<strong>Doesn't Apple sign longer term contracts for components? They aren't buying hay.
This is a fiasco.
Dude, look a bit closer at the situation. The powermacs are being sold at a higher profit margin than the iMac. Or have you forgotten already that Apple lowered the prices to sell them faster and hoped it would work out. Unfortunately the prices jumped instead of going down on LCD's as forecast before. So Apple could sell the machines at a loss or razor thin margin, or they can raise prices and make profit and stay in business longer. Whiners, Make me sick. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
Whiners suck silicon. NEC, Dell, Compaq, and IBM are all raising their prices by as much as 30%. Apple raises by 7% and people complain. Sure it sucks to pay more, but everybody (PC or Mac) is going to have to pay more. Apple buys as it needs. This is how it makes sure it doesn't lose money on warehoused items. So, is the imac worth the extra $100? Yep. Considering the integration, and elegance of design and superdrive, yep. I love mine, and would have paid the extra $100 had that been the price at the time.
<strong>They should have bundled ram or something... extra software... something to cushion the price hike.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Yeah that would be a little better.
Just imagine how those PowerBook G4 people feel <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
<strong>Doesn't Apple sign longer term contracts for components? They aren't buying hay.
This is a fiasco.
Dude, look a bit closer at the situation. The powermacs are being sold at a higher profit margin than the iMac. Or have you forgotten already that Apple lowered the prices to sell them faster and hoped it would work out. Unfortunately the prices jumped instead of going down on LCD's as forecast before. So Apple could sell the machines at a loss or razor thin margin, or they can raise prices and make profit and stay in business longer. Whiners, Make me sick. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />