Tablet only Macbook strategy



  • Reply 21 of 92
    reganregan Posts: 474member

    An external keyboard?

    Who wants an external keyboard?

    Not many I would imagine.

    The tablet is a very small niche...almost non existant one....and for that reason you don't see many.

    Given the choice of an ultra compact notbook and a tablet I would wager that the vast majority of people out there would choose the notebook form factor. opinion. :-)
  • Reply 22 of 92
    netdognetdog Posts: 244member
    Tablets are a small market niche because current tablets suck. PCs were a small market niche in the home until Apple co-opted Xerox Parc's mouse and graphical interface. Portables were a niche market before the iBook. Portable MP3 players were a niche until Apple rolled out the iPod.

    The MacBook you seem to want is already available at a much lower price from Dell and Sony, or perhaps an Apple's beauty only need be skin deep today.

    Vista's user experience is going to be very similar to that of OS X. For word processing, browsing and email, there is honestly very little difference between using OS X and XP today. Why spend the silly money on a MacBook if this is all you want to do with it? Just get a Vaio. They're great for all those things, and you can get one for a lot less than what Apple charges.
  • Reply 23 of 92
    It should be about 10" so I could take it anywhere, have enough battery for an entire school day. (Which would be ~10 hours including train time for me)

    Should have an effective way of input: Stylus should be fast and have good recognition. There should be 'some kind of' keyboard, projection or on-screen.

    Should be able to flawless playback movies.

    A small HD, a single or two USB ports, wireless. iSight and Bluetooth would be awesome.

    And price should'nt be too high.
  • Reply 24 of 92
    netdognetdog Posts: 244member

    Originally posted by T'hain Esh Kelch

    It should be about 10" so I could take it anywhere, have enough battery for an entire school day. (Which would be ~10 hours including train time for me)

    Should have an effective way of input: Stylus should be fast and have good recognition. There should be 'some kind of' keyboard, projection or on-screen.

    Should be able to flawless playback movies.

    A small HD, a single or two USB ports, wireless. iSight and Bluetooth would be awesome.

    And price should'nt be too high.

    The thing is, all of that should be available for a reasonable price. And imagine the number of them they would sell if it was really good and really useful.
  • Reply 25 of 92
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by netdog

    The thing is, all of that should be available for a reasonable price. And imagine the number of them they would sell if it was really good and really useful.

    The thing is you can say that without building it, but there is a price on things, and my thing is that what you should do to figure this out is look at another tablet from a reputable tablet maker, spec it out to what you would desire, and then look at the price. That is probably about how much that maker has to charge for that product, and Apple will charge exactly what they have to charge for what they are offering. If it is a tablet with a lot of features that other companies are not offering there is no reason to believe that Apple is going to give you these things for free. If it's a carbon copy of what other tablet makers are offering well then that is what you should expect.

    I hope they have a few versions. I for one would like to do all kinds of regular tablet stuff, but also be able to run artists apps like Painter, PS, and Zbrush with ease. There should be one with a really great graphics card in it. They have tons of options. Nvidia has great video cards for laptops, and I would guess convertable tablets.
    • Start with your basic favorites.

    • GeForce Go 7900 GTX, (Highend)

    • GeForce Go 7900 GS,

    • GeForce Go 7800 GTX,

    • GeForce Go 7800, (low end)

    Nvidia also has some wicked Quadro's available for Laptops for CAD, DCC, and visualization applications.
    • NVIDIA Quadro FX 350M, (highend)

    • NVIDIA Quadro FX 1500M,

    • NVIDIA Quadro FX 2500,(low end)

    They Also have Quadro's for buisness graphics.
    • NVIDIA Quadro NVS 120M (Highend)

    • NVIDIA Quadro NVS 110M,(low end)

    And is that doesn't float your boat.

    Can you say SLI in a notebook?

    It's all a dream right now, but I'd like to see a laptop/tablet from Apple.
  • Reply 26 of 92
    reganregan Posts: 474member
    I know this is just a no offense, but releasing the upcoming macbook as a tablet only is probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

    I know alot of the tech geeks out there have a hard on for a mac tablet....but KEEP dreaming.

    A tablet is such a niche market. It will never replace the ibook.

    IF...and I do mean IF Apple ever comes out with a tablet mac, it will be a stand alone product.

    The majority of people out there would prefer to TYPE on a keyboard and not "write" on tablet. Besides being awkward, Hand writing recognition is spotty at best and totally impractical in most daily applications.

    I am so confindent in this that I'd bet you ANY amount of money that the upcoming macbook wont be a tablet.

  • Reply 27 of 92
    netdognetdog Posts: 244member

    Originally posted by regan

    I know this is just a no offense, but releasing the upcoming macbook as a tablet only is probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

    I know alot of the tech geeks out there have a hard on for a mac tablet....but KEEP dreaming.

    A tablet is such a niche market. It will never replace the ibook.

    IF...and I do mean IF Apple ever comes out with a tablet mac, it will be a stand alone product.

    The majority of people out there would prefer to TYPE on a keyboard and not "write" on tablet. Besides being awkward, Hand writing recognition is spotty at best and totally impractical in most daily applications.

    I am so confindent in this that I'd bet you ANY amount of money that the upcoming macbook wont be a tablet.


    Oh, we didn't know that you felt that way. Thanks for clarfying.
  • Reply 28 of 92
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by regan

    I know this is just a no offense, but releasing the upcoming macbook as a tablet only is probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

    I know alot of the tech geeks out there have a hard on for a mac tablet....but KEEP dreaming.

    A tablet is such a niche market. It will never replace the ibook.

    IF...and I do mean IF Apple ever comes out with a tablet mac, it will be a stand alone product.

