I've tasted the darkside (windoze xp2) and i like it



  • Reply 61 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    What things? I thought you were pretty happy with the performance? Surely RAID is a much more complicated issue that requires drivers and takes less than 5 minutes to set up?

    hey, its all cool. windows xp2 is passable for things i will need for work like running Flash MX on PC and viewing websites via firefox. and games.

    as long as i stay focussed on that, i don't want to fiddle with too much else.

    the hardware is excellent, been getting into star wars knights of old republic 2, and need for speed underground 2 gives a real adrenaline rush with those cool Akira-style light trails.

    i won't be setting up RAID, if i were serious i would use the built in nForce SATA raid 0 (striped) but currently my power supply has only 1 sata power plug. the parallel ata 7200rpm 2mb cache 160gb drive in there is fine for now

    time to take Linux for a spin. there is some event in two weeks time and also i can get linux professional 9.3 for approx us$25 ~ reasonable considering you get support, not having to dick around with downloading and burning images, etc etc. gonna open up another thread to discuss Suse

    ps. the sony lcd is awesomely good, and i hope to get a simple usb- wireless mouse and keyboard so i can just plug it out of the PC into the iBook g4 port as my 'KVM' switch ~ the sony is KVM'ed in the sense that there's a nice simple button to switch between DVI (from PC) and VGA (from iBook)
  • Reply 62 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    i think i was just frustrated last night with the FW bus not playing nice with the Dlink PCI wifi adapter.

    now i get an inkling why Asus offers desktop mobo's with built-in 802.11g and why Centrino has been really quite successful

    mainly though my DSL was acting up. and the latest dlink pci wifi driver is going quite smooth. much less 'stuttering' when pci wifi is downloading while FW400 bus is working.

    stable now at 2.2+ghz, 1gb ram @ 390+mhz, hypertransport close to 800mhz.

    gonna try and take suse 9.3 64-bit for a spin in a few weeks, dual booting to winXP should not be a problem.

    downloading half-life 2 at the moment.

    win xp, workable for now, Flash MX 2004 and Firefox continue to be Snapfabulous...................................

  • Reply 63 of 83
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    [B]time to take Linux for a spin. there is some event in two weeks time and also i can get linux professional 9.3 for approx us$25 ~ reasonable considering you get support, not having to dick around with downloading and burning images, etc etc. gonna open up another thread to discuss Suse

    Take a stab at it.
  • Reply 64 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    researching ndiswrapper for my wifi card D-Link AirPlus G+ DWL-G520+ 802.11g 54Mbps ... it doesn't look to bad. we'll see how things go over the next several weeks ...

    triple boot will come some day, first i'll check out dual boot ;-)
  • Reply 65 of 83
    ryaxnbryaxnb Posts: 583member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    Oh yeah, with OSX and iApps (what a horrible name, by the way) Apple killed Linux's hopes..

    ..the only thing Apple killed was its 5% marketshare around the time OSX was released, which is now around 2.3%. If you call that killing someone else's widespread use in households... then we should really close this argument 'cause somebody didn't read the news lately.

    Now around 4.7!
  • Reply 66 of 83
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member

    Originally posted by ryaxnb

    Now around 4.7!

    According to?
  • Reply 67 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    it's happening people, unauthorised hacks to run mac os x intel on beige boxes:


    it's starting to get believable
  • Reply 68 of 83
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member
    Oh shit.
  • Reply 69 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    Oh shit.

    micro$oft is so owned
  • Reply 70 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    -heh. cool. suse 9.3 dual boot windoze Xp2. man this linux thing was hard and weird but i feel damn 'l33t' now

    -thanks to all that suggested ndiswrapper, working like a charm with the latest dlink winxp driver

    -still too complex for my parents to use though, mac os X is our last hope

    -KDE on suse 9.3 is teh snappy though, firefox like goes 'pop pop' snappy on me setup
  • Reply 71 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    change of heart on linux. y'all probably think i'm a hella moody bastard. but its probably true

    nah, suse is cool but way too unpolished for noobs like me

    with a windows xp1 install cd handy and my 'rescue' 20gb firewire drive i can go from completely blank desktop pc to up and running internet, flash, games, etc. in a few hours. suse and linux was just too painful, i'm getting too old to remember all the text commands.

    of course, with the mac os x side on the ibook with a 10.4 install dvd handy and my 'rescue' 40gb usb drive i can go from blank mac to 10.4.2 with user folders and settings all sweet in a few hours. note to self: 10.4.0 to 10.4.2 combined update would be handy to download and have on disk rather than having to go through software update. + .mac sync and all that jazz is cool.

    but yeah, back to the windows. well, the asus bios and amd overclocking is good, and having an nvidia card and mobo chipset makes drivers and stuff sweet. props to nvidia, i like their stuff. i'm not bothering with antivirus and antispyware, whatever, i'll just fresh install every month for fun well, i'm just using firefox, i only use web-based mail, and i'm behind my wireless router firewall on dynamic ip. so, safe enough for now, and disabling bullshit services on winxp pretty much keeps the snaptasticness.

