Trading G5 for G4 Powerbook.

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014

I'm at home less and less these days so I have decided to trade in my PowerMac G5 single 1.6 Ghz towards a new 15 inch Powerbook, and keep my 20 inch Cinema for when I AM at home.

The PowerMac is stock except for the 1.5 GB Ram.

1.6 GHZ Proc., 800 MHZ Bus, Superdrive, 80 GB HD, 64 MB nVidia 5200 Ultra, and its running Tiger 10.4.2.

I know I'll be taking a speed hit, but the 20% I might lose while rendering will easily be made up with the amount of added time I'll gain a week. (approx. 50 hours)

Plus, I'm buying a new desktop when I move next year anyways.

I'm contacting sales at my local Apple reseller on Monday, but I was wondering what I might expect back on my PowerMac towards a trade?? Anyone know??



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