My theory on why PC people are so hung up on MHz.



  • Reply 20 of 67
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by radar1503:


    Umm. No. The Antec SX1030/1040 series is one of the best cases out there for the money. Great expansion, great cooling, good construction, and a very reasonable price. I think the Antec looks just as good as the Quicksilver. Plus, it will hold 4 fans, 4 CDROMs, and then about 6 or so hard drives. All powered by a quality 350W Antec PSU.

    It is not crap. Far from it. So it doesn't have handles. Oh no. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    because we all need 4 CD-ROM drives built-in to our towers

    must admit, that fan advantage sure has me jealous though

    BTW, PowerMac can theoretically have 6 hard drives as well. I would also like to know why you question the quality of Apple's power supply?

    if you think it looks as good than you have horrible taste and low standards.
  • Reply 22 of 67
    [quote]Sheesh that's got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. People buying a Mac just because Apple put up a tribute picture of Harrison. har har


    You're right, it was a dumb manuever on Apple's part

    applenut said:

    [quote]because we all need 4 CD-ROM drives built-in to our towers<hr></blockquote>

    Some of us may.

    [quote]BTW, PowerMac can theoretically have 6 hard drives as well. <hr></blockquote>

    Mine could have like a dozen then.

    [quote]if you think it looks as good than you have horrible taste and low standards.


    I know you do, but what do I?
  • Reply 23 of 67
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    [quote]because we all need 4 CD-ROM drives built-in to our towers<hr></blockquote>

    No. My point was more that it has 4 5.25" external bays. That could be a CDRW drive, a DVD drive, an Audigy drive, and a Rheobus, temp readout display, whatever you want. The flexibility is there. No matter how much you argue, a good amount of expansion is a good thing.

    [quote]must admit, that fan advantage sure has me jealous though <hr></blockquote>

    It's a design feature. It allows for 4 case fans out of the box. So if you load it up with a ton of crap, you can add fans to make sure it runs nicely. Or you can overclock more.

    [quote]BTW, PowerMac can theoretically have 6 hard drives as well. <hr></blockquote>

    If you add an extra HD bracket. Out of the box, it supports 5. From Apple's site:

    ?Support for up to two internal ATA drives

    ?Support for up to three internal SCSI drives

    ?Support for a combination of internal SCSI and ATA drives

    [quote]I would also like to know why you question the quality of Apple's power supply?<hr></blockquote>

    Could you please point out where I do? I don't recall doing that. My point that I have been trying to prove is that the Antec SX1035 is not a crap case. Not that the G4 case is bad (there are still some things I wish it had though).

    [quote]if you think it looks as good than you have horrible taste and low standards.<hr></blockquote>

    You have an opinion, I have mine. We don't have to agree..."beauty is in the eye of the beholder" after all. The SX1035B represents solid design, quality construction, and great functionality for the price. Beautiful? No. A good case? Definately.
  • Reply 24 of 67
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    by far the coolest looking PC case out there. also holds a buttload of hardware.

    <a href=""; target="_blank">Enermax CS-5190AL</a>

    too bad it's just a bit pricey.
  • Reply 25 of 67
    mclaugd1mclaugd1 Posts: 25member
    [quote]Try this thread for instance, which is just off the top of my head.<hr></blockquote>

    Ha! Good counter.

    [quote]Even without these updates, I've had few problems. To me, it's fairly telling of Microsofts intent to properly support and improve it's product without charging for updates. <hr></blockquote>

    OH! Now you're joking right? Next you're going to tell me they love to innovate. The truth is MS only 'innovates' when its in their best interest.

    [quote]you mean like VS.NET, CFS3, etc? (note: edited .Net statement)<hr></blockquote>

    You mean like this?

    <a href=""; target="_blank">Oops! Security flaw found in VS.Net</a>

    [quote]Yes, competition is a very bad thing. Very bad indeed.<hr></blockquote>

    So believes Microsoft.

    Check this out...

    <a href=""; target="_blank">Make people use Explorer - Gates email</a>

    [quote]I'd rather MS didn't lie, but never heard about dead people. <hr></blockquote>

    How about this?

