Java 5 on OS 10.4.2

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I am in college right now studing software engineering and I am in a Java class right that is using Java 5 and I was wondering if anyone knew how to make Java 5 the default compiler in OS 10.4.2 thanks


  • Reply 1 of 4
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member

    Originally posted by iGrant

    I am in college right now studing software engineering and I am in a Java class right that is using Java 5 and I was wondering if anyone knew how to make Java 5 the default compiler in OS 10.4.2 thanks

    This should get you started.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    To anyone that wants to know, here is how you set Java 5 as your default in Mac OS 10.4.x

    open terminal

    go to :

    cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions

    then because this is the System folder, you are going to need to log in as root and to do that you do the following:

    sudo su root

    and then you are going to enter your root password

    then do the following to remove the pointer from Java 1.4.2 and redirect the pointer to Java 5 that you download from Apples website

    mv CurrentJDK CurrentJDK-old

    ln -s 1.5 CurrentJDK

    then to check to make sure it worked type in the terminal

    javac -version

    and it should come up ans Java 1.5.0_02
  • Reply 3 of 4
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member

    Originally posted by iGrant

    To anyone that wants to know, here is how you set Java 5 as your default in Mac OS 10.4.x

    Just curious, did this: "If you want to change the default Java version for applications and applets, use the new Java Preferences utility that is installed by the J2SE 5.0 update at /Applications/Utilities/Java/J2SE 5.0/." (quoted from the link I posted before) not work?

    If not, what was insufficient about the Java Preference Utility?
  • Reply 4 of 4

    Originally posted by Mr. H

    Just curious, did this: "If you want to change the default Java version for applications and applets, use the new Java Preferences utility that is installed by the J2SE 5.0 update at /Applications/Utilities/Java/J2SE 5.0/." (quoted from the link I posted before) not work?

    If not, what was insufficient about the Java Preference Utility?

    The Java Perference with the download for the Java Update to Java 5 makes Java 5 the default for everything EXCEPT the java compiler, that still remains as Java 1.4.2, so I should have said that you need to first download the Java 5 update from Apple and then do the following code.

    I hope that clears any confusion
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