App for viewing .mp4
I was just wondering if there were any good apps out there for viewing mp4 files in full screen. I just spent $2000 on a new powerbook and now they want me to spend an extra $30 just so I can watch videos in full screen. That is complete BS. I would happily pay for another app but Apple will not be getting any more of my money for this particular program. It would be different if I was going to use any of the other features of Pro, but I can't figure why full screen is only a feature of the pro version. Anyway sorry for the rant, any suggestions are appreciated.
1. You can get QTFS, a Dashboard widget that will let you watch movies fullscreen using QuickTime
2. You can get QuickTime Amateur that will let you watch movies fullscreen
3. Or you can write a little AppleScript script as so:
tell application "QuickTime Player"
present front movie scale screen
end tell
and execute this everytime from the script menu when you play movies in QuickTime.
You choose.
Originally posted by Cosmo
VLC also works well. I find it is less bloated than QT 7. I use it for playing videos full screen even though i have QT Pro.
Same, although I love QT's control's in Full Screen.
Originally posted by ipodandimac
Well gee. Um, iTunes plays full screen mp4.
I guess I didn't realize that. I've never used any of the iTunes video stuff.
Originally posted by ipodandimac
Well gee. Um, iTunes plays full screen mp4.
Well, gee. Um, iTunes plays them fullscreen if you have QT Pro.