    <a href=",,3_871631,00.html"; target="_blank">Microsoft Supported by Dead People </a>

    or how about this one?

    <a href=""; target="_blank">Dead People, Fake Letters, Support Microsoft - Report</a>

    [quote]Do you have proof of these allegations of death threats?<hr></blockquote>

    Figure of speech I guess. The point is you do business Microsoft's way or its the highway.

    [quote]I think you are mistaken about a great many things, but do whatever floats yer boat<hr></blockquote>

    Why don't you educate me.

    The fact is Microsoft has been found guilty of being an illegal monopolist. The only reason why IE is in use by so many people today is because MS bolted it onto Windows. IE would never have been so dominant if it had competed on its own merits. Microsoft is almost as good at coding systems and security as they are at doctoring phoney video evidence. Oops, they screwed that up too.

    <a href=""; target="_blank">MS screws-up video remake, and admits it wasn't real anyway</a>

    I don't understand why people continue to support a company like this.

    Enough of the arguing. Its great that you like your computer. Most Windows users (who aren't x86 hobbists) aren't as happy with their kits as you are. I used to be big into building my own computers too. I used to love tinkering with the OS and making it sleaker and more performing. But years of bugs, patches, broken promises and corporate dishonesty has left a bitter taste in my mouth. I always hated seeing a better product go by the wayside because MS weaseled their way into the corporate pocketbook by bundling and aggressive contractual bullying.

    Now with Mac OSX and Apple, its like back to 1988 all over again. Everything about computers is new and fun to explore.

    Its true that Apple has done its own screwing around with customers, but I certainly trust Steve Jobs a hell of alot more than I trust Bill Gates.

    PS: How's that latest service pack doing for ya?

    [ 03-06-2002: Message edited by: mclaugd1 ]</p>
  • Reply 26 of 67
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    lol, can't agree with you on that case alcimedes. I hate the up-angled front bezel. Ewww.

    If I had a butt-load of money I'd buy either this:

    Or this:

    Lian-Lis are really nice too but they look kinda weird in the mid tower form. Kind of fat.
  • Reply 27 of 67
    [quote]Enough of the arguing.[/QUOTE}

    You were never arguing, you are just spewing.

    [QUOTE]You mean like this?

    Oops! Security flaw found in VS.Net <hr></blockquote>

    No software is perfect, no OS is perfect. Perhaps if Apple and OSX held any significant corperate marketshare it would have it's security flaws more often exposed.

    Security by Obscurity isn't really security at all is it?

    [quote]How about this?

    Microsoft Supported by Dead People

    or how about this one?

    Dead People, Fake Letters, Support Microsoft - Report


    So Apple and MS have wrongfully abused dead people. It's not that I think MS is up for sainthood, but I just like to point out the hypocracy of people who think Apple can do no wrong.

    [quote]So believes Microsoft.

    Check this out...

    Make people use Explorer - Gates email


    Switching topics from CPU's to Browsers?


    [quote]Most Windows users (who aren't x86 hobbists) aren't as happy with their kits as you are.<hr></blockquote>

    Hmm, you must not know too many windows users.

    [quote]PS: How's that latest service pack doing for ya?


    Just fine thank you, I apply these updates just as a precaution as I have never really noticed any of these bugs these things are meant to fix.

    how's yer latest update to OSX? Did you get the latest version that allows you to Burn CDRs and DVDs? there has been an update that allows you to do such you know. did Apple charge you for this update that fixed what should have been both free and working when OSX shipped?

    sorry to hear that. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 28 of 67
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    [quote]Originally posted by mclaugd1:

    <strong>Mac people know full well that Macintosh computers (iMac and PowerMac) are behind the curve when it comes to bus speed, memory type and CPU clock speed. They don't need to be told that every time they come into contact with a PC user.


    Unfortunately, far too many mac users (on this forum) are also becoming too MHz obsessed.

    I suppose it's a natural reaction when PC users spew MHz numbers in our faces. I usually just show them what I've done on the Mac and how easily it was done.

