my iMac has SHIPPED from the apple store!!!!



  • Reply 21 of 36
    Congrats buddy! I wish I could say the same. :o
  • Reply 22 of 36
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    [quote]No, I didn't order a Dell. But I did get one of their monitors...the P992. I can't wait! <hr></blockquote>

    Wait, you don't mean the 19" CRT monitor do you?

    Cancel the order, send it back, do NOT BUY THIS MONITOR!!!

    We have them where I work and they are complete pieces of shit. I'm not kidding here. They are REALLY BAD. If you're lucky enough to get one that DOESN'T SHAKE, it will most likely be VERY BLURRY. I had to tweak around with the settings of one of them for nearly 30 minutes to get it so you wouldn't get dizzy after using it for 10 minutes straight.

    After you use it for a few minutes, you'll see what I mean. They are HORRIBLE. I think we've already sent back 3 or 4 of these monitors. BEWARE.
  • Reply 23 of 36
    imacfpimacfp Posts: 750member
    That's great. You'll be one of the first people in the world to get one. I wish mine was coming. Hopefully soon.
  • Reply 24 of 36
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by mac's girl:

    <strong>ok gelding, you want my confession? ive seen it and its BIG. the imac base looks smaller in the pictures. and--i tried lifting it--and it was really heavy (but thats just a little girl talking). </strong><hr></blockquote>

    It really isn't that big. It's bigger than it looks in pictures, but not by much. It's about 20 pounds I think, not too heavy for a desktop computer.
  • Reply 25 of 36
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member haven't seen your order changed to "shipped" yet???? i thought you ordered early??? i feel for you...hopefully soon...

    pscates: "You're in the EXACT position I'm in, gelding!"

    ....then i am in good company....good luck with your NEW the exact position i'm in currently is "slightly recumbent with a gently sleepy demeaner"

    MacsRGood4U "When it does arrive you can amend the thread header so we all know!"

    can do

    mac's girl "ok gelding, you want my confession? ive seen it and its BIG"

    oh, i am not even going to comment on this

    (but there are sooooo many possible replies)

    "p.s. NM is cool! i was just in artesia this summer and took a tour of the whole bottom half of the state. alas, no apple stores around there i imagine."

    i like carlsbad, the caverns are great...but the southern part of the state in summer is hotter than the face of the sun (except silver city and the gila's nice there in the summer)...i live further north (between albuquerque and santa fe)...summers here are beautiful...but then so is fall and winter (don't like the spring though....insane winds for like two months straight) is great, wide open country (was born in So Cal and spent much time in santa monica, berkeley and then moved to DC/Baltimore was a cityish boy till dragging the whole family out here...almost freaked out the first year at halloween here...put out pumpkins on hay on the front porch as decoration...then i hear all this noise at about 3 in the morning...even the dogs weren't going near the front i grab a baseball bat and rip open the door to find a freakin huge cow on the porch eating the lived down the road a bit and had smelled the hay and broke down a fence to get to my i'm, bat still in hand, trying to push this cow off the porch and back home at 3 ever try to stop a cow from eating hay when all it really wants to do is eat that damn hay??? not has been a fun transition though from city boy to ackward mountain boy...since i don't kill anything as a rule, i am constantly moving rattle snakes in an igloo ice chest further down the road a bit...learned how to catch them with a rake and any handy igloo chest...and the dogs get in regular confrontations with the, one day shortly after moving here, recess was cancelled at my daughters elementry school because a mountain lion was out by the swing set)...have fun with your iMac g

    [ 01-29-2002: Message edited by: thegelding ]</p>
  • Reply 26 of 36
    Yeah, that's not bad, especially considering the old iMac was like 38 lbs. or something...
  • Reply 27 of 36
    gelding ol' boy, your mind is in the gutter! LOL! honestly, that was my initial reaction, that the imac was bigger than it looked in the pix. and i could barely budge it, so im sure it was closer to 30lbs. i think I made EmAn defensive, but i wasnt criticizing the imac. i wouldnt dream of doing such a thing. besides, since i ordered one too.

    so you're a soCal guy in cow country, huh? i have never seen more cows in my life than i did in NM. but the steaks are real good! i was warned not to eat any of the seafood (since it was probably caught in the lake by the oil wells), and it made some of my friends sick. i did visit roswell and carslbad. the caverns are nice although the locals kept warning us how its "freezing" down there and i lugged a big jacket only to discover "freezing" meant 50 degrees. thats WARM to my yankee butt. i also went to the white sands desert and it was at least 120 degrees! the mountain towns are so much cooler, and we stopped through lovely little places like Cloudcroft before reaching Alamagordo. Later we went thru Ruidoso (i *loved* that place) and i lost all my money at the casino. haha!

    i didnt have any run-ins with snakes or scorpions or wil animals. the only thing i saw was a lizard. too bad. now i dont have any exciting indiana jones stories for my yankee neighbors. lol!

    i only flew over ABQ and santa fe, but it looked beautiful from the prop plane ride. i hear its so much cooler and greener there. i would have liked to visit there, and taos too, but there wasnt enough time. oh well, maybe some day.

