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  • Apple removes iCloud Activation Lock status tool from website

    Guess many of you haven't seen this video:

    Con artists in China were using this to get around activation lock likely in an attempt to re-sell stolen goods.

    More than likely Apple got wind of it and had no choice to shut it down immediately.

    The majority and law-abiding citizen suffers yet again. Thanks China!
    wonkothesanedoozydozen6toecatdjkfisherdysamoriaanton zuykovlostkiwielijahgmacpluspluswatto_cobra
  • GM ditching CarPlay & Android Auto for Google-built infotainment system

    Beyond being a shit brand to begin with in terms of reliability, this move will bite them in the ass HARDCORE... Just look at the backlash BMW faced when they tried making services like CarPlay, or worse, heated seats, a "subscription"!

    Those execs working at GM need to be put out onto the streets!
  • Apple's iPhone XS Max smashes Google's Pixel 3 in benchmark testing

    saltyzip said:
    I'm sure all that extra performance makes Facebook, WhatsApp and phone calls rock, not!

    If you want the smartest smartphone you buy a pixel:

    If you want the smartest creepiest, most privacy invasive smartphone that performs like a dog, you buy a pixel.

    There, fixed that for you.
    king editor the grateSolichasmclaire1Bluntracerhomie3ericthehalfbeemacseekerdoozydozentycho_macuser
  • Facebook says Apple's 30% App Store fee hurts small businesses during COVID-19

    Yup, it's time for the all the other scum-bag, dick wad CEO's to start jumping on the bandwagon of Apple is EVIL, after all, they need to support their brother's in arms, or maybe wallets...

    BTW, ArsTechnica just CRUSHED Epic in this article:

    Yeah, they totally have issue with paying the fees, uh huh...
  • Yahoo created program to scan customer emails for U.S. intelligence agencies, report says

    Yeah so what. Is that illegal?
    That pathetic attitude is EXACTLY what enables government to walk all over and trounce the US 4th Amendment, so yeah, it's not "so what"... Get a clue about what you are enabling with that unintelligent train of thought.
    baconstanglolliverpotatoleeksoupprolineanton zuykovsergiozperkedeljay-tdoozydozenmacseeker
  • Apple hourly workers feel helpless under punishing pressure & mistreatment

    Having worked in retail 12 years ago, I can tell you it's always been a royal shit show of disrespectful, self-important, self-absorbed assholes who come in on an HOURLY basis sometimes, and working retail requires a VERY thick skin, of which MANY people these days just don't have for various reasons, and the pandemic just amplified this 1000x over, as people are routinely losing their shit every day more and more.

    As for management, this doesn't surprise me one bit, and in fact is expected. This is NOT a defence of Apple in any way, shape, or form, but rather trying to point out that bad managers have become a pandemic in and of themselves. I now work for a university, and the managers here are even worse than those on sales floors. Think of them as the asshole customers on the other side of the counter.

    Yes, Apple being the most valuable company on the planet should definitely be paying their employee more...
    Yes, Apple should be doing everything they can to reign in bad actors in management at ALL levels of the company...

    However, throwing money at this, and censuring "bad apples" won't solve the greater issue, and that's the public behaviour. Until people learn those long-lost social attributes like respect, calmness, and understanding, retail will continue to be one of the most brutal occupations you can be in. And things won't remotely get better until this pandemic is behind us, and the shipping crisis is resolved, both of which now look like they'll be with us a LONG time.

    This will also continue to be an issue until the social axiom of profit at all costs of all modern companies is excised in favour of more ethical business models, and people who are the quintessential BMW-driving douchebags who always keep getting promoted to management because they rake in the dough, is stopped.
  • Apple squashes iOS 11 bugs with quick release of iOS 11.0.1

    sog35 said:
    iOS 11 really sucks on my iPhone 6 Plus.

    Battery life is shitty.  Real shitty.  Battery life is probably down 30-40%.

    Apps take fucking forever to open.  So many bugs. What a mess. Rotation sucks.

    Tim is really slipping. How do they even release such a half baked version of iOS?

    You seriously exhibit all the symptoms of by-polar disorder with how you flip-flop on the drop of a hat when it comes to Apple, and especially Tim Cook... Please remember to take your meds...
  • Improving on Apple: alternatives to iCloud's 5GB of free space

    You know what, you praise Apple in one breath for charging a measly $0.99 for 50GB and $2.99 for 200GB, which is literally less than (or the same) as sacrificing one of those Caramel Macchiato Latte's once a month, yet in the rest of this bash piece you claim you resent the 5GB? Self-entitlement complex much?

    Seriously, NONE of the other services offer the seamless integration of what iCloud offers with iOS and macOS devices, and MANY of them I wouldn't trust with any of my data.

    This whole article wreaks of bad advice, and endorsing inferior services, all to save, literally, a buck a month.

    I say, don't be cheap, pay the buck (or three) a month, and have piece of mind!
  • Spotify abandons AirPlay 2 support [u]

    And yet, even shit companies like Samsung and LG that make privacy-invasive "smart" TV's have been able to add AirPlay 2 support without much fuss, and it actually works really well...

    Spotify, go fuck yourselves! So happy I'm on Apple Music!
  • Apple making display repairs harder on iPhone 13 Pro is a step too far

    Good, if I get a part as critical as the screen w/ Face ID replaced, I wanna be DAMNED sure it's a vetted replacement that will be certified as legit, and not get replaced with some cheap knock-off Chinese junk that may do illicit things later.

    These articles are so stupid.
    RudolfGottfriedStrangeDayswilliamlondonmike1patchythepiratepeterhartbloggerblogomar moralesscstrrfpscooter63