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  • Three iPhone 15 models rumored to get Thunderbolt/USB4 connector

    The fact is, it has nothing to do with EU.
    It has to do with Pro Res Video downloads, it's very slow and painful at the moment for users who use ProRes.
    It should have happened on the 14 Pro's, but didn't due to production issues in China.
    They will definitely be Thunderbolt on the Pro's, otherwise no point to it. The third one is likely to be the Ultra and that's the one that will have the periscope lens.
    No way the standard 15's are getting Thunderbolt
  • New 15-inch MacBook Air sales are half the figure Apple expected

    The main issue is the base configuration, No one in their right mind will be purchasing 8gb 256gb any more, I'm just a normal user and 256gb is too small for me, I can live with 8gb at the moment, however even I know I need 16gb for future proofing. At £1700 for that config, it's just not good value, compared to 14" Pro.
    The next issue is the M2 chip, basically it's just an over clocked M1 with the addition of a media engine, (most buyers of this machine aren't creators), so most buyers like me are waiting for the M3 chip. Consumers these days are too smart to fall for the usual hype.
    The final issue is; once you get past the bigger screen, it's compromised at every level compared to the Pro's, Screen, speakers, Pro Motion, Camera, IO's.
    Like I said, I'm just a normal user not a pro and the only upgrade I'm considering is the M3 14" or 16" pro.
    Once you you get to 16gb & 512gb the 15" is just not value for money.
    I said from day one, it was not as good as the hype and these sales figures don't surprise me.
  • Siri for iOS 18 to gain massive AI upgrade via Apple's Ajax LLM

    dutchlord said:
    Does that mean Siri suddenly understands Dutch? If not, any “massive upgrade” has zero value for me and Siri remains switched off like the past few years.
    No offense but this is somewhat niche… 
    No offence taken, however your view is very blinkered and a big deal for people that don't speak the limited languages it so far supports. It's not niche, it's essential that it supports every language it's sold in!

    williamlondonmacguipascal007mac_dogsconosciutoavon b7Scot1
  • Apple's new diversity exec hails from Bank of America

    Apple needs to stay away from this DEI nonsense and start employing people on merit, because as far as innovation and marketing is concerned, they are falling way down on the standards set by Steve Jobs!!!
  • System Settings getting shuffled again in macOS 15, among other UI tweaks

    The changes are needed, the current set up lacks any logic
  • Man ludicrously blames Apple for his wife catching him communicating with prostitutes

    Most people on here seem to be judging the man and his actions, rather than a valid point, I've been an Apple user for 7 years now and this is news to me!
    Whenever I delete an iMessage on my iPhone it seems to delete it on my Mac as well and vice versa, am I missing something here?
    iCloud sync should work that way, otherwise it's not a sync, ie; one action on one devise being mirrored on all devises in iCloud, I wouldn't be too sure this guy has no leg to stand on with this suit!
  • Tim Cook may have met with Trump during WWDC to discuss second term priorities

    The article is just made from Sorkin fake comments.
    The only truth is that Trump met with the CEO's and off course Tim Cook being one of the biggest, would have been there, Cook can't be very please with the Democrats fake law suit, who in their right mind would support those liars?
    Some of the comments on here are embarrassing for the people that wrote them, absolutely clueless!
  • Siri is reborn in iOS 18 -- everything Apple's voice assistant will be able to do

    The erase feature is nice and well over due!, however we also need best take to compete with Google, third party apps are rubbish at editing photos, Apple are now way behind Google and Samsung 😏
  • Apple's big WWDC 2024 announcement may be an AI App Store

    Apple will out manoeuvre these geriatric fools at DOJ & EU for sure and a new AI store would be a sound way to do it, but first they'll just stretch the cases out for the next 5 to 10 years 🤣
    Although I suspect if Trump wins, the DOJ case will be dropped immediately and DOJ told to concentrate on real crime!
  • Proposed class action lawsuit accuses Apple of underpaying women

    Just two women, trying to make big money, because of the current woke climate and mad laws in California.
    No one forced them to accept what Apple were offering!