can i highlight a link to open it in new win/tab?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
i mean if there is a link, can i highlight it and then click something to open it in a new window or tab?


  • Reply 1 of 7
    if your using Safari hold the apple command button down while you click on a link, depending on if you have tabbed browsing on in safari this will open the link in a new tab or new window.
  • Reply 2 of 7

    Originally posted by Ichiban_jay

    if your using Safari hold the apple command button down while you click on a link, depending on if you have tabbed browsing on in safari this will open the link in a new tab or new window.

    err i guess i wasn't clear enough..

    i meant if the link was written down as a text .. and not underlined.. u know what i mean? like can i highlight it and open it in a new tab/win?

  • Reply 3 of 7
    Have you looked in the services menu under the application menu?
  • Reply 4 of 7

    Originally posted by Karl Kuehn

    Have you looked in the services menu under the application menu?

    sorry but I have no idea what ur talking about..
  • Reply 5 of 7
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by TofaChino

    err i guess i wasn't clear enough..

    i meant if the link was written down as a text .. and not underlined.. u know what i mean? like can i highlight it and open it in a new tab/win?


    If it is a fully-qualified URL, you can select it and control-click and the menu will say "Go to address". Unfortunately, Safari won't admit that "" is a URL; it insists on having the "http: //" there before it will grudgingly admit that it is a URL.

    All you can do in the case of a URL that does not have the "http: //" is highlight it, control-click and choose Google Search, which will have as its only result the website URL which you can then click. The whole thing is stupid design, IMO.
  • Reply 6 of 7
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by TofaChino

    sorry but I have no idea what ur talking about..

    Application menu = second menu from left. Has the name of the current application. Look in there, and you'll find...

    Services submenu = holds a number of actions that various applications 'publish' that they're available to perform. Note the 'Open URL' item.

    Highlight the URL you want to open in Safari, while in *any application*, and then go to the Application menu -> Services -> Open URL, and it will be opened in a new window in Safari, if at all possible.
  • Reply 7 of 7
    yomamayomama Posts: 21member
    Is there a way yo assign a keyboard shortcut to "Open Url"?
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