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  • Apple faces constrained iPhone SE supply on surprise demand

    sflocal said:
    mac_128 said:
    No Tim, the reason you have the supply constraints you have is because you insist on making 16GB the base configuration. The SE customers are smarter than that. There's plenty of 16GB SEs out there. The supply constraint is on the 64GB models.

    Every Apple Store in Los Angeles was out of every 64GB model for every carrier, but they had loads of 16GB models they couldn't give away.
    So what?  The phone's been out for a month.  Assuming Apple did truly underestimate demand on the 64GB model, they will ramp up that production so in a couple more weeks it will be a non-issue.  I'd rather not put out enough of everything, than to have too much of one thing and have a glut of them.
    They have too much of the 16BG phone! Actually every single 16GB device they make is too much of one thing! It's ridiculous, and its a dis-service to their customers and gives them a poor user experience. Customers who bought 16GB devices when the iPad Air came out with iOS 7 quickly realized they were very limited to what they can store on their devices. 

    The iPhone SE with the high resolution camera alone makes it practically unusable for the average person.  People use their phones to take pictures and videos of their children at their sporting events, school programs, birthday parties etc. With only 12GB free on a "16BG" phone you can only take 31 minutes of 4k video or 1hr of 1080p. That's three 20 minute clips at 1080p. With weekend soccer or basketball games I can blow through storage before the season is over. Most people have no clue why their phone is suddenly running poorly despite getting storage errors.  

    A good friend of mine kept asking me why she wasn't getting group text messages until hours or days later. After looking at her phone it was full. We deleted iMessages and downloaded all her pictures to her computer and the phone immediately started working better. It's this type of experience that makes the unknowing user want to buy something else.