Reports detail "Yonah" processor specs, performance



  • Reply 41 of 61

    Originally posted by TenoBell

    Really, I didn't know that.

    This all seems pretty dubious to me. There are too many twists and turns to the story.

    Selling chips with fewer than the maximum number of working cores is going to be standard operating practice going forward. This is one of the really big advantages of multi-core designs -- flaws in areas of the chip don't (usually) render the entire chip useless, they just render it less powerful. Just look at PS3: Sony announced at E3 that it would have 7 SPEs, not 8. They aren't manufacturing a version designed with 7, they are just using the ones that come off the line with at least 7 working SPEs. This improves yields substantially. As we see designs with 30+ cores this is going to be very common, and is a good thing not a bad thing. Not really any different than speed ratings for chips.
  • Reply 42 of 61

    Originally posted by TenoBell

    Yes the G4 is growing long in the tooth. But processors are so over blown on these chatrooms. Out here in the analog world I know alot of people who are getting work done on G4 laptops.

    For what I want an iBook for the G4 is more than adequate. I'll probably buy one in the new year after I see what Apple introduces at MacWorld... I'm hoping for lower prices on the G4 iBooks, regardless of whether a Yonah-based book shows up.
  • Reply 43 of 61
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Maybe I shouldn't buy the Quad in January after all. With Conroe and Whitfield coming up so fast, A Mactel PM might be out late 2006.

    If I were in the market for a Quad the reason I might wait is for the PowerMac refresh with faster G5 processors.

    Review from PC Magazine


    Apple Power Mac G5 Quad delivers 'performance numbers we've never seen before.

    "The Quad G5 got the highest score we've ever seen on the CPU-stressing CineBench rendering test: 1,104. The Pentium EE840 overclocked to 3.6 GHz recently got a 667, and an Athlon 64 4800+ overclocked to 2.7 GHz scored 775.CineBench is a multithreaded app, so the more cores or threads your system can handle, the more efficiently your workload gets done.

    4.5 out of 5 stars

    One of the negatives given is that the nVidia graphics cards are expensive over kill.
  • Reply 44 of 61
    spyderspyder Posts: 170member

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    Which is unfortunate because much of Apple's design philosophy seems to involve remove any bit of usefulness occasionally ergonomics that gets in the way of appearance, and even make somethings harder to do to beautify it, i.e. form instead of function, sometimes as if they are exclusive.

    I don't want to be forced to HDMI because that means either replacing my reciever and display or an expensive external break-out box for an analog display out. Which sounds something asinine enough for Apple to do.

    HDMI is def. "the new thing" as far as audio/video hookup goes. When you buy anything electronic you know that chances are that within 4 months, its going to be obsolete. Within the next year HDMI is going to be the most widely used hookup medium. After that, it will be something else. I think if Apple does choose to go with only HDMI, it wouldnt be asanine at all, it would be smart. Just like dropping the floppy drives back in the day.
  • Reply 45 of 61

    Originally posted by TenoBell

    One of the negatives given is that the nVidia graphics cards are expensive over kill.

    This just makes me laugh. Don't have powerful cards, people complain. Have powerful cards, people complain. Sheesh.
  • Reply 46 of 61
    ionyzionyz Posts: 491member

    Originally posted by Gon

    It doesn't support external monitor resolutions above 1024x768. (Everything down to the cheapest $500 competitors does not suffer from this problem.) It can't even run Apple's own displays due to lack of DVI. The processor is slower than virtually anything else. Also, there is no DVD burner in $999 iBook like you imply.

    Don't get me wrong, iBook is an *okay* deal, but there's no avoiding the fact it is crippled on purpose.

    Exactly. Turning it around saying what consumers (novice or otherwise) need or know doesn't change the fact that iBooks and similar Macs with "more expensive siblings" have been crippled for some time now. When the GPU has to have part of it disabled (spanning, higher external resolutions) thats crippling.

    I'd love to see dual-core Mac mini and iBooks computers onsale in a few weeks. But the chance of that happening with "lowly" single-core G5's in iMacs and PowerBooks I just don't see it. Hopefully I'm proven wrong.
  • Reply 47 of 61
    Originally posted by TenoBell

    Review from PC Magazine.......One of the negatives given is that the nVidia graphics cards are expensive over kill.

    do they mean the nvidiaQuadro? other than that the 6600LE, 6600 normal or even 7800gt 256mb is by no means "overkill", these are the cards PCMAG would be heavily touting for all their gaming/ mainstream/ enthusiast readers!!! WTF? i mean, 7800gt 256mb, it's not frackin two 7800GTX 512mb cards in SLI or anything. THAT would be overkill**

    **edit: that would actually be sweet sweet sweeet as on the mac
  • Reply 48 of 61
    Originally posted by spyder

    HDMI is def. "the new thing" as far as audio/video hookup goes. When you buy anything electronic you know that chances are that within 4 months, its going to be obsolete. Within the next year HDMI is going to be the most widely used hookup medium. After that, it will be something else. I think if Apple does choose to go with only HDMI, it wouldnt be asanine at all, it would be smart. Just like dropping the floppy drives back in the day.

