checking in text fields)

    Well, that's what I can think of right now

    All of this would be highly groovy. The only thing I'd REALLY like are the same nested folders that arrived in iPhoto 5. Everything else is cake, I have no real complaints about iTunes. It works, it works well, it makes me happy about 95% of the time and annoyed only 5% No worries.
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