12" iBook &/or PowerBook users HERE!

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Hey! I'm buying one any minute now.. just waititng for the new MacBooks.. I would like you to describe your experience with it on any aspect you like... Good & Bad (of course), also what would you like to be added or taken out of the new one's..

It would help a lot!


  • Reply 1 of 8
    stustanleystustanley Posts: 236member
    very good, well built laptop, tho my microphone does seem to have stopped working but i never used it anyway.

    I own the 12" iBook. It is the first mac I have ever owned, and I have had it since oct 2004 and its been lovely the whole time.

    It runs a little warm at times, but apart from that no issues, I would like an integrated iSight which it seems will be a feature of the new macbooks.

    The size is great, nice an portable, its fairly light too, but of course would be better if lighter!!!

    anyhthing else you want to know??

  • Reply 2 of 8
    zengazenga Posts: 267member

    Originally posted by stustanley

    very good, well built laptop, tho my microphone does seem to have stopped working but i never used it anyway.

    I own the 12" iBook. It is the first mac I have ever owned, and I have had it since oct 2004 and its been lovely the whole time.

    It runs a little warm at times, but apart from that no issues, I would like an integrated iSight which it seems will be a feature of the new macbooks.

    The size is great, nice an portable, its fairly light too, but of course would be better if lighter!!!

    anyhthing else you want to know??


    thank you! yes i would like to know if you have used a powerbook & how would you compare it? also how does the size and weight feel? i have a 15" powerbook & it's really not portable for me... that's why i want the 12" size.. it would be nice it it comes out widescreen (i guess) what would you say about that? there is also the rumor of a 13.3" new size, but i have no idea how much bigger it would be..

    anyways.. thanks again

  • Reply 3 of 8
    finchnafinchna Posts: 17member
    The 15" is totally portable for me. I carry mine everywhere in a backpack inside of a neoprene sleeve. Works fine on planes, on lap, watching movies, on a desk, etc. I used a 12" before and it was too small.
  • Reply 4 of 8
    zengazenga Posts: 267member

    Originally posted by finchna

    The 15" is totally portable for me. I carry mine everywhere in a backpack inside of a neoprene sleeve. Works fine on planes, on lap, watching movies, on a desk, etc. I used a 12" before and it was too small.

    thank you too!

    maybe i'll have to wait for that 13.3" size.

  • Reply 5 of 8
    hxc04hxc04 Posts: 145member
    the 12" iBook has a better battery life compared to a 12" PowerBook, plus it is lighter. I think for the money the iBook is the best.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member

    Originally posted by hxc04

    the 12" iBook has a better battery life compared to a 12" PowerBook, plus it is lighter. I think for the money the iBook is the best.

    The iBook is heavier.

    I've had both and greatly prefer the PB even though it has been held back a little compared to the rest of the PB line.

    I am waiting to see what the small form factor PB will be with intel. Then I will decided whether to get that or move up to the 15 inch.
  • Reply 7 of 8
    My girlfriend has a 12" Powerbook. I have a 12" iBook that I use when I don't want to mess up my MacBook. The powerbook has much more of a solid feel to it. One thing you will miss is the desktop "real estate", there is a lot less space. I know this is obvious but it is something I didn't really notice until I got the 12" iBook.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by jpennington

    One thing you will miss is the desktop "real estate", there is a lot less space. I know this is obvious but it is something I didn't really notice until I got the 12" iBook.

    I'm hoping that if and when a smaller-than-15" Mac Book Pro comes out, that they'll use the slightly higher pixel densities that they started using with the 15" and 17" PowerBooks and the 15" Mac Book Pro.

    I really like the extra portability of my current 12" PB over the 15-inchish form factor, and I'm willing to give up some screen real estate to get the smaller size, but I'd also like just a bit more than 1024x768 -- like around, say, 1152x864 for ~12", or say 1344x840 on a ~13" widescreen (around 120 ppi -- as much as I'd want to push pixel density until we can do +200 ppi and treat displays as resolution-independent devices).
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