    They usually shut up once they've seen OSX, and all the iApps.
  • Reply 29 of 67
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    [quote]No software is perfect, no OS is perfect. Perhaps if Apple and OSX held any significant corperate marketshare it would have it's security flaws more often exposed.

    Security by Obscurity isn't really security at all is it?


    so you're saying that as far as anyone knows, OSX is secure, and winXX isn't? and what's your point? so because something isn't as popular it can't be secure? dude, that arguement is lame. as far as anyone knows it's pretty damn secure, much more so than windows. you imply it's due to it's not being as popular, but that's an opinion, not a fact. the fact is that there are few known security issues in OSX, and hundreds in winXX.

    [quote]So Apple and MS have wrongfully abused dead people. It's not that I think MS is up for sainthood, but I just like to point out the hypocracy of people who think Apple can do no wrong.<hr></blockquote>

    lol, you can't see the difference between using a person as a spokesmodel for your product and writing false letters of support? in one case, you have a person who's known as creative, and they are used as an example of what the mac stands for. in the other case, you have a letter supposedly written by someone, signed by them saying they support a company and their practices, written to govt. officials. and the person is dead.

    many of the living/recently deceased people used in apple's ads are in fact devoted mac users, and lend their name/image with enthusiasm.

    [quote]how's yer latest update to OSX? Did you get the latest version that allows you to Burn CDRs and DVDs? there has been an update that allows you to do such you know. did Apple charge you for this update that fixed what should have been both free and working when OSX shipped?

    sorry to hear that.


    dude, wtf are you talking about? it was free. i picked up 5 at CompUSA. so could you, or anyone else. any store that sold macs had them. you could pay if you wanted to have them mail you a CD, but that's how it always works. no one sends out cd's for free.
  • Reply 30 of 67
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    [quote]I Have an Antec SX1035B, it's better looking than anything put out by Apple IMO.<hr></blockquote>

    You mean you have a Uneec case; a case that was dressed up by Antec.

    And leave that stupid George Harrison thread where is belongs, in Battlefront. We don't need people like you, Evil_Merlin, Echohead2, Venture and seta making up crap about why Apple put up his picture. Steve loves the Beatles. Steve sung Beatles lyrics during his last keynote. Steve also has enough power to determine what goes on the main page of Apple's website.

    Your assertions are shameful.
  • Reply 31 of 67
    mclaugd1mclaugd1 Posts: 25member
    [quote]Switching topics from CPU's to Browsers?



    I didn't switch topics at all. You're the one who sarcastically brought up the idea that competition was bad. Then I presented proof (from Bill Gate's own mouth) that Microsoft doesn't like competing.

    [quote]Hmm, you must not know too many windows users.<hr></blockquote>

    I know alot of Windows users. I work in a computer software company among many developers and testers. A handfull of them get hard over Microsoft and Visual Studio (which I would concede is a good development environment) and MFC's (which I would concede is crap). I frequently speak with people from other companies who use MS but don't like it because of all the hassles.

    [quote]but I just like to point out the hypocracy of people who think Apple can do no wrong.


    I never said Apple was the boy scout of the industry.

    The point of my original post was that Apple users have more to look forward to when it comes to using their computers. Mac users are simply more enthusiastic about their computers. Attendance at both MacWorld and Comdex indicate this as well. Apple, with only 5% market share, is able to draw over 87,000 visitors to MacWorld while Comdex only draws on average 200,000 visitors. The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), with more PC content than ever before, only attracted 100,000 visitors last year. With 95% of the market, why aren't PC users more excited about new announcements? Most likely because everything about PC's is the same, bland stuff day in and day out.

    And this whole Apple wrongfully abusing dead people idea is a joke. Amelia Earhart is a woman who 'flew' in the face of opinion when women weren't thought of as pilots. Albert Einstein changed the world of science with his theory of relativity. Picaso was one of the greatest painters of our generation. Ghandi showed the world that violence isn't the only way to exhert change. Apple's whole corporate ideology is to give people the tools to change the world. To not follow the path of least resistance and to definitely question the status quo. Sure some of this was spawned out of marketing and the need to make money, but just look at the products that came out of that company. Few other computer companies have had such a profound effect on the world as Apple. And a company like that, as flawed as it sometimes is, is one that gets my respect.

