Help. 30 GB missing.

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
So I was backing up using Mac The Ripper and DVD2XOne and lost approximately 30GB of space in my Mac HD even though I was saving to an external hard drive.

I opted to do the Disk Image option and for some reason, it was not saving to where I was telling it to save so I did it several times. When I decided to hunt for them, I did find two of the .img in the Mac HD.

I did all sorts of searches to find any file created yesterday and nothing. There are still 30Gigs out of a 120 GB hard drive and I don't know what took all that space. I keep my HD pretty clean, so I know there should be about 98 GB available, it tells me there are 67GB available.

What can I do aside from re-installing.

Thank you in advance for your help.



  • Reply 1 of 8
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    try this:

    in finder, press Apple+F (find)

    put the first field to "size" and then "is greater than" and put a variable (it's in KB)

    Put something like 1000000 and do a search.

    You'll get any file on your HD bigger than (almost) 1GB.

    You may also want to put, in the second field, "visibility" to both "visible and invisible items" that way you cover all the bases
  • Reply 2 of 8
    that's what you get for pirating movies.
  • Reply 3 of 8

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    that's what you get for pirating movies.

    No just backing up my daughters movies!

  • Reply 4 of 8

    You may also want to put, in the second field, "visibility" to both "visible and invisible items" that way you cover all the bases

    I did not know I could search invisible items. I'm pretty sure whatever it is, it's hidden.

    Thank you for the advise.
  • Reply 5 of 8
    Omni DiskSweeper will catalogue your drive by file size and allow you to find a heap of big files sitting there just wasting space. It is shareware, but the unregistered version does everything except let you delete large files from within the app. Do a search on
  • Reply 6 of 8

    I seem to be having a similar problem. I have a 160 Gb HD and approx. 20 Gb of that is completely missing. If I do a get info on all my folders in the root, the total amount used comes to 63.06 (50.66 - Users, 1.48 - system, 6.04 - Apps, 4.88 Library). The capacity of my drive once formatted is showing as 148.93. The problem is 'get info' on my HD is telling me I only have 63.95 available/84.98 used. 148.93 minus 63.06 = 85.87Gb not 63.95!!?

    If somebody could shed some light on my situation it would be most apreciated - 20Gb is a lot of space just to loose to Mr.Nobody!
  • Reply 7 of 8
    Whoa, this is still around!!!!

    What I ended up doing was doing a search (Find) for any file CREATED during that week, VISIBILITY was Visible or Invisible, and then if it was too many of them I told it to look for files SIZE above 2GB as an example.

    I ended up finding several large files hidden, I guess DVD2OneX kept hanging when exporting the VIDEO TS Folder which it was writing to a hidden file and then when it could not finish the process, it left the .dmg file instead of deleting it.

    Since I attempted to do it a couple of times, there were several .dmg files totaling 30GB which I just deleted and everything was cool.

    Hope that helps.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    dobbydobby Posts: 797member
    You can also use terminal

    Open a terminal window and

    $ find / -size +102400 -exec {} \\;

    This will return all files from / (root) that are greater than 100MB. The size is in 512byte blocks.

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