    HDMI-only would only make sense on a macintel mini iHome version that could handle recording and playing back two different 1080p streams at once, IMO
  • Reply 49 of 61
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member

    Originally posted by spyder

    Just like dropping the floppy drives back in the day.

    "Back in the day" is 1998 now...?!?

    What are you, fourteen...?!?

  • Reply 50 of 61
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member

    Originally posted by New

    Yeah, Theory is easier then practice.

    The Cube is a good example. An attempt at a truely functional, minimalistic piece of computer that fails on so many details it's almost funny. One should think the hadn't tested many of the features at all. (Or maybe Jobs just insisted too hard on not changing them ;-) ).

    Many of these things have been fixed in the Mini. In many ways a good evolution in a design. Still, a lot could be better. But all in all, the mini is very true to the idea of what kind of computer it wants to be.

    The current iMac is a practical example of excellence in form follows function. I think its probably the most perfect mac to date.

    Yes, but the Cube WAS revolutionary, quiet, small and came with the 15" flat-panel display that got this whole revolution going. I'm still running two of them, along with two iMac flat panels 15" and 20" but I am happiest with the G4 Powerbook and a 23" Display, so... The G4 Tower is just too much space for me, but if it were to continue another year or so...
  • Reply 51 of 61
    Originally posted by Cubit

    Yes, but the Cube WAS revolutionary, quiet, small and came with the 15" flat-panel display that got this whole revolution going. I'm still running two of them, along with two iMac flat panels 15" and 20" but I am happiest with the G4 Powerbook and a 23" Display, so... The G4 Tower is just too much space for me, but if it were to continue another year or so...

    somewhere between the cube and g4 tower form factor is/are potential macs that could mean 5% more marketshare and a few billion more per year in profit for apple
  • Reply 52 of 61
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    I want to see the ultimate cross between the Pro Mac & the Consumer Mac...

    You know, PowerMac meets iMac...

    Think of a 30" ACD w/built-in iSight, spec out dual dual-core CPUs, buncha RAM, couple HDDs, a SuperDrive & a 16x PCI-Express slot that will fit a nVidia QuadroFX card...

    Add onboard dual Gigabit Ethernet, SATA, Fibre Channel, FireWire400/800, USB2.0, AirPort, BlueTooth & digital audio I/O...

    And package all that shitte behind the 30" ACD... you know, like the iMac (duh)...

    One custom deluxe ProMac!

    And cue the haters screaming about the lack of upgradability, and of having to "throw away" a perfectly good 30" ACD ("Somebody threw away a perfectly good white boy!") when getting a new computer...

    To that I say, make the actual computer a seperate unit which easily slots onto the back of the 30" ACD...

    Replace as needed...
  • Reply 53 of 61
    Originally posted by MacRonin

    ........And cue the haters screaming about the lack of upgradability, and of having to "throw away" a perfectly good 30" ACD ("Somebody threw away a perfectly good white boy!") when getting a new computer...To that I say, make the actual computer a seperate unit which easily slots onto the back of the 30" ACD...Replace as needed...

    i am one of those haters and was about to jump on your case like a real bad rash. but your idea with "slotting out" the cinema display (23", 26", 30" would be sweet options) separately from the "back unit" is a step in the right direction

    i'm still on the idea of an "iPowerMac" -- a bit smaller than midi tower form factor, with most user upgradeable components. priced around mac mini prices (because you can use standard components). the pc crowd would go off (in a good way) on it.

    ps. anyone know anything about flashing a 6600GT pciexpress for pc to work in a powermac? just curious... is it a driver thing? or something else to get the powermac g5 to recognise it? it *is* a 6600, except GT which apple doesn't carry \

    also any news on similar efforts to get a 7800GTX to play nice with a powermac g5? (that's gtx not gt)

    while we're on it, mad props to whatever nutcase can get this baby (DUAL GPU 7800GTX [NON-SLI]) to work in a powermac g5... mmmmmm

    yes okay that's enough derailing threads from myself ...!!
  • Reply 54 of 61
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    Originally posted by Cubit

    Yes, but the Cube WAS revolutionary, quiet, small and came with the 15" flat-panel display that got this whole revolution going. I'm still running two of them, along with two iMac flat panels 15" and 20" but I am happiest with the G4 Powerbook and a 23" Display, so... The G4 Tower is just too much space for me, but if it were to continue another year or so...

    somewhere between the cube and g4 tower form factor is/are potential macs that could mean 5% more marketshare and a few billion more per year in profit for apple

    There was nothing wrong with the cube except for the marketing. Never an Apple strongpoint.

    One reason the cube failed was because it was expensive. But the other was because people were convinced that it wasn't expandable.

    Apple did little to dispel that notion. It was very expandable, especially considering its size.

    Everything could be upgraded, and it even had an extra slot.

    If the pricepoint was a bit lower, and the marketing was better, they might still be in production.

    Apple didn't give it enough time to gain that understanding or following.

    I also suggested a new design for the G5 tower to my friends in Apple engineering shortly after they came out. I was told that it was very doable, and that it made sense, but that Jobs would never approve the idea because it wasn't the vision he had for the units.

