I think/hope apple does the "New MacBook" in three colors!

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
When people think 'colors', they tend to think bright bold colors like yellow, green, red and blue! But I think that the "New MacBook" will come in there colors, not so much summer colors. Well to be precise two colors, since black is the absence of all colors. I'm thinking since the 12/13" MacBook Pro probably wont be made, that's where the MacBook comes in, and that's why there will be the option for a silver one too. Three colors: Black, white and silver. Obviously it's a guess, but IMHO seems somehow right.

Now someone has to take on the job of photoshopping the "New MacBook" in the three colors. Go on, show off!!


  • Reply 1 of 29
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    I'm seeing 3 configs.

    The first 2 would be integrated graphics and available in white or strawberry, and the final one would be the 12" pb replacement and will be available in white or graphite. All of them solid versions of the colours they used on the imac in past.

    I hope that's what'll happen, it sounds about right because this site is claiming an increased effort in attracting women.
  • Reply 2 of 29
    pbrpbr Posts: 24member
    Sounds realistic. But I don't think that there will be a "MacBook Pro-like" design (no metal enclosure), since they need some kind of seperation between those two lines.

    But however, I trust in Apples design team

    They'll definetely release a well-designed MacBook, whatever it will be like...
  • Reply 3 of 29
    reganregan Posts: 474member
    Yeah, it'll be interesting to see what Apple does.

    I always thought that Apple crippled its G4 12" powerbooks anyway. That model always got cheated feature wise compared to its 15" and 17" brothers. Frustrating really considering that ALOT of professional power users WANTED a small portable when on the road.

    I don't know why apple continues to associate "small" with consumer level. Seems odd.

    But, it should be interesting to see what they do. If you believe the rumours, a 13" widescreen ibook replacement called a "Macbook" will arrive shortly. Will it be equal to the "pro" macbooks or will it be more like the old 12" G4 powerbooks, and cheated feature wise to make it more affordable?
  • Reply 4 of 29
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator

    Originally posted by Ireland

    Three colors: Black, white and silver. Obviously it's a guess, but IMHO seems somehow right.

    I admit I got scared when I heard about colors because I remember the original ibooks.

    I'm not sure about the silver option because that's what differentiates the powerbook.

    I could see a black and white with that ipod style coating.
  • Reply 5 of 29
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by Marvin

    I'm not sure about the silver option because that's what differentiates the powerbook.

    The Powerbook is dead.

    Differentiation by size and features is enough, me thinks.

    But please, please, please not cheap metallized plastics,

    just aluminium for a little premium.



  • Reply 6 of 29
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Originally posted by gar

    The Powerbook is dead.

    Differentiation by size and features is enough, me thinks.

    But please, please, please not cheap metallized plastics,

    just aluminium for a little primium.

    This stuff makes sense, you pay more for the 'Silver' (aluminium) one, maybe $300 more? And you get a faster chip too! (maybe)

    OR you pay say $110 dollars more for the Aluminium/Silver one and you get the same features as the black & white (you pay extra just for the case).
  • Reply 7 of 29
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    I guess we don't need to photoshop mockups when I can just crosslink the images.

  • Reply 8 of 29
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    The customer response just rolled in!

  • Reply 9 of 29
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Ireland

    The customer response just rolled in!

    Yeah, because white is so original and interesting.
  • Reply 10 of 29
    pbrpbr Posts: 24member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Yeah, because white is so original and interesting.

    No, because the white iBook has style, and not made out of a "yay-my-iBook-looks-different-from-yours" attitude.
  • Reply 11 of 29

    Originally posted by pbr

    No, because the white iBook has style, and not made out of a "yay-my-iBook-looks-different-from-yours" attitude.

    I disagree with you. While white has its clean look and sex appeal, having alternative colors can only help the line, not really hurt it. Please Note: I said colors, not funky patterns (aka Blue Dalmatian and Flower Power).

    I think the colors ought to be as follows:




    Blue (personal preference on that one )
  • Reply 12 of 29
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    ..don't see why they would want to get stuck with a lot of inventory when people don't like a particular choice in color.
  • Reply 13 of 29
    reganregan Posts: 474member
    Whatever Apple does will be cool in my book. I just want a replacement for my G3 ibook which finally kicked the bucket.

    So heres my guess...

    If the 13" macbook will be a ibook/12" powerbook replacement and they put it in the anondized alumminum enclosure of the 15" and 17" macbooks....

    then i think it'd be cool if apple uses the colors that it used with the ipod minis.

    silver, blue, green, and pink.
  • Reply 14 of 29
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member

    Originally posted by Mike Eggleston

    I disagree with you. While white has its clean look and sex appeal, having alternative colors can only help the line, not really hurt it. Please Note: I said colors, not funky patterns (aka Blue Dalmatian and Flower Power).

    I think the colors ought to be as follows:




    Blue (personal preference on that one )

    So let me get this straight. You disagree with "pbr" but yet there's no red option in your list of colors. So why did you disagree with him then. The only reason he mentioned that the iBook had style is because that "red" iBook is the ugliest thing ever and apple is not different just for the hell if it.
  • Reply 15 of 29

    Originally posted by Ireland

    So let me get this straight. You disagree with "pbr" but yet there's no red option in your list of colors. So why did you disagree with him then. The only reason he mentioned that the iBook had style is because that "red" iBook is the ugliest thing ever and apple is not different just for the hell if it.

    I disagreed with them because the way I understood it, he was talking about color in general, and not about the red one.

    Personally, I think that red one looks like it fell under a woman during "her time"

    Sorry if that offends anyone, but it just looks that bad.
  • Reply 16 of 29
    zengazenga Posts: 267member




    but when will they be out?

    p.s. that red color is "butt ugly" !
  • Reply 17 of 29
    zandroszandros Posts: 537member

    Originally posted by Zenga

    p.s. that red color is "butt ugly" !

    No, no. It's Alienware ugly.
  • Reply 18 of 29
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I'm sure if Apple released an iBook that looked just like that you people would be eating that shit up.
  • Reply 19 of 29
    zengazenga Posts: 267member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    I'm sure if Apple released an iBook that looked just like that you people would be eating that shit up.

    you just won't go away!


    p.s. ahh! and the only one eating shit is you with your windows fetish!!!

  • Reply 20 of 29
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Zenga

    you just won't go away!


    p.s. ahh! and the only one eating shit is you with your windows fetish!!!

    If any single computer user demographic has a ironclad reputation for eating shit up, it's Mac users. That's practically indisputable.
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