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  • Russia claims Apple is helping US spy on thousands of iPhone users

    This is clearly made up as the NSA is responsible for homeland security if they uncovered a plot to monitor people outside the USA that would be the responsibility of the CIA!

    calling bulli£@$# on the whole claim.
  • Apple must fight $15.3B EU tax bill without US government help, court says

    The EU is saying that Ireland had a deal with Apple that was against their own laws and the treaty they had signed with all the other countries in the EU.
    Thanks. That’s an odd situation.
    Apple like many other multinationals is moving profits and IP to low tax rate havens and avoiding paying the tax most other companies have to.
    1. How is that the issue?
    2. Tax avoidance is what sane people do. You have avoided taxes. Either shut the fuck up or accept your hypocrisy.
    3. Tax evasion is what’s illegal.
    A good example is the billions Apple is holding outside the US and negotiating a low tax rate with congress to repatriate it (preferential treatment anyone).
    1. No singular company should receive a special repatriation rate. 
    2. Explain to the class why Apple should be forced to repatriate something they don’t want to. That’s what communists do.
    I would have thought any patriotic American would be upset about that!?!
    Patriotic Americans want as little government as is necessary for the security of a free state. You should muse on how your thoughts differ from US law.
    So why is Tim Cook negotiating a special rate, they want to repatriate the money it makes no difference to me, I just hate when they act like they are doing the world a favour. Or bringing it back to Ireland when Bono tells us all we need to help the poor and starving in Africa by donating while he avoids tax and doesn’t donate a bean. 
    avon b7