    Too bad. It was what many people were asking for.
  • Reply 55 of 61
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by MacRonin

    I want to see the ultimate cross between the Pro Mac & the Consumer Mac...

    You know, PowerMac meets iMac...

    Think of a 30" ACD w/built-in iSight, spec out dual dual-core CPUs, buncha RAM, couple HDDs, a SuperDrive & a 16x PCI-Express slot that will fit a nVidia QuadroFX card...

    Add onboard dual Gigabit Ethernet, SATA, Fibre Channel, FireWire400/800, USB2.0, AirPort, BlueTooth & digital audio I/O...

    And package all that shitte behind the 30" ACD... you know, like the iMac (duh)...

    One custom deluxe ProMac!

    And cue the haters screaming about the lack of upgradability, and of having to "throw away" a perfectly good 30" ACD ("Somebody threw away a perfectly good white boy!") when getting a new computer...

    To that I say, make the actual computer a seperate unit which easily slots onto the back of the 30" ACD...

    Replace as needed...

    The idea is good. But I don't think that the 30" is the right model for that.

    What Apple needs to do is to come out with a hi def large model. On the order of a 42" or larger for the living room or den, or wherever people want to put them.

    To have the computer in that would make sense. Possibly as an addition, as you say.

    Apple would do very well now selling Apple branded hi def models. The timing is right. Look how well Hp is doing. I bought an Hp 65" DLP 1080p model this fall.

    I would likely have bought an Apple model if it met my requirements.

    If Apple came out with units styled after the cinema displays, they would do well. Apple would have to be ahead of the crowd with the newest features.

    A direct computer attachment with remote to control it would take it ahead of anything else around today. The MS home theater models would be left in the dust.

    Will they do this?

    Gee, I don't know.
  • Reply 56 of 61
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Exactly. Turning it around saying what consumers (novice or otherwise) need or know doesn't change the fact that iBooks and similar Macs with "more expensive siblings" have been crippled for some time now.

    I guess we can argue the semantics of "crippled".

    As I look at the Amazon top ten sellers right now during Christmas the Mac mini and iBook are at number 1 and number 2 respectively. To me that's pretty clear evidence these machines have been properly configured and priced for their target market.

    Also just thinking, who are these contacts at Thinksecret and why do they get to continue sending confidential information.

    Last year ThinkSecret got into trouble when they actually where too close to the truth.

    It seems it would again be in trouble if the iBook Yonah story were true. This rumor specifically, either its true or not, there really is no embetween.

    Has any one else wondered this?
  • Reply 57 of 61

    Originally posted by TenoBell

    I guess we can argue the semantics of "crippled".

    As I look at the Amazon top ten sellers right now during Christmas the Mac mini and iBook are at number 1 and number 2 respectively. To me that's pretty clear evidence these machines have been properly configured and priced for their target market.

    Also just thinking, who are these contacts at Thinksecret and why do they get to continue sending confidential information.

    Last year ThinkSecret got into trouble when they actually where too close to the truth.

    It seems it would again be in trouble if the iBook Yonah story were true. This rumor specifically, either its true or not, there really is no embetween.

    Has any one else wondered this?

    No, but I do wonder what the heck "embetween" means!!!
  • Reply 58 of 61

    Originally posted by fluidinclusion

    No, but I do wonder what the heck "embetween" means!!!

    (geek side note) in typography, the "em-dash" is a dash (not a minus sign) about the width of an m glyph of the same typeface usually, a dash can be the width of a minus sign (-) or an en-dash or em-dash. i think the poster meant inbetween anyways

    and what use is that typographic knowledge i highlighted above? bloody fucking useless in modern commercial graphic design i tells ya... well, anywhere outside of west and east coast and chicago usa, or the UK. everywhere else - (including australia) its all about - make it look cool, the way the boss likes it, to hell with graphic design "principles" (princi-what?) and oh yeah, fast and cheap (edited: too many grumble smilies i put in... heh "grumble smilie" isn't that an oxymoron???)
  • Reply 59 of 61

    Originally posted by TenoBell

    I guess we can argue the semantics of "crippled".

    As I look at the Amazon top ten sellers right now during Christmas the Mac mini and iBook are at number 1 and number 2 respectively. To me that's pretty clear evidence these machines have been properly configured and priced for their target market.

    Also just thinking, who are these contacts at Thinksecret and why do they get to continue sending confidential information.

    Last year ThinkSecret got into trouble when they actually where too close to the truth.

    It seems it would again be in trouble if the iBook Yonah story were true. This rumor specifically, either its true or not, there really is no embetween.

    Has any one else wondered this?

    well the fun of all the rumor stuff is most of the time nobody knows what to believe. the best part of the rumor stuff is the "photoshop fakes" -- there better be good ones starting next week !!! ya lazy bastards 15 or so days to go.........
  • Reply 60 of 61
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    well the fun of all the rumor stuff is most of the time nobody knows what to believe. the best part of the rumor stuff is the "photoshop fakes" -- there better be good ones starting next week !!! ya lazy bastards 15 or so days to go.........

    Are you starting the countdown already?
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