    [ 03-07-2002: Message edited by: mclaugd1 ]</p>
  • Reply 32 of 67
    [quote]so you're saying that as far as anyone knows, OSX is secure, and winXX isn't? and what's your point? so because something isn't as popular it can't be secure? dude, that arguement is lame. as far as anyone knows it's pretty damn secure, much more so than windows. you imply it's due to it's not being as popular, but that's an opinion, not a fact. the fact is that there are few known security issues in OSX, and hundreds in winXX<hr></blockquote>

    Here's two opinions that seem to parallel mine.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></A>;

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></A>;

    [quote]many of the living/recently deceased people used in apple's ads are in fact devoted mac users, and lend their name/image with enthusiasm.<hr></blockquote>

    you mean like, Albert Einstien?

    Eugene Said:

    [quote]You mean you have a Uneec case; a case that was dressed up by Antec.<hr></blockquote>

    If you mean Chieftech, then yeah. What's the big diff? It's not like Apple makes it's quicksilver cases in-house.

    [quote]And leave that stupid George Harrison thread where is belongs, in Battlefront. We don't need people like you, Evil_Merlin, Echohead2, Venture and seta making up crap about why Apple put up his picture.<hr></blockquote>

    A) I didn't introduce dead-people to the argument

    B) I made nothing up in that it is a solid theory.

    Out of respect for you, I won't bring it up again.

    [quote]Your assertions are shameful.<hr></blockquote>

    interesting you would point out this one assertion of mine as shamefull. Did you see the shamefull assertions in the first post of this thread?

    [quote]I didn't switch topics at all. You're the one who sarcastically brought up the idea that competition was bad. Then I presented proof (from Bill Gate's own mouth) that Microsoft doesn't like competing.



    "The only thing neat they have are two chip companies trying to kill each other."


    "Yes, competition is a very bad thing. Very bad indeed."


    "So believes Microsoft.

    Check this out...

    Make people use Explorer - Gates email"

    that's where the topic switch occured.

    [quote]The point of my original post was that Apple users have more to look forward to when it comes to using their computers. Mac users are simply more enthusiastic about their computers. Attendance at both MacWorld and Comdex indicate this as well. Apple, with only 5% market share, is able to draw over 87,000 visitors to MacWorld while Comdex only draws on average 200,000 visitors. The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), with more PC content than ever before, only attracted 100,000 visitors last year. With 95% of the market, why aren't PC users more excited about new announcements? Most likely because everything about PC's is the same, bland stuff day in and day out. <hr></blockquote>

    It's not from lack of excitement. The MacWorld mentality is largely derived from an "Us versus Them" type situation. Windows users do indeed appriciate new things, we just don't get our undies in a bunch over them; particularily since most roadmaps are more or less met, we get most of the interesting technology first, and we don't feel we're fighting anyone.

    [quote]And this whole Apple wrongfully abusing dead people idea is a joke. Amelia Earhart is a woman who 'flew' in the face of opinion when women weren't thought of as pilots. Albert Einstein changed the world of science with his theory of relativity. Picaso was one of the greatest painters of our generation. Ghandi showed the world that violence isn't the only way to exhert change. <hr></blockquote>

    I disagree, it's all about a marketing engine and creating a certain mysique associating one's self with legendary figures.

  • Reply 33 of 67
    ccr65ccr65 Posts: 59member
    This issue of the number and quality of software for Mac vs PC is silly. I have scoured the net in search of software for the PC to do some of the things that my Macintosh could do when I first got it out of the box and set it up. I know about the game software gap but that is one software category.

    You cannot say with any credibility that the PC has THE edge in software titles, it is MUCH more to it then that.

    I am forced to use a PC in a multimedia production enviroment. I push the machine and the software to the limits and need special tools to various things done. I have gone on extensive searches for available multimedia freeware, shareware and commercial titles for various purposes and have come up with the following conclusions.

    1. The vast majority of PC freeware and shareware is buggy and either geared toward consumers not professionals or extremely poorly designed and hard to use. (Including requiring a VB runtime file or some dll from another source). There is nothing in the hundreds of graphics titles available for the PC that does what Graphic Converter does for the Mac for the price. That's just one example.

