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  • Apple offers publishers millions to train AI on archives

    danox said:
    Xed said:
    jacob_rad said:
    Though I praise the ethical stand point that Apple has taken, doing so will ensure their loss. The data that these companies will provide will be infinitely smaller than the huge mountains of data that companies such as OpenAI and Google have.

    Also, having to rely on third parties will only slow them down. There are claims that regulations will be passed which may hinder companies such as Google which is scraping the internet for data, I assure you nothing like that will happen in the states. Currently, the world is in a race and no country can afford to be behind, no government (barring EU, duh) is foolish enough to hinder this fledgling field.

    Also, Apple is a hardware company unlike Google which is a true software company, they have more areas to integrate and monetise AI.
    Google has more money than Apple?

    Apple isn't a "true" software company is what respect? Because they also design HW?
    Both of them don't have a big difference in revenue generated, I don't think money is a problem to either of them.

    Isn't Apple more akin to Samsung which sells hardware, and makes software to go along with that? Whereas, Google focuses on software and also has divisions such as Google Deepmind which is the leader of AI research, also possessing the world's fastest quantum computer.
    Apple executes on a far different level than Google, Apple in the last 25 years has been far more effective building profitable new ecosystems, however the huge loads of money spent by the Googles (me too) follies is far beyond Apple. Most of it was spent on bribes, kickbacks and short-term tech flops. 
    Well, Apple is twice as old as Google as a starting point. Also, don't forget the bad phase Apple had to go through when it was almost going bankrupt.

    I understand the love for Apple on an Apple site, but the creator of YouTube, Google maps, Google search, Gmail, Chrome, Google photos is more than the creator of a me too product.

    Also, dare I say Google has played such a significant part in the creation/implementation of most modern web protocols to the point they are the reason the web exists in its current form. Their work in AI is also highly appreciated by the industry, most of which they have open-sourced.

    I would personally not insult Apple because I respect them, but they aren't exactly the shining bastion of morality, as we have been finding out in recent times.
  • Apple offers publishers millions to train AI on archives

    Before saying anything I want to make it clear that I have nothing against Apple but am only providing counter arguments to your comment.

    <Are you saying Apple is a “me too” company? If so, I’d love to hear that argument. ߍ說mp;gt;
    No, I only responded to a comment about Google.

    <do you not know that the World Wide Web was created (not acquired) on a NeXT machine>
    So? If I write a novel on Microsoft word does Microsoft get credit for that.

    <it’s the OS and apps (*cough* software *cough*) that Apple bought to make all their very modern OSes.>
    Which they did because the old MacOS was dated and they needed a replacement, if anything it proves the visionary genius of Steve Jobs. It kind of proves that Apple historically sucked at software.

    <You also don’t mention what Apple did to make a modern smartphone for the  “Average Joe” when BlackBerry was king for nerds and business execs only.>
    Blackberry was only 'king' in the US and maybe among the business execs, didn't mean that the average Joe didn't uses Nokia or Motorola phones. Also, the concept of Nerd itself is unique to the US so anywhere else owning even Nokia phones was seen as a prestige symbol especially in developing nations.

    <Apple’s creation of the open source WebKit engine out of KHTML to make web browsing a fast and congruent experience across all device types.>

    So Apple forked a browser engine which was further forked by Google. Then why have all browser vendors switched to Chromium and not stayed with Webkit? It's because Apple has spent minimal resources in updating to standards. Developing for Safari is a nightmare compared to Chrome.

    <An OS is the foundation of iOS that  Android shamelessly copied>
    Didn't MacOS copy from Xerox, why do they get a pass on it if you are willing to hold Android accountable.