    i've given up on all the rubbish windows updates and windows media player, divx player 6 is nice and of course quicktime and itunes.

    so, checking out the windows scene, 3d gaming, internet browsing when my (dad's) iBook isn't around, should be looking alright.

    overall, quite manageable for now and i feel i hit a nice sweetspot for the equivalent of us$1000 including sony 17" monitor.

    plenty of upgrade options down the line:

    wireless keyboard and mouse or laser mouse or mighty mouse

    amd athlon 64 x2 dual core thingy stock clocked at 2.2ghz

    SLI 2 cards of 6800gt

    sata 7200rpm 8mb cache drive

    2-2-2-5 or some nice low latency 500mhz dual-channel 1gb kit of ram*

    *why pc4000 500mhz? the asus a8n sli board only supports ddr400mhz. but (definitely correct me if i am waay off), getting a nice low-latency kit allows for more overclocking overhead on the ram side when upping the bus and hypertransport multiplier, etc. well, just a hunch for now but even a real dual-channel low-latency pc3200 2x512mb or 2x1gb ram upgrade could do wonders down the line

    but its definitely enough for now....

    i got lucky on the overclocking (i did some research but coming from the mac world its quite new) with getting a venice, 1.8ghz upped to 2.2ghz++ with some more headroom, and the 6600gt running stable at 550mhz+ core and almost 1.2ghz mem, again, i strongly suspect there's more headroom, with...

    oh, watercooling? watercooling is a pathway to many overclocking abilities some consider to be unnatural....

    is it possible to learn these skills?

    not from a dell dealer, it is not....

    wait, that's quite a lame attempt at humor. ok, time for bed.....
  • Reply 72 of 83
    All that cash spent, All that tinkering with water works, Clock speeds and all.

    Sitting at my desk, on top of that fence

    Blue,yellow or red neon lights?

    When did i loose my peacefull,restful nights?

    A click here, a click there, Hey! you ain't supossed to be there!!

    Update me now! Update me now! No,No don't switch me off!!

    All is calm now i can hear the microsoft charm

    So now i sit here, wallet dry no time to cry

    Quake 3 now says 99FPS, oh why why why

  • Reply 73 of 83
    gene cleangene clean Posts: 3,481member
    Internet, flash, and games are not a reason to give up on Linux. They're there, you just need to tinker with GUI (no text commands) to get them rolling. But, I realize that you may not like the Linux way, or 'look and feel', or whatever else, and you're perfectly entitled to that.

    Just tell me, did you feel any performance increase or was it about the same?
  • Reply 74 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by Gene Clean

    ......Just tell me, did you feel any performance increase or was it about the same?

    honestly, no significant difference
  • Reply 75 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    All that cash spent, All that tinkering with water works, Clock speeds and all.

    Sitting at my desk, on top of that fence

    Blue,yellow or red neon lights?

    When did i loose my peacefull,restful nights?

    A click here, a click there, Hey! you ain't supossed to be there!!

    Update me now! Update me now! No,No don't switch me off!!

    All is calm now i can hear the microsoft charm

    So now i sit here, wallet dry no time to cry

    Quake 3 now says 99FPS, oh why why why

  • Reply 76 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    this is kinda wrong but you know, it is possible to massage the ugly duckling into a fledging swan

  • Reply 77 of 83
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Talking about Windows I just picked up a new Panasonic CF-18 Toughbook. I?ve really been agonizing weather I should get a TabletPC or ruggedized notebook for my travels. Well I got both (in one). This is probably one of the coolest gizmos I have ever owned, though a bit thick in size, it only weighs in at 4.5 lbs. I don?t know if anyone has ever played with a Toughbook but the name surly explains it, this thing is a tank and with a battery life (real world) of 6.5 hours I can?t put it down.

    I got the touchscreen model with GPS and GPRS

  • Reply 78 of 83

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    this is kinda wrong but you know, it is possible to massage the ugly duckling into a fledging swan

    Hardly a swan with a border the size of texas, No matter how hard you try to skin XP and it's apps,Sorry programmes you alwasy end up with those fugly scrollbars
  • Reply 79 of 83

    Originally posted by Relic

    Talking about Windows I just picked up a new Panasonic CF-18 Toughbook. I?ve really been agonizing weather I should get a TabletPC or ruggedized notebook for my travels. . .

    I like the tablet PC idea, but at the end of the day I think I'm better suited by attaching one of those Wacom Pen-boards + integrated displays to my desktop as a second monitor.
  • Reply 80 of 83
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    relic you're insane. you going to go do some journalistic blogging in Iraq or somethin is it ??

    edit: or maybe your some ex-swiss-secret-forces going to do covert/mercenary work in 'hotspots' around the world

    come say hi if you are in Malaysistan we'll have a beer
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