    2. Just like Windows a huge majority of PC commercial software including the multimedia stuff but not limited to it has wizards galore. fine for the beginners but not for a professional.

    3.The number of file formats a Macintosh can handle out of the box is way higher than a PC even with the help of a few shareware utilities. You pay a heavy price in many cases to get the same compatability.

    I have found only a few cool things such as NeoDVD but nothing that is technically impossible for a developer to do on a Macintosh if a Mac developer knew that their customers wanted that functionality.

    The software title numbers PC'ers quote mean nothing when put under a microscope. Microsoft software incidentally is also riddled with annoying wizards and autofeatures. Aside from some of the dev tools, backoffice, office and Visio their stuff is pretty lame feature wise, especailly when they try to copy Apple iApps.
  • Reply 34 of 67
    horse28horse28 Posts: 22member

    As you can see,I own one of those Antec cases and it's in my opinion just about the best case that you can buy on the PC side,because of its build quality,cooling properties,expansion room and why not,its cool and practical design.I'm running Win2000 after having run Win98 and the difference is there;no crashes so far (2 months)compared to a crash every 2-3 days under Win98.

    I'm also planning on buying a PM in the coming months if only because I like Macs and the fact that I will start a 1 year course on graphic design.I'm really looking forward to working with Macs since I know people who use them and they all seem to agree on them being very stable under OSX...I think it will be nice to work with both systems without tying myself to just one platform.
  • Reply 35 of 67
    sebseb Posts: 676member
    Now I remember why I never bother going to ars. Too much of this my dick is bigger because I can have four fans and a digital readout of my cpu temp.
  • Reply 36 of 67
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    but can you have the digital readout on your dick?

  • Reply 37 of 67
    [quote]Here's two opinions that seem to parallel mine.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; <hr></blockquote>

    Yeah. Two.

    [quote]A) I didn't introduce dead-people to the argument<hr></blockquote>

    The "dead-people" refered to Microsoft's shady tactics.


    "The only thing neat they have are two chip companies trying to kill each other."


    "Yes, competition is a very bad thing. Very bad indeed."


    "So believes Microsoft.

    Check this out...

    Make people use Explorer - Gates email"

    that's where the topic switch occured.<hr></blockquote>

    Negative. You brought up competition by simply stating the word. I suppose I shouldn't fault you for now knowing the definition of competition, you being a following of his Billness and all.

    [quote]I disagree, it's all about a marketing engine and creating a certain mysique associating one's self with legendary figures.<hr></blockquote>

    I guess not having faith in the products you buy must be a main staple of a PC user's existence.

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 38 of 67
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    [quote]To be sure, hackers have yet to bite into OS X. As yet, no one has spotted any alarming spikes in vulnerabilities reported to the federally funded CERT Response Center, which flags computer-security threats, and by private security groups. And since few big companies use Macs to run their enterprise networks, the guts of most remain safe.


    this is straight from one of the articles you mentioned. so what they are saying is that there is no known problem, but a problem might exist.

    like i said before, that's a pretty lame arguement when it's going up against hundreds of known security holes, and countless holes that might exist.
  • Reply 39 of 67
    lolololo Posts: 87member
    I'm cruising at a comfortable 100 mph in my shiny Mercedes-Benz sedan. Nice smooth ride. No need to crank up the volume to hear the music playing. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    Then some loud car comes up from behind in the fast lane and passes me. Funky colors, ugly tail lights, bad taste all around. The whole car is shaking. He must be doing at least 115 mph!!! :eek:

    Guess who's the Mac user and who's the PC user...

  • Reply 40 of 67
    tarbashtarbash Posts: 278member
    Hehe, all of Johnson's arguments are pretty lame. He get's shot down everytime he tries so hard to outdo people on this board with his argument, it is quite funny since the points he make are simply ludicrous. He keeps on trying too, which just makes it more entertaining.

    Dude, stop making a fool of yourself and go back to your orgasmic experiences with your ugly *** case and M$ software.
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