Commode thread



  • Reply 21 of 35

    Originally posted by e1618978

    Just replaced my toilets with Toto brand - they have a non-stick coating that keeps them clean (supposedly you have to clean them with dish soap every so often to remove oils).

    It also has a hyper powered 1.6 gallon flush - this is the toilet to get should you need a new one.

    It is VERY STRANGE that you mentioned this. I just bought a condo, and the master bathroom has two toilets in it, both of which are pretty old and busted. I was thinking about replacing one of them with a urinal or a squat toilet, both of which Toto makes readily available models for.

    It would be killer to have a urinal in there.
  • Reply 22 of 35
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    ...the master bathroom has two toilets in it,...

    Are you sure one isn't a bidet?
  • Reply 23 of 35

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    Are you sure one isn't a bidet?

    Yes. The place was built in the late sixties, apparently by an architect who was a little bizarre. The bedroom and study are linked by the bathroom. The bathroom itself has sliding doors between the full bath and the study bathroom. So it's really one and a half baths in one room. It's pretty silly if you ask me, but it's a perfect place to install a urinal.
  • Reply 24 of 35
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Home urinals kick ass.
  • Reply 25 of 35
    the idea of reading or wasting time in there bothers me. its very inconsiderate to anyone else who might be home, and dancing on one leg waiting for a piss. my older sister used to do her homework in there, and my bladder increased manyfold over those years.
  • Reply 26 of 35
    justinjustin Posts: 403member

    Maybe the British aren't obsessed with their bowels at all.

    Americans on the other hand....(or is that cheek)...
  • Reply 27 of 35
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by Justin


    Maybe the British aren't obsessed with their bowels at all.

    Americans on the other hand....(or is that cheek)...

    I seem to remember a couple of episodes of The Young Ones that were...
  • Reply 28 of 35
    justinjustin Posts: 403member

    I seem to remember a couple of episodes of The Young Ones that were...

    That's true - most things about BBC1 management is anally fixated. "Little Britain" have a sequence on a man with factitious disorder (made-up illness) on a commode. It encapsulates the quintessence of 'British toilet humour'.
  • Reply 29 of 35
    Other items are distractions. You should not think on the toilet. You should merge the mind with the body and focus completely on that bowel movement. I want to manifest my complete discipline over my wayward conscious mind by capturing it and making it submit and dwell on a singular thought if only for a few moments. A strong flick of the wrist to initiate a spinning toilet paper roll and then a firm rip that gives a crisp bursting of TP perforations should be the gong that brings you out of that zen like trance after a good colon spew.
  • Reply 30 of 35
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by Justin

    That's true - most things about BBC1 management is anally fixated. "Little Britain" have a sequence on a man with factitious disorder (made-up illness) on a commode. It encapsulates the quintessence of 'British toilet humour'.

    That "Big Dig" special this summer was pretty anal, I thought.
  • Reply 31 of 35
    justinjustin Posts: 403member

    that "Big Dig" special this summer was pretty anal, I thought

    You have satellite t.v. to reach the British shores? Or maybe summer holidays in England?

    I missed it - I leave England (and t.v.) in summer so instead of watching toilet humour, I go to France to experience their latrines.

    Most Americans probably don't know what a latrine is: these weren't designed for people of higher body mass indicies. Americans would freak at latrines; the hole is so far and oddly shaped. By squatting, the risk of losing balance and getting wedged into the latrine increases proportionally with a rise in BMI The ranch-style doors are even more peculiar - especially in pubs where latrines are just behind the counter where people can see the heads and feet of a bod, or everything except from the head below. No Frenchman ever wears flip-flops into a latrine either.

    Apparently, having good bowel motions are important in the States as it is in Britain; scientists show that when a well-formed motion takes place, it stretches the sphincters which releases neuro-endorphins which give a happy feeling on going to the toilet.

    Betcha didn't know that?
  • Reply 32 of 35
    shawnjshawnj Posts: 6,656member

    Originally posted by Justin

    which releases neuro-endorphins which give a happy feeling on going to the toilet.

    Yeah, I enjoy a massive, satisfying poop.
  • Reply 33 of 35
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by Justin

    You have satellite t.v. to reach the British shores? Or maybe summer holidays in England?

    I try to get to London as often as I can. Was there for three weeks this summer (mid-June through mid-July), working in the British Library. You guys have all the books I need!


    I missed it - I leave England (and t.v.) in summer so instead of watching toilet humour, I go to France to experience their latrines. [/B]

    The Big Dig actually wasn't that bad (but then, for some reason, I find British television [both BBC and iTV] utterly fascinating), but it was more than a bit strange to have a three day special with "live archaeology" punctuated by debates over whether the Romans technically invaded or if the folks on the Isle were pretty well Romanized before the legion got there.

    On latrines: when I was in college, I used to frequent a bar where there was a piss trough in the floor and that was it. No toilet seat/bowl apparatus. Just a trough with a hole in the end.
  • Reply 34 of 35
    justinjustin Posts: 403member

    Yeah, I enjoy a massive, satisfying poop.

    Ok ok. But talking about it is another matter (help! save me from those bowel-obsessed Americans! )


    I try to get to London as often as I can. Was there for three weeks this summer (mid-June through mid-July), working in the British Library. You guys have all the books I need!

    It's the best time to come to England. August is pretty awwful. The British library - it's an amazing building isn't it??! Houses the best collection of journals anywhere in England and has copious floods of room. Senate House Library is also superb. I like the Bibliotheque Nationale in France, but they don't major on slapstick English comics much either. Reading in England is a fringe activity nowadays - most people's response to going to a library runs along the lines of "why do you need more books? you've already got one". There are poetry seances and interesting literary events which can be fun, but even these have been taken over by popstars signing their autobiographies (which someone else wrote for them) at Waterstones....

    When I was in the States, I quite missed British TV too. Didn't know which channel to watch ... just flicking and flicking for 20 minutes before the ADHD set in, gave up, dozed off.

    Boadicea, queen of the Iceni almost sent the Romans packing back to their mediterranean latrines - almost. Before the Romans massacred the British, Britain was still a popular holiday destination for invading marauders in the 1st century. Mediterranean men had a thing for British women and regularly came over to pillage and sack villages. British women having a thing for mediterranean men also assimilated Latin influences before mediterranean men even set foot on British soil

    Latrines were also advantageous for hygiene lacking students - there are fewer bacteria on latrines than regular cisterns. Amazing how much research the British have done on toilet hygiene...
  • Reply 35 of 35
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member

    Originally posted by ColanderOfDeath

    Other items are distractions. You should not think on the toilet. You should merge the mind with the body and focus completely on that bowel movement. I want to manifest my complete discipline over my wayward conscious mind by capturing it and making it submit and dwell on a singular thought if only for a few moments. A strong flick of the wrist to initiate a spinning toilet paper roll and then a firm rip that gives a crisp bursting of TP perforations should be the gong that brings you out of that zen like trance after a good colon spew.

    Man! That's livin'!

    I salute you.
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