Jobs' next steps may be most important

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Monday, February 20th

apple news/media reports

02/20/2006, 10:55am, EST

"Jobs' next steps may be most important"

Steve Jobs' celebrity status may be increasing in the near future, says Bob Keefe of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Newly dubbed the "king of entertainment" by Keefe, Jobs is set to change the entertainment world with a possible new Apple media center and the merge of Pixar with Disney, the two top animation studios. With the ability to combine Apple technology with the content of Disney, Pixar, ESPN, ABC, and others, Jobs may be able to "seamlessly move entertainment across home televisions and computers, iPods, cellphones and other devices" in the near future, says Keefe. "Sometime in the immediate run, maybe two or three years out, I think he'll be able to create one big experiment ... one big new thing ... that if successful will forever change the [entertainment] business."

"Steve is a very driven man making a point ? that he's the best and the smartest and that he can change the world," says Paul Saffo, a director of the Institute for the Future think tank. "This guy comes down to a mix of three things: pragmatism, idealism and sheer drive."

Computers are already fast becoming vital to business, and Microsoft has a secure hold on that market, but Keefe says that "as computers and related devices become vital to home and mobile entertainment, Apple and Jobs' bet on consumers may be starting to pay off."


  • Reply 1 of 13
    zengazenga Posts: 267member
    Since "The Return of the (Steve) Jedi" to Apple in 1996 - just 10 years after his ousting & 20 years after he found the very same company I've been confident about Apple going up and up again. By the way when the Apple's stock was @ $14 I only wished I had money to invest.. How much has Apple grown since 1997??? You do the math & post a reply. Still today, almost 10 years later I feel the hesitation in people to make the switch to a Mac.. I simply don't understand why? But it doesn't really matters, Steve will keep pioneering this industry for as long as he's alive (I'm sure of it) & everybody else will follow.. They have been since the introduccion of the original "Mac" HELLO!!! Steve went away for then years & the only exiting news from the PC industrie was windows 95.. that's IT?

    He came back and almost every year he brings something new to the industry.. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!


    So what do I see in this article?

    It's simple.. the cycle is very clear to me, every 5 to 10 years Steve Jobs & CO. have come up with a new toy for us to play with, he has learned from his mistakes & since the re-introduccion of the "iMac" I knew this man came back with a vengeance. He has shorten the cycle & now every 2 years he introduces a killer product, whether is an iMac, iPod, Mac OS upgrade, iLife, Aperture.. etc... Making them better & better with the simplicity & beauty that has become Apple's trademark..

    Steve already change the way we use a PC, Walkman & currently changing the way we watch TV shows.. Soon he'll change the way people enjoy Home Entertaintment & pretty soon the way we use cell phones too!

    But to be honest, whatever he comes up with, I'm there for the ride & i hope more & more people come along too..

    iMac 2 U!
  • Reply 2 of 13
    I will also just follow jobs n apple's path, and im sure ill be amazed at whatever they do. The only problem is not having enough money to get it all, and when i buy something having a new version come out so soon afterwards! thats the painful part that every market has...
  • Reply 3 of 13
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,438member
    Steve is a savvy leader however I hesitate to annoint him Supreme CEO simply because there have been so many poor CEO's heading Tech companies over the years when you see a decent one they tend to get too much credit.

    Steve is a marketer and he loves that limelight and it has worked out well for Apple. He's the Quarterback of Apple. When they win he gets too much credit...when they lose he gets too much blame. Goes with the territory.
  • Reply 4 of 13

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Steve is a savvy leader however I hesitate to annoint him Supreme CEO simply because there have been so many poor CEO's heading Tech companies over the years when you see a decent one they tend to get too much credit.

    Steve is a marketer and he loves that limelight and it has worked out well for Apple. He's the Quarterback of Apple. When they win he gets too much credit...when they lose he gets too much blame. Goes with the territory.

    I agree with that.

    I admit that ever since I saw his first keynote a couple yrs ago, I have been hooked, waiting for the next.

    I have seeing multi-touch technology reports on the web and Apple has filed patents that make it obvious that they will be involved with such interface technology. I know that most poeple here have been real quite about this around here.

    Here is the link to the patent page
  • Reply 5 of 13
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member

    Originally posted by zygomatic

    I agree with that.

    I admit that ever since I saw his first keynote a couple yrs ago, I have been hooked, waiting for the next.

    I have seeing multi-touch technology reports on the web and Apple has filed patents that make it obvious that they will be involved with such interface technology. I know that most poeple here have been real quite about this around here.

    Here is the link to the patent page


    It's quiet around here because we have discussed this already.

    here most recently:

    Do you have anything new to add or is this going to become another iTablet thread?

  • Reply 6 of 13

    Originally posted by TednDi


    It's quiet around here because we have discussed this already.

    here most recently:

    Do you have anything new to add or is this going to become another iTablet thread?


    Do you see this: link ?

  • Reply 7 of 13
    That is absolutely amazing! If Apple could someday utilize that type of technology and use it to create a computer, that would have a huge impact on everything. Especially the way photographers edit photo's and such.

    Simply amazing!
  • Reply 8 of 13
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member

    Originally posted by zygomatic

    Do you see this: link ?


    Two weeks ago called...

    This place is turning into
  • Reply 9 of 13
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    First there was iMac. Then there was iPod. I'm really interested to see this one more killer product that Steve says he has in him.
  • Reply 10 of 13
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
  • Reply 11 of 13
    zengazenga Posts: 267member

    Originally posted by CosmoNut

    First there was iMac. Then there was iPod. I'm really interested to see this one more killer product that Steve says he has in him.

    Comming Soon !
  • Reply 12 of 13
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    I agree with the initial poster. Jobs could trip and fallon somethign very dangerous. So his next step may be most important.
  • Reply 13 of 13
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member

    Originally posted by ZYGOMATIC

    Do you see this: link ?

    I F<no need to use the F word>G WANT ONE!

    Actually, yes I did.

    Yes we all want one.

    Yes, we all discussed it 2 weeks ago

    Yes, this has become another iTablet thread.


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