50 cent in talks with Apple over low-cost computers



  • Reply 121 of 132
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member

    Originally posted by sunilraman

    [BVista requiring 1GB is bollocks. [/B]

    No, it's not. Most every article I've read says the same thing. Particularly when playing games. Min 1GB, preferred, 2GB.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 122 of 132
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by melgross

    No, it's not. Most every article I've read says the same thing. Particularly when playing games. Min 1GB, preferred, 2GB.

    Heh... No, I wasn't saying you were inaccurate, I was just expressing my displeasure at the bloatware Vista that imposes 1GB as a minimum when there are Dells coming off the shelf at 256MB RAM.

    And yeah, games requiring 2GB is just shouting "XBOX360" and "Playstation2" to the casual gaming customer.

    The situation seems kind of crazy, but if you think about it the companies are all set up for Vista to push sales - on one side Microsoft with it's fandangled-new operating system, and on the other side all the PC manufacturers driving sales and upgrades via "Vista compatible" machines which will have memory and graphics to run Vista.

    All for an Operating System which is currently, well, a mess by most accounts. Personally though I can't justify my hatred for Vista. It's just there.
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  • Reply 123 of 132
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by sunilraman


    Originally posted by melgross

    No, it's not. Most every article I've read says the same thing. Particularly when playing games. Min 1GB, preferred, 2GB.

    Heh... No, I wasn't saying you were inaccurate, I was just expressing my displeasure at the bloatware Vista that imposes 1GB as a minimum when there are Dells coming off the shelf at 256MB RAM.

    And yeah, games requiring 2GB is just shouting "XBOX360" and "Playstation2" to the casual gaming customer.

    The situation seems kind of crazy, but if you think about it the companies are all set up for Vista to push sales - on one side Microsoft with it's fandangled-new operating system, and on the other side all the PC manufacturers driving sales and upgrades via "Vista compatible" machines which will have memory and graphics to run Vista.

    All for an Operating System which is currently, well, a mess by most accounts. Personally though I can't justify my hatred for Vista. It's just there.

    Well, we can see just how easy it is to misunderstand one another here.
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  • Reply 124 of 132
    xsmixsmi Posts: 140member

    Originally posted by ChevalierMalFet

    I would argue that Apple is not really after the customer that considers the price more important than the functionality. Which is not to say having cheaper Macs is out of the question?I'm just saying that Apple would have to build the machine with a DVD burner and 512MB RAM and price accordingly to not dilute their brand with what essentially would be new customers.

    Is it worth the goodwill to build these machines and subsidize them a bit to catch the right price point? Probably. Apple earned a lot of brand equity with their Apple IIs in education.

    How many sales did that goodwill translate into after 9/11 or Bosnia? I don't think they need to subsidize, I think they just need to get some base machines out there that can compete on price, not feature set. We all know that a beige box PC cost just as much as a mac if so equipped, however, how many consumers equip their PC like a mac? Mindshare, marketshare I don't care what you call it, Apple has its name out there, They have to release something that translates that momentum into more sales.
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  • Reply 125 of 132
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by melgross

    Well, we can see just how easy it is to misunderstand one another here.

    Heh. It's cool. "1GB is Bollocks" was a rather generic, easily-misunderstood statement

    And what are the graphics card requirements for Vista? Hmm..... Something tells me Intel will come up with integrated graphics that is just barely Vista-compatible but are still useless for games. Yet advertised as "supports blah blah blah" and "latest EXTREME INTEL INTEGRATED GRAPHICS! w00t !!111!one!!11"
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  • Reply 126 of 132
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by xsmi

    ...Mindshare, marketshare I don't care what you call it, Apple has its name out there, They have to release something that translates that momentum into more sales.

    This is a very common sentiment among Mac users and a constant source of irritation. I've visited 2 major (well, it's an Apple shop) Apple shops in my capital city of 3-million people, and I have yet to see a MacBook on demo, black or white, there is just fracking NO FRACKING MACBOOK ON DEMO WTF. Plus there are still sunflower G4s on demo WTF - I asked them if they would sell it and they wouldn't. FRACKING THEY NEED THE SUNFLOWER G4 IMAC TO DEMO WTF ?!!!. iMac Core Duo, okay, cool at least that's out. Hmm... One of the stores has no PowerMac G5 on demo, the other had it for a while, then it dissapeared, then it reappeared again. Mac Mini - okay, that's on demo... And, oh, what about that thing called iPod? Can I try it out? No, sorry sir, you can just LOOK AT THE FRACKING BOX WTF CAN'T I EVEN HOLD IT IN MY HAND ?!!

