I just want OSX

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Alright, I previously posted that I was considering a G3 imac 700mhz for 899 to run OSX I am a wintel guy and I need OSX like a fish needs a bicycle, but I want it bad. Since my wife has vetoed a $899USD purchase of the imac, I am thinking G3 power mac. I have heard from some folks that they run OSX great with a crap load of RAM. Any solutions for the cheapest and most effective way to run OSX? I don't want content creation and I don't want games, I just want a rock solid OS that doesn't crash when I open two apps. (read WIN 98SE) I would also not mind something upgradeable as well. My beige wintel tower is way too old for WinXP not that I would want it anyway. Thanks in advance.



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