Adware and spyware

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Fairly new to macs.

I know that i don't have to worry about viruses, but can my mac get infested with adware and spyware? If so, how do i prevent it?

Thanks in advance for any advice.


  • Reply 1 of 7
    Theoretically, probably.

    Realistically, no!

    I basically make the decisions on the implementation of 100-200 Macs. I'm testing anti-virus software right now simply because it won't hurt anything and it will improve a "goal" we have of having a certain percentage of our machine at a certain patch level.

    I have yet to see ANY spyware or adware for Macs.
  • Reply 2 of 7
    Ok cool thanks. That's what i thought and i just wanted to make sure.

    I love my Macs. I will never go back to windows ever again.
  • Reply 3 of 7

    Originally posted by Tomahawk

    Theoretically, probably.

    Realistically, no!


    What does that mean Theoretically ?
  • Reply 4 of 7 Posts: 3member
    Uusually Macs are pretty safe from spyware/adware/viruses. I'd just recommend not using IE, as you never know when something will appear when using IE.
  • Reply 5 of 7
    the·o·ret·i·cal - adj.

    1. Of, relating to, or based on theory.

    2. Restricted to theory; not practical: theoretical physics.

    3. Given to theorizing; speculative.

    theo·reti·cal·ly - adv.

    Synonyms: theoretical, abstract, academic, hypothetical, speculative

    These adjectives mean concerned primarily with theories or hypotheses rather than practical considerations: theoretical linguistics; abstract reasoning; a purely academic discussion; a hypothetical statement; speculative knowledge.
  • Reply 6 of 7
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by Vox Barbara

    What does that mean Theoretically ?

    It means that if I sent you an email that had a file attachment that was an Applescript saved as an application that contained the following code:


    do shell script "rm -rf ~/Desktop"

    and if you clicked on the attachment in Mail, Mac OS X would put up the dialog "File is an Application. Are you sure you want to open it?"

    If you click OK, your Desktop disappears. Forever.

    The script could just as easily do a lot of other things, and if it could convince you to type in your Admin password, it would have root privileges and you are hosed.

    That is a Trojan Horse - there really is no defense if the Trojan can get the user to enter the Admin password.

    Viruses and worms, however, exploit defects in the system. So far there have not been any exploited in OS X, because of the nature of the design. To clarify: OS X, as mentioned above, will ask for permission if it sees an application being launched. Also, it will require an Admin password to install, delete, or modify anything in any of the system folders. Even the Admin user on OS X cannot modify the system files without authenticating. Other operating systems may allow the Admin user to do just about anything, and so a worm or virus has a lot more potential on that type of system.

    And it ain't the small market share that is the reason for this - it is a basic design difference.
  • Reply 7 of 7
    bergzbergz Posts: 1,045member

    Originally posted by Tidelwav

    Fairly new to macs.

    I know that i don't have to worry about viruses, but can my mac get infested with adware and spyware? If so, how do i prevent it?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    Answer to your question: (is your head spinning yet?)

    Viruses: no.

    Adware: no.

    Spyware: no.

    Trojan Horse (you opening up something you shouldn't from V:AGRA4MAX@ÅPPL.CUM): yes. if someone actually took the time to do it for a mac, etc.

    Note: you can still pass on malware you receive from PC users to other PC users if you Entourage it, for example. This is basically the only thing that drives the Mac Virus Protection Industry.

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