    By the end of this it might seem that I live in a country where most people from age 3 and up make a living by breaking rocks or working in a coal mine or something.

    So, end of rant, suffice to say, yes, our prayer remains, our Father, iSteve, who art in Cupertino, blessed be the Mac. Give us our daily OSX and please FOCUS ON GROWING MARKETSHARE YA BASTARD...!!!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 127 of 132
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by sunilraman


    Originally posted by xsmi

    ...Mindshare, marketshare I don't care what you call it, Apple has its name out there, They have to release something that translates that momentum into more sales.

    This is a very common sentiment among Mac users and a constant source of irritation. I've visited 2 major (well, it's an Apple shop) Apple shops in my capital city of 3-million people, and I have yet to see a MacBook on demo, black or white, there is just fracking NO FRACKING MACBOOK ON DEMO WTF. Plus there are still sunflower G4s on demo WTF - I asked them if they would sell it and they wouldn't. FRACKING THEY NEED THE SUNFLOWER G4 IMAC TO DEMO WTF ?!!!. iMac Core Duo, okay, cool at least that's out. Hmm... One of the stores has no PowerMac G5 on demo, the other had it for a while, then it dissapeared, then it reappeared again. Mac Mini - okay, that's on demo... And, oh, what about that thing called iPod? Can I try it out? No, sorry sir, you can just LOOK AT THE FRACKING BOX WTF CAN'T I EVEN HOLD IT IN MY HAND ?!!

    By the end of this it might seem that I live in a country where most people from age 3 and up make a living by breaking rocks or working in a coal mine or something.

    So, end of rant, suffice to say, yes, our prayer remains, our Father, iSteve, who art in Cupertino, blessed be the Mac. Give us our daily OSX and please FOCUS ON GROWING MARKETSHARE YA BASTARD...!!!

    Wow that really sucks... NO MACBOOKS?! lol Here in Houston, or atleast the Apple Store in the Galleria and Memorial have the Macbooks/PowerMacs etc that they should have and I demo'd the iPods before I bought the 30GB version. Maybe Apple needs to be more consistent.
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  • Reply 128 of 132
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by sunilraman


    Originally posted by xsmi

    ...Mindshare, marketshare I don't care what you call it, Apple has its name out there, They have to release something that translates that momentum into more sales.

    This is a very common sentiment among Mac users and a constant source of irritation. I've visited 2 major (well, it's an Apple shop) Apple shops in my capital city of 3-million people, and I have yet to see a MacBook on demo, black or white, there is just fracking NO FRACKING MACBOOK ON DEMO WTF. Plus there are still sunflower G4s on demo WTF - I asked them if they would sell it and they wouldn't. FRACKING THEY NEED THE SUNFLOWER G4 IMAC TO DEMO WTF ?!!!. iMac Core Duo, okay, cool at least that's out. Hmm... One of the stores has no PowerMac G5 on demo, the other had it for a while, then it dissapeared, then it reappeared again. Mac Mini - okay, that's on demo... And, oh, what about that thing called iPod? Can I try it out? No, sorry sir, you can just LOOK AT THE FRACKING BOX WTF CAN'T I EVEN HOLD IT IN MY HAND ?!!

    By the end of this it might seem that I live in a country where most people from age 3 and up make a living by breaking rocks or working in a coal mine or something.

    So, end of rant, suffice to say, yes, our prayer remains, our Father, iSteve, who art in Cupertino, blessed be the Mac. Give us our daily OSX and please FOCUS ON GROWING MARKETSHARE YA BASTARD...!!!

    Wow! Sunil, you really gotta get out of there!
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  • Reply 129 of 132
    Will they be wrapped in Kevlar?
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  • Reply 130 of 132
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by GreggWSmith

    Will they be wrapped in Kevlar?

    No, but they will come pre-loaded with bullet holes
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  • Reply 131 of 132
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by melgross

    Wow! Sunil, you really gotta get out of there!

    Tell me about it. As soon as I exceed my quota of rock-breaking 3 months straight at the quarry. Damn young kids. Those little hands work so fast!!!

    Kidding, obviously
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 132 of 132
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by sunilraman


    Originally posted by melgross

    Wow! Sunil, you really gotta get out of there!

    Tell me about it. As soon as I exceed my quota of rock-breaking 3 months straight at the quarry. Damn young kids. Those little hands work so fast!!!

    Kidding, obviously

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