    The majority of people out there would prefer to TYPE on a keyboard and not "write" on tablet. Besides being awkward, Hand writing recognition is spotty at best and totally impractical in most daily applications.

    I am so confindent in this that I'd bet you ANY amount of money that the upcoming macbook wont be a tablet.


    If you read the options before you post you would realize that we are talking about a Tablet with a keyboard. A convertible tablet. So "the Majority of people" would still have their keyboard, and lots of new features added.
  • Reply 29 of 92

    Originally posted by regan


    I'll be the lone desenter here and say I don't like the whole tablet idea. It just seems so pointless. Like people just want it for the "cool" factor to say "YEAH i have a tablet"....but in reality its not really practical.

    Just my opinion.

    I think I agree, unless Apple really shakes things up and comes out with something very different to what people have thought of so far. I wouldn't rule that out as a possibility.
  • Reply 30 of 92
    A macbook tablet would be nice if it a 13" an 1 GHz Pentium M single core chip, with 512 mb ram, No optical drive, airport exteme a 50gb Hard drive

    All this for $700 CAN/$600 USD would be nice

    Oh and the batteries should last for about 5-7 hours
  • Reply 31 of 92
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    If you read the options before you post you would realize that we are talking about a Tablet with a keyboard. A convertible tablet. So "the Majority of people" would still have their keyboard, and lots of new features added.

    I just like the idea of the less moving parts, the better?

    So I am against the 'twist-o-matic' laptop/tablet way of doing things?

    I say if you want a keyboard, you get a regular laptop?

    If you want a tablet, tough noogies on the keyboard? until you drop the tablet into it's optional docking station?

    Then you get keyboard, mouse, second larger display, optical drive, hardwired networking, extra storage, maybe even extra CPU power?

    Kind of like the old PowerBook Duos? Just different?

  • Reply 32 of 92
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    Something like this maybe??

    But I would prefer with less exposed ports?

    Give me wireless across the board, including WirelessUSB, and a covered docking port, or maybe use a plugin module for a single ExpressCard/34 slot to interface the tablet with the docking station?
  • Reply 33 of 92

    Originally posted by MacRonin

    Something like this maybe??

    But I would prefer with less exposed ports,

    Give me wireless across the board, including WirelessUSB, and a covered docking port, or maybe use a plugin module for a single ExpressCard/34 slot to interface the tablet with the docking station.

  • Reply 34 of 92
    netdognetdog Posts: 244member

    Originally posted by MacRonin

    Something like this maybe??

    But I would prefer with less exposed ports?

    Give me wireless across the board, including WirelessUSB, and a covered docking port, or maybe use a plugin module for a single ExpressCard/34 slot to interface the tablet with the docking station?

    Beautiful, as long as it goes portrait easily, and has a hole to stash the pen in...or is that a chance for Steve to use that newfangled magnet technology that gives him such a stiffy.
  • Reply 35 of 92
    netdognetdog Posts: 244member
    Can link the picture to a higher resolution image? I am dying to read what is in the box, etc.

    If Apple released this, I would buy it yesterday!
  • Reply 36 of 92
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I wouldn't have a use for that thing unless it had a keyboard that flipped out from under it. It would have to be attached. I wouldn't carry around one that plugged in.

    Why does everyone quote pictures? You should remove the pictures from quotes. Faster page loading for dial up usesrs. Be Kind.
  • Reply 37 of 92
    netdognetdog Posts: 244member
    folding USB kbd or touch keyboard on display
  • Reply 38 of 92

    Originally posted by MacRonin

    Something like this maybe??

    Gorgeous. Would buy it in a heartbeat if the stylus had an awesome writing recoignision. (sp!)
  • Reply 39 of 92
    bikertwinbikertwin Posts: 566member

    Originally posted by Nordstrodamus

    Here's why...

    1. An 8.5*11 inch peice of paper has a diagnol of 13.9 inches. With whitespace margins excluded, the typical document would easily fit on a 13.3 inch screen if turned to portrait.

    2. A big growth market for the macbook is in education. Where a tablet interface is still greatly desired. (I'm a teacher, trust me)

    3. A non-convertible (no keyboard), slimmed down (no optical disc) tablet could be cheaper and slimmer than a regular notebook.

    4. Sell more macs - The easiest way to sell more macs is to make existing mac owners want to buy another one. If the tablet is under =$1K a lot of mac users would buy one in addion to their workhorse mac. Especially if it synced well and could function as a second monitor or waccom type tablet.

    Yep. A UMPC/Origami-type thing (which should be under $1000) with OS X, no keyboard, no optical drive, and long battery life.

    It would be successful if it were cheap, small, thin, light, and even relatively low-powered. It would not be a desktop or even a notebook replacement, but rather an accessory--much like a large iPod with OS X.

    The problem with iPods is there's no text input at all. The problem with notebooks & traditional tablets (as accessories, not as primary machines) is that they're too big and bulky and heavy and expensive.

    A UMPC/Origami-type thingy would be a great accessory for surfing the web, playing video and audio, e-mail reading (not so great for writing), IM/chat, reading PDFs, etc.

    It's a plaything (and I mean that in a good way), not a desktop/laptop replacement.

    IMHO, of course.
  • Reply 40 of 92
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    That's the problem. Too many of us don't need a toy. We need something that expands, or ad's on to the possibilities of what is already available to us.

    That's why I wouldn't choose to buy just a Laptop, or, just a plain single input tablet. But if the two were combined the combination offers more than just one or the other. I have no use for either by itself, and I'm definitely not going to buy two products to lug around, but together as one I see a whole new level of possibilities. Other than that. I've had a PowerBook before. It was the one Mac that I have owned that I sold. When I used it It was like I felt I was half way there, but I needed for it to do more, and the things I needed it to do are easily achievable for Apple in 2006.
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