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  • How Apple is already using machine learning and AI in iOS

    The forefront of public perception regarding AI in 2023 is occupied by Microsoft's AI-powered Bing and Google's Bard.

    My experience is that ChatGPT is recognised and mentioned much more widely than these two.

    The hype about AI is overblown. When I first learned about decision trees (make a list of possible outcomes, assign them a probability and a cost, then calculate to find the "best" option) I was taught that the trick is to get the estimated probability as accurate as possible - that with experience your estimates will get more accurate. The current buzz is happening because people have figured out a way to analyse huge amounts of data and build a bunch of probability lookup tables in a short enough period of time to be feasible and at a low enough cost to be justifiable.

    At the end of the day, it's all just computation. The algorithms are not too complicated but the steps are computationally intensive and to understand how it works you need to be comfortable with matrix multiplication and statistics (e.g. this YouTube Video). The thing I really struggle to wrap my head around is why the machine doesn't have to show how it arrived at an answer - all of my teachers were very particular about that part of the process.
  • Deeply questionable rumor claims 14.1-inch iPad Pro arriving in 2024

    "Deeply questionable" rumour marked only as "Unlikely" by AI. LOL.
  • Crypto zealots lead frivolous lawsuit against 'Apple led cartel'

    You want zero transaction fees? Use cash. Cash comes with other costs, they just don't occur at the point of exchange.

    Everything digital has to make use of infrastructure that costs money to own and operate. Everything based on debt has to borrow the money from somewhere and the people who are lending the money want to be paid for that service.

    Your new "better than everything else" thing has its own costs too, you were just blind to them in your zeal for digital everything. Now that you see them, maybe it's time to re-evaluate if the new thing really is better than the old things. 
  • New multi-national AI security guidelines are toothless and weak

    Guidance is probably the best first step. Mandating approaches can be done when people with expertise can agree on the best path forward; not only do governments currently lack that expertise but the industry is experimenting with multiple approaches to see what works best so it's very unlikely that consensus will be reached.

    I'm not an expert in the field by any means, but all of the developments I've seen so far indicate that artificial general intelligence - machines that can think and have agency - is far, far in the future. The biggest threat from the current landscape is misuse by human actors, so a focus on security and "defence in depth" allows for commercialisation with a measure of safety.
  • Apple Watch Series X won't work with old bands, claims leaker

    If Apple switches to a magnetic system for connecting watch bands it would make sense to make a magnetic adapter for the existing watch bands.
  • US announces delayed tariffs on six countries that tax digital goods

    Hmm. So the US reserves the right to impose tariffs on other countries that impose special requirements on multinationals headquartered in the US because <insert reasons here> yet domestically there's a push to place different special requirements on those same companies.