False Advertising Nano?

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Personally I think this.

Those commercials out for apple now, you know, the ones advertising the new Nanos?

At least agree on me with this, dont you think the AVERAGE customer or person who doesnt know much about apple at all would take those commercials as thinking the circle wheel glows brightly and the lcd screen glows the color of the nano?

I mean come on. Even I thought that.

I'll give it another afew weeks before they put out a new nano commercial because people complained.

What do you guys think?


  • Reply 1 of 20
    uh, i think you'd also have to assume that people have no inherent detail and are basically all-black silhouettes.
  • Reply 2 of 20
    see you are taking too far...

    if someone looks at that commercial they will immediately think, the circle wheel glows. and the screen glows the color of the ipod.

    that isnt something stupid to think.

    ive heard tons of people think it glows.

    i was inthe apple store the othet day and like 10 people i overheard saying 'why doesnt the circle wheel glow?'
  • Reply 3 of 20
    It is not false advertising. It is clever advirtising. iPods don't stream lines of color from themselves either.
  • Reply 4 of 20
    yea im not stupid enough to think that the color screen would have a blue or pink backlighting but i was disapointed to find out the click-wheel dosnt glow the color of the ipod...i thought it was a cool feature.
  • Reply 5 of 20
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    I am suing Budwiser because I didnt get laid with twins when I bought a case!

    I am suing the Axe folks for the same reason...

    I am suing Lays because I can eat just one.

    I am suing Pepsi because a trucker told me that real Pepsi trucks arent driven by rap stars, they dont have dove spinners and they dont bounce!

    I am suing coke because I gave a bottle away and didnt get a game-worn Mean Joe Green jersey

    I am suing the Snickers people because I have never been serinated with the "Happy Penut Song"...scratch that, I am sending a thank-you note.
  • Reply 6 of 20
    Originally Posted by a_greer

    I am suing Budwiser because I didnt get laid with twins when I bought a case!

    I am suing the Axe folks for the same reason...

    I am suing Lays because I can eat just one.

    I am suing Pepsi because a trucker told me that real Pepsi trucks arent driven by rap stars, they dont have dove spinners and they dont bounce!

    I am suing coke because I gave a bottle away and didnt get a game-worn Mean Joe Green jersey

    I am suing the Snickers people because I have never been serinated with the "Happy Penut Song"...scratch that, I am sending a thank-you note.


    I am really liking this size 7 font.
  • Reply 7 of 20
    I'm suing Apple because my MacBook doesn't make the pop sound when you pull the power cored.
  • Reply 8 of 20
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by socosurf4

    Personally I think this.

    Those commercials out for apple now, you know, the ones advertising the new Nanos?

    At least agree on me with this, dont you think the AVERAGE customer or person who doesnt know much about apple at all would take those commercials as thinking the circle wheel glows brightly?

    I agree, although it was a cool ad, the glowing Click Wheel puzzeled me, as I never used an iPod Mini before, and the new Nano is the Mini's little brother.
  • Reply 9 of 20
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    I can see where that could be confusing, but the iPod trail is obviously computer generated and can not be taken as a real optical result of any glowing iPod.
  • Reply 10 of 20
    I imagine that the end... where they show you the iPods for real... would correct anyone's previous misconceptions about parts glowing or the iPod leaving an imprint of itself in time.

    Also, good lord, who the fuck would want a glowing scroll wheel? Slightly back light would be a convenience in the dark (kinda like the MBP keyboard), but this isn't 1997. Ecstasy just isn't cool anymore.
  • Reply 11 of 20
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Ebby

    I can see where that could be confusing, but the iPod trail is obviously computer generated.

    It's not the trail that's confusing people, it's the glowing Click Wheel.
  • Reply 12 of 20
    They should have built in the backlt/glow in the dark 'pumping to the music' click wheel as an option
  • Reply 13 of 20
    Originally Posted by a_greer

    I am suing Budwiser because I didnt get laid with twins when I bought a case!

    I am suing the Axe folks for the same reason...

    I am suing Lays because I can eat just one.

    I am suing Pepsi because a trucker told me that real Pepsi trucks arent driven by rap stars, they dont have dove spinners and they dont bounce!

    I am suing coke because I gave a bottle away and didnt get a game-worn Mean Joe Green jersey

    I am suing the Snickers people because I have never been serinated with the "Happy Penut Song"...scratch that, I am sending a thank-you note.

    While you're at it, you might want to sue whoever gave you your education.
  • Reply 14 of 20

    ok some of you are jsut trying to be funny

    the budweiser crap isnt practical none of that stuff is.

    and im not talking about the glowing trail

    again you guys are not being practical and ur trying to prove a point and ur going a little over the edge.

    the glowing wheel however IS PRACTICAL and it is something that could have been very easily made.

    so stop being ignorant people and think again.

    the glowing stream i know is fake, i dont think ANYONE thought by waving there ipod around that they wqould get a stream of glow which stayed stationary in the air.

    i mean come on.
  • Reply 15 of 20
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by socosurf4


    ok some of you are jsut trying to be funny

    the budweiser crap isnt practical none of that stuff is.

    and im not talking about the glowing trail

    again you guys are not being practical and ur trying to prove a point and ur going a little over the edge.

    the glowing wheel however IS PRACTICAL and it is something that could have been very easily made.

    so stop being ignorant people and think again.

    the glowing stream i know is fake, i dont think ANYONE thought by waving there ipod around that they wqould get a stream of glow which stayed stationary in the air.

    i mean come on.

    You beleive what you see in commercials and WE are ignorant?!?!?
  • Reply 16 of 20
    forget it man.

    pointless topic i guess
  • Reply 17 of 20
    application of cluebat appears to be successful
  • Reply 18 of 20
    This is absolutely stupid. First of all, as someone else said, the real iPod gets shown at one point in the commercial, so this SHOULD end any misconception of the product. Second, the ENTIRE iPod glows in the commercial; you should technically be complaining that the entire iPod should glow continuously (which, of course, is completely dumb). Finally, the beauty of the clickwheel is that YOU DON'T NEED TO LOOK AT IT! It takes you all of five seconds to memorize the placement of the buttons, so it doesn't need to glow. At all.
  • Reply 19 of 20
    Originally Posted by flinch13

    This is absolutely stupid. First of all, as someone else said, the real iPod gets shown at one point in the commercial, so this SHOULD end any misconception of the product. Second, the ENTIRE iPod glows in the commercial; you should technically be complaining that the entire iPod should glow continuously (which, of course, is completely dumb). Finally, the beauty of the clickwheel is that YOU DON'T NEED TO LOOK AT IT! It takes you all of five seconds to memorize the placement of the buttons, so it doesn't need to glow. At all.

    This guy knows his shit. Take note kiddies.
  • Reply 20 of 20
    i dont think people would care aboutt he practical implementation of a glwoing click-wheel. just astetically it would look cool if it glowed softly.
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