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  • Reddit client Apollo is shutting down on July 1st -- please decline your refund

    Why should anyone decline a refund for a service they paid for is being shut down? This developer is a great person but Apollo isn't a charity although at times he gives IAPs to charity nothing indicates that declining a refund would go to a charitable cause. He's made a lot of money, I mean a lot of money over the years and knew the risk building a business off another business and that risk finally materialized like it always does. 
  • GM ditching Apple CarPlay is about money, not safety

    I’m going to be in the market for a new car in the next couple years and this completely rules out any GM car. 
  • iOS 16.2 implements 10-minute AirDrop time limit globally

    It’s just apple trying to deflect what they did in china,   to get ahead of the Curve to try to avoid criticism going forward ..  Nobody cared about airdrop feature for all of sudden “let’s limited it to 10mins” 
    My guess is you’ve missed all the articles about people being AirDrop bombed with alarming or intentionally disturbing material in small or closed spaces. 
    My guess is you missed the setting to turn airdrop off or on for contacts only. 
  • Apple Arcade developers say working with Apple is like being in an 'abusive relationship'

    Theres really no substance or facts here. Just a lot of words without proof. Many citations and sources needed. 

    “Many developers”

    “some have even called” “

    One particularly frustrated developer”

    often half the Apple team won't turn up and when they do they have no idea what's going on”

    I think Apple doesn't understand games and gamers”

    We can go weeks without hearing from Apple at all”

    A few examples that have no backing or proof. Anyone can go on twitter or reddit and some .biz domain nobody ever heard from unverified accounts and throw this together but until these claims are backed it’s all hearsay and non factual. 

    I get it writing articles is easy but journalism is hard and when quantity over quality is the goal that is when what should be news becomes fiction. 
  • Maryland Apple Store staff vote in favor of strike action

    It’s one store shut it down and move on. 
  • T-Mobile users angered by iPhone 14 preorder failures

    T-Mobile mixing it up a bit. They normally anger users with data breaches and service issues. 
  • Deadly Massachusetts Apple Store crash caused by faulty AI, says defense

    Is apple the property owner? If they lease or rent they shouldn’t be held accountable the property owner would be. If they do own and the store front is directly on city property such as their front door and store front is directly on a sidewalk then depending on the district they would be responsible for installing those. 

    At the end of the day someone suing XYZ leasing or Derby doesn’t get the media coverage or potential for a settlement but they’re hoping apple will just payout so their name isn’t associated with homicide and mass injuries. 
  • Apple's iPhone water resistance has a big catch, claims new lawsuit

    It’s an odd situation. There is no way for Apple to know if a phone was submerged deeper or longer than the seals are rated for. The seals are rated for certain depths and lengths of time and if either is exceeded then water can potentially leaked around the seal and cause internal damage. I get that.

    Just because someone says the phone was only submerged briefly doesn’t mean it’s true. It’s like the people that claim their display shattered when their phone only fell on a soft mattress, I swear!

    However, it’s also possible that not every seal is perfect and let water through with a quick encounter with shallow water. Apple knows that they sometimes ship a faulty display or TouchID sensor that needs replacement under warranty. Do they assume that all the seals are 100% perfect in every device sold?
    In the end it doesn’t matter if it was at the bottom of a lake for a year or got a few little splashes from a sink if it shows water damage the person warranty is voided. 