Ever lose System Preferences

in macOS edited January 2014
New iMac G5 w/Tiger:

For some odd reason, when I clicked on the System Preferences icon in the Dock, all I got was a super-imposed question mark on the icon. When I went to the Apple in the corner to open System Preferences, I got nothing.

After calling Apple support and explaining the problem (of which they never heard), I was told to reboot the system with the back up disks.

30 minutes later and all is fine now, but I am still wondering what could have caused this hiccup.

I am very careful not to download anything questionable, but my not-so-computer-literate brother did download MSN messenger on my G5, which I promptly threw in the trash. He apparantly tried to use it again without my permission, and that's when the problem arose.

Any insight would be helpful.




  • Reply 1 of 4
    Why did you feel the need to throw MSN 5 in the trash?
  • Reply 2 of 4
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member

    Originally posted by J@ffa

    Why did you feel the need to throw MSN 5 in the trash?

    I don't know about pino's problem, but MSN Messenger will assert itself even if it has never been setup. The only way to disable it to discard it.
  • Reply 3 of 4

    Originally posted by J@ffa

    Why did you feel the need to throw MSN 5 in the trash?

    I fear things I don't understand

    That, and I just hate when sh*t gets downloaded on my Apple without my permission.

    Most of those PC-based services just seem so damn clingy and bog things down.

    Just my opinion, of course.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    What's a PC-based service?
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