    (I hope no one minds we got off track with this discussion.)
  • Reply 28 of 36
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by mac's girl:

    <strong> honestly, that was my initial reaction, that the imac was bigger than it looked in the pix. and i could barely budge it, so im sure it was closer to 30lbs. i think I made EmAn defensive, but i wasnt criticizing the imac. i wouldnt dream of doing such a thing. besides, since i ordered one too.


    Didn't mean to sound defensive or like an asshole or anything. Just stating my opinion. Sorry
  • Reply 29 of 36
    [quote]Originally posted by EmAn:


    Didn't mean to sound defensive or like an asshole or anything. Just stating my opinion. Sorry </strong><hr></blockquote>

    's alright...

  • Reply 30 of 36
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    mac's girl....forgot about cloudcroft and white sands...both are definently beautiful and well worth the visit....the caverns are great, i didn't need a coat either (nice funky snack bar down something from the Jetsons...but in a dark, wet cave)...did you see the bats fly out at sunset?? Taos is really nice....going skiing this weekend....the skiing out here is worth moving from back east if nothing else is....i learned to ski back east and it was always cold, wet and icy with overcast skys and limited views...and when you fell, you were soaked and your hands and feet were blocks of ice....out here....well i don't know the physics behind it (it sort of seems impossible) but it is warm, yet the snow doesn't melt or turn can be fifty degrees and sunny and you are at 12 thousand feet and can see a hundred miles in all directions, yet the snow is great, you never get wet or icy and your feet and hands are warm....the only times i'm the least bit cold is the ski-lift's great...anyways, still off iMac must be in Alaska by now...will scurry off to the fed ex site and check....all the best with your "heavy" iMac......g

    next time you visit i hope you see more wildlife

    oh, and as for the seafood....yes, it is best avoided, except in the big cities (of which new mexico has like 1)....we are a land-locked state...i save my seafood binges for when i visit friends and family back in baltimore....maryland blue crabs, silver queen corn and beer is like heaven in the summer..g

    [ 01-31-2002: Message edited by: thegelding ]</p>
  • Reply 31 of 36

    Is your tracking showing your iMac in Alaska yet? Mine keeps showing Narita Airport in Japan, maybe it has left there. I can't tell.

    I've been reading your travelogue about New Mexico with envy. I was born there, but always lived elsewhere, including Baltimore (twice, in the early 50's and early 60's, which makes me 112), but New Mexico is always my favorite place to visit. I spent a week in Ruidoso last July, went to all my favorite places in southern NM, like White Sands and Carlsbad, but I really hated not making it up to your part of the state. Maybe next time. It's a million miles across Texas to get there.
  • Reply 32 of 36
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    Barvow: disappointingly, these are the only updates Fed Ex has given me so far (time frame is 1 then 2 then 3):

    3. Left FedEx Ramp C.K.S. INTL AIRPORT TW 01/30/2002 16:38

    2. Left FedEx Origin Location TAOYUAN CITY TW 01/29/2002 17:19

    1. Pickup status TAOYUAN CITY TW 01/29/2002 17:03 Package received after FedEx cutoff time

    ....i will let you know when it touches down in the states....the last update is almost a day old (TW time being almost exactly 12 hours different than my mountain zone.)

    and yes, even though Texas is only one state away, it is dang far...jez that's a big flat state...of course nm is pretty large too....

    it's nice to have another "old-timer" on the, i fell in love with new mexico when i was a kid...i had very hippie california parents and we traveled all around the southwest and mexico in a VW camper when i was a kid (early to late sixties)...told myself i would live in new mexico someday....sure surprised the wife and kids (all three born and raised in Maryland) when i told them we were taking a vacation to new mexico and if they liked it we would buy some land....that was in 1992...they liked it so we bought the land and waited a bit trying to decide if we would retire out here or move sooner, like before the kids were in middle school and hated us for moving them away from their friends...we decided not to wait and built a home and moved out in 1995....and i'm hoping never to move again...i love it out miss the ocean of santa monica (not the billions of humans living there though) and the friends and family in baltimore (but not the humidity and random gun fire)....but that's what plane trips and cross-country car rides are for...will let you know when i see a change at fed ex....g

    [ 01-31-2002: Message edited by: thegelding ]</p>
  • Reply 33 of 36
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    I can't believe this. Surly Apple isn't shipping each iMac seperatly from Tiwan? That must kill all their profit. If this is true they have go to bulk ship to the US and distribute from there.
  • Reply 34 of 36
    Apple announced at their recent analyst meeting that the initial batch of new iMacs would be air freighted to catch up with demand. They are not being sent one at a time. Once in Alaska they are forwarded to the lucky buyers. (The same was done with the first version of the iBook). Eventually all will be sent via ship. They said profits would be a little less on these shipments, obviously.
  • Reply 35 of 36
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    So this is a group shipment then.
  • Reply 36 of 36
    Yup. Probably as many pallets they could load on to the plane. Once on U.S. soil they are sorted and sent on their way to the expectant owners.
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