Question about backup
I have an issue, with the Backup software.
Why does it only add a new file, with the changes since the last backup? If you are constantly deleting large files, and replacing them, this causes your backups to add up to many many many gigabytes more than what you're actually backing up. Anyway around this?
I have an issue, with the Backup software.
Why does it only add a new file, with the changes since the last backup? If you are constantly deleting large files, and replacing them, this causes your backups to add up to many many many gigabytes more than what you're actually backing up. Anyway around this?
this is annoying. i do see the added functionality of being able to backup from any of your older backups, but it would be nice to be able to turn this feature off.
my problem is that my external drive (used primarily for backup) is quickly getting full due to backup 3.0s new way of performing backups.
I'm sorry you're experiencing the same issue. I guess, as you suggested, deleting the backups and starting over is the only real solution right now.
Originally posted by kcmac
Use SuperDuper. Apple doesn't seem to understand our backup needs as witnessed by 3 versions and still lame.
SuperDuper does not work for me, because it is not designed to backup to CD or DVD. I also do not have a second volume, so it is basically useless.